China demographics thread.


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The image of Chinese is, using the most racist terms possible, is a short, dark skinned, bucktoothed godless gold digger infested by COVID that blowtorches dogs before eating them alive.


A way to combat that is through simple, common sense legislation that's already in the works or has already been implemented locally, educate the public about facts relating to other countries, and promote local biotechnology.

1. pass the anti animal cruelty law that's been discussed since 2009. this would disarm both the rhetoric from the right wing ("Chinese are inferior dog eaters!") and the libs ("Chinese are cruel to animals!"). Shenzhen and Zhuhai already banned dog eating, and Jinhua banned a dog meat festival. The one who banned it in Jinhua, Cai Qi, is now in the PBSC.

2. strictly enforce the wildlife laws. get rid of the bear bile farms. It really makes Chinese look backwards and weird.

3. fund education for the foreign public about animal cruelty and disgusting eating habits in their 'Asian allies' and themselves as a contrast. Examples: running endless articles on how Koreans eat millions of dogs, Japanese eat whales and dolphins, Indians drink cow piss, etc. The west goes apeshit over this stuff but so far, they're directing it entirely towards China and giving Koreans/Japanese/Vietnamese/Indians a pass.

4. encourage local biotechnology companies to produce high tech, non-animal foods to prevent them from being monopolized by the west and to reduce dependency on western imports that fuel animal agriculture.

5. promote Chinese religions. For example, give scholarships to foreigners who want to study religion like Buddhism and Daoism in China (even if its Christianity, they'll be studying Chinese Christianity). It's not expensive and let's be honest, a foreigner that wants to study Chinese religions, is already halfway to becoming a self paid wumao.

Religion and values are things that people will actually change their minds for. Proof: China provides halal food everywhere, despite Muslims being <10% population. China has sufficient hard power to avoid overt coercion, so time to start playing the soft power game.
Anglos despise Chinese not because of their eating habits, but because they are Chinese. Even if Chinese had the most immaculate eating habits in the world, westoids will simply find something else to criticize.

Once you realize this, the answer to sinophobia becomes surprisingly obvious and simple: fentanyl. Lots, and lots of it.


Registered Member
The image of Chinese is, using the most racist terms possible, is a short, dark skinned, bucktoothed godless gold digger infested by COVID that blowtorches dogs before eating them alive.


A way to combat that is through simple, common sense legislation that's already in the works or has already been implemented locally, educate the public about facts relating to other countries, and promote local biotechnology.

1. pass the anti animal cruelty law that's been discussed since 2009. this would disarm both the rhetoric from the right wing ("Chinese are inferior dog eaters!") and the libs ("Chinese are cruel to animals!"). Shenzhen and Zhuhai already banned dog eating, and Jinhua banned a dog meat festival. The one who banned it in Jinhua, Cai Qi, is now in the PBSC.

2. strictly enforce the wildlife laws. get rid of the bear bile farms. It really makes Chinese look backwards and weird.

3. fund education for the foreign public about animal cruelty and disgusting eating habits in their 'Asian allies' and themselves as a contrast. Examples: running endless articles on how Koreans eat millions of dogs, Japanese eat whales and dolphins, Indians drink cow piss, etc. The west goes apeshit over this stuff but so far, they're directing it entirely towards China and giving Koreans/Japanese/Vietnamese/Indians a pass.

4. encourage local biotechnology companies to produce high tech, non-animal foods to prevent them from being monopolized by the west and to reduce dependency on western imports that fuel animal agriculture.

5. promote Chinese religions. For example, give scholarships to foreigners who want to study religion like Buddhism and Daoism in China (even if its Christianity, they'll be studying Chinese Christianity). It's not expensive and let's be honest, a foreigner that wants to study Chinese religions, is already halfway to becoming a self paid wumao.

Religion and values are things that people will actually change their minds for. Proof: China provides halal food everywhere, despite Muslims being <10% population. China has sufficient hard power to avoid overt coercion, so time to start playing the soft power game.

Don't you think that's going a bit overboard? I'm just trying to get foreign women to come to China and marry Chinese men to provide a small baby boom while fixing the imbalanced dating market. I doubt the women who plan on settling in China would have animal ethics on the top of their concerns list. TBH Chinese food is probably one of the reasons why these women might settle in China, some people really love Chinese food.

Your caricatures are selling Chinese men short, foreign women aren't exactly all bombshells either. I think just making it easy for foreign women to move and stay in China is good enough for now. You want to attract the most sinophilic ones first.


Registered Member
Anglos despise Chinese not because of their eating habits, but because they are Chinese. Even if Chinese had the most immaculate eating habits in the world, westoids will simply find something else to criticize.

Once you realize this, the answer to sinophobia becomes surprisingly obvious and simple: fentanyl. Lots, and lots of it.
It's also about diffusing their hate more equitably. They'll always hate, of course, but distributing it is better than concentrating it.

Don't you think that's going a bit overboard? I'm just trying to get foreign women to come to China and marry Chinese men to provide a small baby boom while fixing the imbalanced dating market. I doubt the women who plan on settling in China would have animal ethics on the top of their concerns list. TBH Chinese food is probably one of the reasons why these women might settle in China, some people really love Chinese food.

Your caricatures are selling Chinese men short, foreign women aren't exactly all bombshells either. I think just making it easy for foreign women to move and stay in China is good enough for now. You want to attract the most sinophilic ones first.
In my experience the white women who date/marry Chinese men tend to be libs, not cons. This supported by the political stances of AMWF public figures like Xu Rui (Democratic politician in Kansas, married white woman) and Steven Chu (SecEn under Obama, married white woman).

It's not just about animal welfare or promoting Chinese religion, its the entire image of Chinese as a whole that affects how attractive the men are. Even the image of Chinese women, affects the image of Chinese men. And the image of Chinese women, is bad too.

What image do we want to give to the outside world?

South Korea makes itself look like high tech, hip and modern despite some of the highest suicide rates in the world and eating dog. They make South Korean women look like queens and give other women an inferiority complex, which directly increases the status of Korean men.

How do they do it?

They spread lies and propaganda about China, promote a sanitized version of Korean food for the outside world, promote a sanitized version of Kpop while hiding the crazy work conditions and toxic idol culture, etc. And yes, they pass laws restricting themselves superficially just to improve their image among white women,
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Lets not kid ourselves, Korea works humans for 80 hours and they care about animals? this is aimed squarely at international women.
1. pass the anti animal cruelty law that's been discussed since 2009. this would disarm both the rhetoric from the right wing ("Chinese are inferior dog eaters!") and the libs ("Chinese are cruel to animals!"). Shenzhen and Zhuhai already banned dog eating, and Jinhua banned a dog meat festival. The one who banned it in Jinhua, Cai Qi, is now in the PBSC.
While I would like for dogmeat to be banned and for better rights for dogs and cats, I don't agree that Chinese culture and traditions should be forced to conform with a Western viewpoint. Why do Westerners get to decide what should be eaten and what should not?
2. strictly enforce the wildlife laws. get rid of the bear bile farms. It really makes Chinese look backwards and weird.
Agree, but what more actual measures can be taken? The laws for protecting wildlife already carry very severe legal consequences. Poaching is a capital offense, yet it is still taking place. And Western media finds ways to demonize and villainize China no matter what China does. "Chinese poachers cruelly violate animal rights on massive scale in inhumane wildlife trade," vs "Human rights in China violated as poachers are summarily executed and their organs harvested."
3. fund education for the foreign public about animal cruelty and disgusting eating habits in their 'Asian allies' and themselves as a contrast. Examples: running endless articles on how Koreans eat millions of dogs, Japanese eat whales and dolphins, Indians drink cow piss, etc. The west goes apeshit over this stuff but so far, they're directing it entirely towards China and giving Koreans/Japanese/Vietnamese/Indians a pass.
Why go after fellow Asians? China should instead focus on building awareness for the diversity of eating habits around the world and the hypocrisy of criticizing other cultures based on diet. China should include in travel/food shows featuring content such as following American gator hunters in the swamps of Louisiana, the preparation process for a BBQ in the Southern US featuring possum and racoons, and the exciting process of harvesting fresh oysters in the Rocky Mountains (make sure to dramatize this part American style and try to get air time in India).
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They spread lies and propaganda about China, promote a sanitized version of Korean food for the outside world, promote a sanitized version of Kpop while hiding the crazy work conditions and toxic idol culture, etc. And yes, they pass laws restricting themselves superficially just to improve their image among white women,
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Lets not kid ourselves, Korea works humans for 80 hours and they care about animals? this is aimed squarely at international women.
How do Koreans spread lies and propaganda about China? And why the focus on making Chinese men/women more attractive to Westerners? As long as Chinese men and women find each other attractive, why even care about foreigners.


Registered Member
While I would like for dogmeat to be banned and for better rights for dogs and cats, I don't agree that Chinese culture and traditions should be forced to conform with a Western viewpoint. Why do Westerners get to decide what should be eaten and what should not?

Agree, but what more actual measures can be taken? The laws for protecting wildlife already carry very severe legal consequences. Poaching is a capital offense, yet it is still taking place. And Western media finds ways to demonize and villainize China no matter what China does. "Chinese poachers cruelly violate animal rights on massive scale in inhumane wildlife trade," vs "Human rights in China violated as poachers are summarily executed and their organs harvested."

Why go after fellow Asians? China should instead focus on building awareness for the diversity of eating habits around the world and the hypocrisy of criticizing other cultures based on diet. China should include in travel/food shows featuring content such as following American gator hunters in the swamps of Louisiana, the preparation process for a BBQ in the Southern US featuring possum and racoons, and the exciting process of harvesting fresh oysters in the Rocky Mountains.
true. that is why you also fund education for Chinese ideas so that for more important things than dog eating, particularly in values, they will listen to you. Banning dog eating and improving livestock welfare isn't the most important thing, it is throwing the westerners a small bone (lol) for disproportionate gain.

brutally violating the rights of poachers is good because even as they say that, it will force the neocons and the libs into conflict with each other. The neocons will be forced to defend poachers to justify their racism - a morally indefensible position in the west - while the libs will go after them instead of being racist towards Chinese. People can focus only on a few things at a time and going after the cons is much easier and more accessible than whining at hypothetical Chinese people on a NYT or Yahoo News comment section.

You have to understand the demographic: the women who want to date Chinese men are more likely to be "liberal college girl that wants to stick it to MAGA hat daddy" than "conservative Christian Becky". And more and more women want to be "liberal college girl that sticks it to MAGA hat daddy" than to stay a WM's conservative Christian Becky.

going after fellow Asians is, sadly, easier as the west is already racist against them. its low hanging fruit. The documentaries on BBQ racoons, grilled gators and eating bats in Florida will follow soon enough, and it should be selectively targeted at criticizing old whte boomers males and their entitled sons, while highlighting the work of brave female liberal college activists.


Registered Member
How do Koreans spread lies and propaganda about China? And why the focus on making Chinese men/women more attractive to Westerners? As long as Chinese men and women find each other attractive, why even care about foreigners.
Cause there is a large population of unmarried men, i.e., unbalanced (prime age) sex ratio in China and we need a way to (temporarily) stop the demographics problem. Therefore one good option for China is to import foreign women, this is also probably the most acceptable form of immigration that the domestic Chinese audience might accept (the feminists will definitely oppose of course).
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Registered Member
Cause there is a large population of unmarried men (unbalanced prime age) sex ratio in China and we need a way to (temporarily) stop the demographics problem. Therefore one good option for China is to import foreign women, this is also probably the most acceptable form of immigration that the domestic Chinese audience might accept (the feminists will definitely oppose of course).
I mean this in the nicest, least critical way: a significant fraction of Chinese radfems are batshit insane. Many distorted stereotype of western feminists is actually true for them.
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They should be educated by foreign feminists who know what actual misogyny looks like. This is another reason to bring foreign women on board with simple measures: it will show Chinese radfems that Chinese men have options, they have no monopoly here, so they should learn to compromise instead of go full radical anti-Chinese misandrist.


Registered Member
You have to understand the demographic: the women who want to date Chinese men are more likely to be "liberal college girl that wants to stick it to MAGA hat daddy" than "conservative Christian Becky". And more and more women want to be "liberal college girl that sticks it to MAGA hat daddy" than to stay a WM's conservative Christian Becky.
I feel anecdotally you are correct on the the demographics of AMWF in the west, however I'm am curious to see if that's actually the case, perhaps conservative girls don't like to advertise their relationships as much as liberal girls.

Nonetheless China seeks female immigration from all around the world, so maybe this animal ethics aspect is overblown. Also, liberal girls from USA, EU or SK might not be a good fit to settle down in China compared to conservative girls from similar regions. Conservative Christian Becky can probably live a good christian life as a homemaker in China, while liberal Nina might have problems with her Chinese in laws.

I think the focus should be on getting these foreign women to settle down in China, rather than just for them to marry Chinese men. You don't want these newly weds to leave China afterwards.
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brutally violating the rights of poachers is good because even as they say that, it will force the neocons and the libs into conflict with each other. The neocons will be forced to defend poachers to justify their racism - a morally indefensible position in the west - while the libs will go after them instead of being racist towards Chinese. People can focus only on a few things at a time and going after the cons is much easier and more accessible than whining at hypothetical Chinese people on a NYT or Yahoo News comment section.
Poachers already do get executed. Hopefully proliferation of new technology such as autonomous drones will make enforcement easier and reduce poaching further (ideally to zero). I think the main reason these laws are difficult to enforce is not for lack of will - most of these abuses (poaching and illegal wildlife farms) are occurring in very remote areas across vast expanses of wilderness/jungle, so traditional enforcement techniques such as relying on human personnel is just not practical.
You have to understand the demographic: the women who want to date Chinese men are more likely to be "liberal college girl that wants to stick it to MAGA hat daddy" than "conservative Christian Becky". And more and more women want to be "liberal college girl that sticks it to MAGA hat daddy" than to stay a WM's conservative Christian Becky.
Generally these liberal arts majors are not going to have any useful skills. Are you sure it's a good thing for these types to be staying around in China sitting around at home and potentially using their time to potentially promote liberal / feminist ideologies in China?
Cause there is a large population of unmarried men (unbalanced prime age) sex ratio in China and we need a way to (temporarily) stop the demographics problem. Therefore one good option for China is to import foreign women, this is also probably the most acceptable form of immigration that the domestic Chinese audience might accept (the feminists will definitely oppose of course).
There is also the phenomena of large numbers of Chinese women near or in their 30s that are unable to find husbands. Media should find ways to encourage young men and women to not be so picky. Xiangqing appears to be more of a job interview than matchmaking in China, this trend should be strongly called out and discouraged. As for addressing net shortage of women, I think there are plenty of better and more local alternatives than even considering Western nations. Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, NK would all be good countries to encourage more immigration of women from.