China demographics thread.

King ZhaoXiang

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All this doom posting about Chinese civilisation going extinct and China losing is status as the factory of the world is unwarranted IMO, at least for now. While it might take a while for the goverment to figure out what to do and how to "tighten the noose", based on the pragmatic governance they demonstrated wrt other issues, they should be able to manage to raise TFR to where they keep up with the rest of the developed world, wich means probably 1.5, still bad but if the others are also bad, does it really matter?

This could probably.... maybe be achieved using a combination of awareness campaigns, banning opposing opinions, raising taxes for every child below a certain quota (gradually, so the rate per child of lacking 2 children is higher than for lacking 1 child, as an example), rewarding every child above said quota (careful not to turn into a welfare state though), massively raising retirement age or removing retirement completely (depends on how dire the situation is), waging war on ultra urbanisation (for example, less gigafactories in favor of smaller, more distributed ones+better infrastructure). If people start protesting, give them the xinjiang treatement (mass surveillance+ police). I know some of this sounds brutal, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. In the end, it's all about balancing these measures and turning them "on" and "off" depending on the situation (a complex problem with many variables, but that's what supercomputers are for).

All of the above plus better medical technology, robotics, more efficient processes, should keep China in the game for the foresseable future.

I am honestly less worried about Chinese civilisation going disappearing than the fact that humanity itself is going extinct because they can't figure out that men and women cannot (and will never) be equal. Women need to realise that their primary role is to give birth to children and, more importantly IMHO, educate them properly while men need to realise that their primary role is to provide their family (mainly children) with a comfortable life, even if it has to be at the expense of theirs (children need the constant presence of a mother and fother figure in their life, or you end up with a disfunctional society like the US, SK or JP). That's how we're biologically designed to operate, human rights need to be cast aside for now, because this is a case of "F**k you, obey the law of nature, or begone". There needs to be specialized classes for girls and boys in addition to the existing ones within a leaner less exhausting education system around the globe. Concepts like capitalism and communism need to be thrown to the garbage in favor of more pragmatic, efficient division of labor between men and women that allow them to perform their primary role without denying them from contributing to society and realizing their dreams, within reason (work from home could be a starting point), and unleash their maximum potential as human beings (so things like working in assembly lines are an absolute nope, since they're an extreme waste of human mental capacity).

I know all of this sounds VERY unrealistic, but humanity as whole still needs to mke a system close to it, or we'll have to revert to the old, proven, if horribly inefficient and stiffling one to avoid a worse fate (Just look at the prviously posted statistics and the trend they represent, they basically equate advancement with our current model to our doom).

WRT to previous suggestions about artificial wombs and raising children in goverment centers, that will thouroughly destroy any civilisation. As I said, children NEED the unconditional love and care given to them by their parents in their early childhood, or you'll end up like the US, where a significant part of the population has some kind of mental condition and behave in a very immature way, due to parents shirking their responsability, and have fallen into severe degeneracy, wich is usually what happens to nations before they disappear for good.

Sorry for the very long rant. What I've been reading in this thread is very unsettling to me, especially the global statistics presented in the last few pages, which tell us that we can't advance our technology without deleting ourselves. The whole situation is eerily similar to the "Great filter" theory.

The biggest problem is always US/Western influence, feminist culture, LGBT propaganda and White supremist world order !!

The Anglo-Saxon wants zero east Asian birth !!

The best solution is actually artificial womb !!

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King ZhaoXiang

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At the same time, the culture must change, both extreme feminism and extreme materialism are aspects of the Western/East Asian "death" culture that should be discouraged or banned from Chinese social media. People who keep spreading the toxic idea that family and children are backwards/old fashioned should get canceled. Compared to the sort of **** that get people canceled in the West, there is much more justification in restricting people whose influence is actively sabotaging the Chinese nation. These are the minimum that must be done for China to have a chance in the future.

The US/West is trying everything to kill China !!

The US use japan, south korea, taiwan as slave colonies and HK as virus injection point to inject these viruses into China!!

They are the enemies !!

I actually propose artificial womb technology !

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King ZhaoXiang

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Saudi Arabia, Iran and India might not have the same kind of feminist movement but nevertheless all of these countries women status have increased over the years. Women from these countries have over the years become more educated, more independent with many of them working and providing for their families which means women empowerment and increase of women rights which resulted in a decline of birth rates.

Moreover, a decline in birth rates in Saudi Arabia, Iran and India is never the same magnitude of what have happened in East Asia. South Korea has 0.74 TFR which is the world lowest. In addition, the speed of decline in TFR in China is abnormal. Another important fact is that East Asian countries don't tend to have babies until marriage which are different from the West. That is why feminism has caused more problem in East Asia.

Therefore, I would argue feminism does play a role in decline of birth rates in SA, Iran and India. The reason why East Asian nations TFR are worse is due to the fact that East Asian nations are more developed and feminist movement in East Asia tends to be more extreme.

Which is why it is important to eliminate the need of women having children!

Use artificial womb technology and do custom breeding instead!!

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King ZhaoXiang

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I am not argued that the West TFR isn't falling. But Western fertility rate is still better than East Asia even with not including the immigrants. In the US, White women have 1.57 TFR which is much higher than even Japan not even comparing with South Korea or Taiwan which are the lowest. EU nations also have similarly statistics and better TFR compare with East Asia. I do believe East Asian government would be happy to have 1.5 TFR.

That is because of Anglo White Supremacy !!

White women are still the least likely to marry out to men of other race due to it !!

Also the reason why the US sees China as their greatest enemy !! China is not white !!

King ZhaoXiang

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If China has 9m births this year (optimistic) and life expectancy of 78 years then future population will be ~700 million.

I think China is almost certainly going to fall to rock-bottom fertility rates and then stay there. It is cultural. East Asia has the same problem everywhere. The root causes are similar: too many people packed into useless university degrees. This postpones childbirth indefinitely.

A very materialistic culture where men are expected to have fancy degrees, jobs, cars and even a house before marrying. The social expectations on men in East Asia are absolutely brutal, especially for marriage.

Lastly, very low religiosity. If you look at Israel's high fertility, most of that is just driven by religious fervor. I don't think we will see a religious revival in China (or the West) so this issue is out of question.

All the East Asian kids I see in Sweden are very impressive, but they are also put under massive social and mental strain by their parents to perform at the peak in everything. Social expectations are too high everywhere and it isn't realistic.

What some people said before is true: you need a mentality shift. Just spending some money isn't going to change things. Although China's absurdly expensive property sector isn't helping things. That's a policy failure. The West has also failed here but the price-to-income ratios in tier 1 cities in China is *far* above anything you'd see in London, Amsterdam, Sydney etc.

Very luck for China, it is not a democracy. Xi Jinping is now the emperor and he can changes things overnight !!

south korea, taiwan and japan are doom to be dead due to being US slaves !!

King ZhaoXiang

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The real problem is the feminist movement that were imported from the West but evolved into a monster that is now uncontrollable. Chinese women in more conservative parts of China still have much more children than those living in the more liberal parts of country. However, the social media has allowed such ideology to spread further and deeper into interior part of China.

Religion brainwashed people and forced women into secondary role in a marriage. Consequently, it is the subservient role of women in a religious family that made having children more viable. It has nothing to do with so call spiritual fulfillment. In a religious family, women became baby makers instead of an equal partner.

Yes indeed.

Which is why artificial womb will solve this problem completely !!

King ZhaoXiang

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@King ZhaoXiang I'm interested in artificial womb technology, but can you please not spam reply other users with pointless comments and share the same article link about Ectolife multiple times, who only published a concept video on how an artificial womb facility would look like in the future and haven't even made or shown any progress on making the technology.

Trust me !!

China is not a democracy !! It is a single party state rule by one man, Xi Jinping !!

If Xi decided to use artificial womb, China can develop this technology within 5 years !! EASY !!

The greatest threat to China is not demographics, it is the US/West !!

King ZhaoXiang

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US demographics are also declining, they're betting on immigration. But this immigration is declining. Ironically the more they need immigration because they're in trouble, the less they'll get because immigrants aren't attracted to trouble.

US want white people, but white people are NOT coming to US, so US FU@K Europe up with the Ukraine-Russia war !!

US want immigrants, but they are not white which threaten white supremacy, white population is now on the verge of falling below 50%, white death exceeded white birth for 15 straight years !! White birth have fallen below 49% !!

In a short answer, more immigrants will only speed up the death of the US unless they are White !!

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King ZhaoXiang

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china's demographic problem is not just due to economic and housing, I feel a lot of members are ignoring the ideological problems associated with this like ultra-feminism. you underestimate how harmful ideology can be. I am convinced that this is a form of spiritual warfare meant to destabilize China from within.

Ultra-Feminism is the virus injected into China by the West from taiwan, and honkong, it was mean to destroy China within !! They same way US took out USSR during the cold war !! Their media, movies, Christian religion, Musics, NGO and other stuffs !!

It is indeed the root-cause of this demographics problem, and you can not solve this problem by making women changing their mind, once the pandora box is open you can NEVER close it !! Like nuclear weapons, you can NEVER ask Russia, China to give up nukes, in fact they will build many many more nukes in the coming years !!

The way to solve this problem is to eliminate women's ultimate power of child bearing !! Using Artificial womb technology !!

Very Very Very fortunately !! China is not a democracy, it is a single party state ruled by one man !! Women can not get the ultimate political power like in the west and their slaves like korea and japan !! China can make the change at the flip of a switch !

Very much like you NEED gas to power ICE cars, but with electric cars, you do NOT need gas anymore and thus no need for oil and thus the threat of ocean blockade by the USN is whipped out FOREVER!!

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