China demographics thread.


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Ultra-Feminism is the virus injected into China by the West from taiwan, and honkong !!

It is indeed the root-cause of this problem, and you can not solve this problem by making women changing their mind, once the pandora box is open you can NEVER close it !! Like nuclear weapons, you can NEVER ask Russia, China to give up nukes, in fact they will build many many more nukes in the coming years !!

The way to solve this problem is to eliminate women's ultimate power of child bearing !! Using Artificial womb technology !!

Very much like you NEED gas to power ICE cars, but with electric cars, you do NOT need gas anymore and thus no need for oil and thus the threat of ocean blockade by the USN is whipped out FOREVER!!

Instead of spamming a bunch of posts, please aggregate your posts into a single one. Each page of a thread can only display 10 posts, so don't take up all the oxygen in the thread with your postings.

King ZhaoXiang

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Biggest problem is, surprise surprise, housing and other living expenses costs.

I see the young people around me and they are all preoccupied with buying a house. They live like slaves in order to save up some money.

Especially for males, like 99%, don't want a child unless they have a house on their name at least (no/minimal loans also!).
Now also think about it from females' perspectives as well. The situation is even worse

So all these posts blaming culture and people in general, miss the mark. Money is always the problem, you can do all you want with culture and propaganda, but people aren't stupid. They know how expensive raising a kid is

I completely disagree !!

It is western influence and feminism !!

See my other previous posts !!


Lieutenant General
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The biggest problem is always US/Western influence, feminist culture, LGBT propaganda and White supremist world order !!

The Anglo-Saxon wants zero east Asian birth !!

The best solution is actually artificial womb !!

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The US/West is trying everything to kill China !!

The US use japan, south korea, taiwan as slave colonies and HK as virus injection point to inject these viruses into China!!

They are the enemies !!

I actually propose artificial womb technology !

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Which is why it is important to eliminate the need of women having children!

Use artificial womb technology and do custom breeding instead!!

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That is because of Anglo White Supremacy !!

White women are still the least likely to marry out to men of other race due to it !!

Also the reason why the US sees China as their greatest enemy !! China is not white !!

Very luck for China, it is not a democracy. Xi Jinping is now the emperor and he can changes things overnight !!

south korea, taiwan and japan are doom to be dead due to being US slaves !!

Yes indeed.

Which is why artificial womb will solve this problem completely !!

Trust me !!

China is not a democracy !! It is a single party state rule by one man, Xi Jinping !!

If Xi decided to use artificial womb, China can develop this technology within 5 years !! EASY !!

The greatest threat to China is not demographics, it is the US/West !!

US want white people, but white people are NOT coming to US, so US FU@K Europe up with the Ukraine-Russia war !!

US want immigrants, but they are not white which threaten white supremacy, white population is now on the verge of falling below 50%, white death exceeded white birth for 15 straight years !! White birth have fallen below 49% !!

In a short answer, more immigrants will only speed up the death of the US unless they are White !!

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Ultra-Feminism is the virus injected into China by the West from taiwan, and honkong, it was mean to destroy China within !! They same way US took out USSR during the cold war !! Their media, movies, Christian religion, Musics, NGO and other stuffs !!

It is indeed the root-cause of this demographics problem, and you can not solve this problem by making women changing their mind, once the pandora box is open you can NEVER close it !! Like nuclear weapons, you can NEVER ask Russia, China to give up nukes, in fact they will build many many more nukes in the coming years !!

The way to solve this problem is to eliminate women's ultimate power of child bearing !! Using Artificial womb technology !!

Very Very Very fortunately !! China is not a democracy, it is a single party state ruled by one man !! Women can not get the ultimate political power like in the west and their slaves like korea and japan !! China can make the change at the flip of a switch !

Very much like you NEED gas to power ICE cars, but with electric cars, you do NOT need gas anymore and thus no need for oil and thus the threat of ocean blockade by the USN is whipped out FOREVER!!

I completely disagree !!

It is western influence and feminism !!

See my other previous posts !!

Sir, this is a Wendy's.


You are way too unhinged for this forum, and you've already been warned to tone it down.

Permanent ban.


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China's one child birth rate has dropped to 0.5
Nice doompost for concern trolling.
First, you either don't know what 一孩生育率 or you are mistranslating on purpose. 生育率 is fertility rate not birth rate. Second one child fertility rate is a very esoteric metric that is almost unheard of in the west. The most often metric used to gauge population growth/decline is TFT (Total Fertility rate), i.e., 总和生育率. A lower single child fertility rate can indicate many things, please don't try to obfuscate the meaning.


0.669、0.797、0.774、0.72、0.555、0.69、0.668、0.643、0.659、0.626 was one child fertility rate from 2011-2020. 2022 was peak lockdowns for coronavirus, a slight drop to 0.5xx (where x is probably smaller than 50) is perfectly reasonable. These kind of junk articles encapsulates how to lie with statistics, even giving different significant figures to sell the lie.
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Registered Member
If true, and they still do nothing, I guess it's RIP for china.
The fertility rate actually increased a bit due probably because the "end" of the pandemic in China.

Let me tell you something, any pro-natalist policy in China or any other country in the world will come at the expense of women and other groups. It will mark the forcible global end of a lot "wokeness".


Registered Member
Another thing that people don't understand is that problem with Japan is not they are not having children, is that people in Japan live too long, they have a pretty big life expectancy, the quantity of old people just keep accumulating year by year, that could be considered a good thing. In Africa the average age is 18 but is not just because fertility rate but also because people don't live that long.


Junior Member
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The fertility rate actually increased a bit due probably because the "end" of the pandemic in China.

View attachment 114336
Let me tell you something, any pro-natalist policy in China or any other country in the world will come at the expense of women and other groups. It will mark the forcible global end of a lot "wokeness".
This number is almost certainly wrong. Even official sources report around a 1.2 TFR in 2022.

Another thing that people don't understand is that problem with Japan is not they are not having children, is that people in Japan live too long, they have a pretty big life expectancy, the quantity of old people just keep accumulating year by year

Oh, we know, but we also know that societies of old people are not competitive. This is one reason why China is smashing the Japanese and the Koreans right now in economic growth, innovation, and advanced manufacturing.