China demographics thread.


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I feel anecdotally you are correct on the the demographics of AMWF in the west, however I'm am curious to see if that's actually the case, perhaps conservative girls don't like to advertise their relationships as much as liberal girls.

Nonetheless China seeks female immigration from all around the world, so maybe this animal ethics aspect is overblown. Also, liberal girls from USA, EU or SK might not be a good fit to settle down in China compared to conservative girls from similar regions. Conservative Christian Becky can probably live a good christian life as a homemaker in China, while liberal Nina might have problems with her Chinese in laws.
Conservative Christian Becky will also do something that the government really doesn't want: spread Christianity, which has historically been destabilizing. And she won't want to marry non-Christian Chinese men which takes 90% of the population off the table.

It's not a demographic worth targeting IMO. But she can be useful in other ways such as using her as a boogeywoman to scare the radfems with unhinged racism and proving the existence of western misogyny.

It's not about having a consistent political stance either, but tailor the approach for different demographics. Appeal to western liberal women, but suppress domestic radfems quietly.

That is exactly what South Korea is doing. They are shutting down domestic radfems like Megalia simultaneously with targeting foreign women.

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There is also the phenomena of large numbers of Chinese women near or in their 30s that are unable to find husbands. Media should find ways to encourage young men and women to not be so picky. Xiangqing appears to be more of a job interview than matchmaking in China, this trend should be strongly called out and discouraged. As for addressing net shortage of women, I think there are plenty of better and more local alternatives than even considering Western nations. Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, NK would all be good countries to encourage more immigration of women from.

From Wikipedia, numbers aren't exact but I don't want to find the NBS charts right now. China is lacking millions to tens of millions women for the current and upcoming prime age men to marry. Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, NK realistically can't provide enough women for China to fill the gap. For this plan to work more countries needs to be involved, realistically that means more of SEA, Central Asia and rest of the world (including the west). Marriage visas are based on spousal sponsorship anyways, this means the countries will be decided by Chinese men anyways, the government probably doesn't need to interfere much.


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I think the focus should be on getting these foreign women to settle down in China, rather than just for them to marry Chinese men. You don't want these newly weds to leave China afterwards.
True which is why China's infrastructure push is extremely good for China's image, and it should be further advertised in western terms like "green" "environmentally friendly" "good for the animals" etc. Run online ads and Youtube videos about how much greenhouse gas this saves, how many cars are taken off the road, how many animals are saved, etc.

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Make it known that this infrastructure is in China and you can enjoy it in China or a Chinese aligned country. Remind them that China can bring this to them if only their irrational, paranoid, fossil fuel rulers would let them.

This isn't a guess either! Just look at the AMWF channels about Chinese infrastructure!



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Conservative Christian Becky will also do something that the government really doesn't want: spread Christianity, which has historically been destabilizing. And she won't want to marry non-Christian Chinese men which takes 90% of the population off the table.

It's not a demographic worth targeting IMO. But she can be useful in other ways such as using her as a boogeywoman to scare the radfems with unhinged racism and proving the existence of western misogyny.

It's not about having a consistent political stance either, but tailor the approach for different demographics. Appeal to western liberal women, but suppress domestic radfems quietly.

That is exactly what South Korea is doing. They are shutting down domestic radfems like Megalia simultaneously with targeting foreign women.

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I'm still not convinced about this political aspect, we also need to remember where this gender imbalance resides in China. Chinese cities, especially tier 1 are full of single woman, the areas that really need single woman are the rural regions. It is more practical to get foreign girls to move to rural China and marry, than it is for foreign girls to marry rural Chinese men then move to the cities. Only targeting the single men in urban China might be too indirect to solve the problem imo.

Usually liberals girls flock to the cities, which is a problem China already has. Not that I want to slow down China's urbanization, but those rural single men are not living in the cities for a reason, I don't think a wife would change that in the short term.
Your channel recommendations are good, but I think the more relevant ones to this plan might be that Swedish AMWF who moved to rural China? Or those Vietnamese and African girls who move to rural China?


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Gender imbalance is in the normal human distribution... Only countries where there's more females is because of men migrating out and/or died off in past generations. In absolute terms, there will be a fair bit of gender imbalance, but the same applies to the whole west as well. The ratio of like 102-105:100 men to women which is present for the young adult ages in China is what it's supposed to look like in a stable society without too much ex/immigration.

If it is a worry that someone is left over, moving and settling in another country is always an option. This too is good, because it increases the spread of Chinese people.

China should across the board reform immigration though. But these ideas about passing random religious or animal laws are insane. We already have a good thing going and should not fix what isn't broken, just open up the country to make it more accessible. We're not appealing to the red necked, forced birth practicing, scantly toothed and even more poorly educated anglo conservative hordes. China should let in well read and/or hardworking people.

To grow into it's best shape, China needs to become a truly international country, like how the Imperium of the past encompassed all of their known world and assimilated all the different peoples of Asia. Today, that means reaching all across the world, especially the middle east, the CIS, Africa and South America, where exchanges are growing but still scant.

Besides loosening controls, it's time to advertise more as well. But mostly loosening controls will make it attractive due to economic reasons.


Urban area in China doesn't have gender imbalance. It is the rural area that has gender imbalance. Beside, just look at Hong Kong, there are more women than men in Hong Kong but it still has the lowest birthrates. It is extreme feminist empowerment that's causing low birthrates. In addition, I don't think South Korea is a good example. South Korea has the lowest fertility rate in the world as it embraces liberal idea and extreme feminist movement.

As for rural, most young ladies aren't going to marry rural males if they were given a choice. Many rural males have ended up marrying mail brides from SEA nations.

China isn't going to grant citizenship towards new immigrants easily as China isn't a nation of immigrants to begin with. Most likely, China would allow more immigrants to get permanent residency. Most mainland Chinese have felt that they were imposed one child policy by the government in order to end overpopulation. It is a sacrifice that mainland Chinese have made for better of next generation. At the moment, China still has excess labors and wages are still low. Most Chinese won't accept the fact that bringing in immigrants.

Therefore, I only support granting permanent residency for talents programs and overseas Chinese. In addition, mail brides or marrying foreigners should continue only granting Q visa until there are children to root out fake marriages and revoke any permanent residency for divorces.

In the future, when China starts to have labor shortages, then it is acceptable to consider granting work visa like Japan and expanding talents immigrants to any college graduates from legitimate universities.


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I'm still not convinced about this political aspect, we also need to remember where this gender imbalance resides in China. Chinese cities, especially tier 1 are full of single woman, the areas that really need single woman are the rural regions. It is more practical to get foreign girls to move to rural China and marry, than it is for foreign girls to marry rural Chinese men then move to the cities. Only targeting the single men in urban China might be too indirect to solve the problem imo.

Usually liberals girls flock to the cities, which is a problem China already has. Not that I want to slow down China's urbanization, but those rural single men are not living in the cities for a reason, I don't think a wife would change that in the short term.

Your channel recommendations are good, but I think the more relevant ones to this plan might be that Swedish AMWF who moved to rural China? Or those Vietnamese and African girls who move to rural China?
Just read xiaohongshu to check out the entitlement issues for the single urban women. rural single men today could already be beyond hope and they'll just need to move to urban areas. sucks, have to know who can be saved and who can't.


Registered Member
Gender imbalance is in the normal human distribution... Only countries where there's more females is because of men migrating out and/or died off in past generations. In absolute terms, there will be a fair bit of gender imbalance, but the same applies to the whole west as well. The ratio of like 102-105:100 men to women which is present for the young adult ages in China is what it's supposed to look like in a stable society without too much ex/immigration.
China's gender imbalance right now for prime age population is way above the 105:100 ratio and way above western countries, hence why China needs to import young woman. This problem should not be ignored, we're talking about tens of millions of single men for life.

China isn't going to grant citizenship towards new immigrants easily as China isn't a nation of immigrants to begin with. Most likely, China would allow more immigrants to get permanent residency. Most mainland Chinese have felt that they were imposed one child policy by the government in order to end overpopulation. It is a sacrifice that mainland Chinese have made for better of next generation. At the moment, China still has excess labors and wages are still low. Most Chinese won't accept the fact that bringing in immigrants.

Therefore, I only support granting permanent residency for talents programs and overseas Chinese. In addition, mail brides or marrying foreigners should continue only granting Q visa until there are children to root out fake marriages and revoke any permanent residency for divorces.
What about a (local?) government sponsored/subsidized program to bring in more mail order brides for rural Chinese men. I think most Chinese (excluding feminists) would probably accept this if they understand the gender imbalance in China's rural areas.

Just read xiaohongshu to check out the entitlement issues for the single urban women. rural single men today could already be beyond hope and they'll just need to move to urban areas. sucks, have to know who can be saved and who can't.
I think this plan is still worth giving a shot as it kills two birds with one stone, China's unbalanced sex ratio and China's current declining birth rate problem.

I doubt those entitled single urban women would marry anyone in the cities anyways, moving rural men to the cities wouldn't help solve much of the single prime age men in China.
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What about a (local?) government sponsored/subsidized program to bring in more mail order brides for rural Chinese men. I think most Chinese (excluding feminists) would probably accept this if they understand the gender imbalance in China's rural areas.
It is unlikely to happen due to human trafficking issues. I don't think you even need the local government to sponsor such program but just need the Chinese government to relax any rules against mail brides. Right now, the Chinese government is still actively monitoring mail brides and discourage such practice.

Chinese government should turn a blind eye of mail brides that are without proper documents and make those that are willing to go through proper channel much easier to get Q visa for mail brides. Single rural males have been a big problem for China and these men tend to have more children if married. Sometime, I think the Chinese government cares about its image too much. 1/3 of males in Yunnan towns that are border Myanmar married women from Myanmar and most of them are without proper documents. There are also many mail brides from Vietnam and Laos.


Registered Member
It is unlikely to happen due to human trafficking issues. I don't think you even need the local government to sponsor such program but just need the Chinese government to relax any rules against mail brides. Right now, the Chinese government is still actively monitoring mail brides and discourage such practice.

Chinese government should turn a blind eye of mail brides that are without proper documents and make those that are willing to go through proper channel much easier to get Q visa for mail brides. Single rural males have been a big problem for China and these men tend to have more children if married. Sometime, I think the Chinese government cares about its image too much. 1/3 of males in Yunnan towns that are border Myanmar married women from Myanmar and most of them are without proper documents. There are also many mail brides from Vietnam and Laos.
Hows the enforcement on mail order brides in China these days. I know there won't be much official data but I would not be surprised if China has been loosely enforcing these rules these days.

How about single rural males that aren't in the border regions, is bringing mail order brides to them considered human trafficking? I'm thinking there can be programs that achieves similar results without the "human trafficking" stigma associated.