Some discussion about JL-3 from 094 thread
That's some US admiral's incorrect presumption. The newer 09-IVs can launch JL-2A missiles, which are JL-2s improved with better propellants, lighter body, and a 3 MIRV configuration.
My thought exactly, but I haven't seen any concrete evidence of any MIRV deployment on Chinese SLBM.
The new SLBM JL-3 was previously rumored to be developed by CASIC, which hasn't made any long-range missiles for decades. The JL-3 was rumored to be based on CASIC's Kuaizhou-11, a solid rocket with a diameter of 2.2m. But some rumours also say that JL-3 is actually being developed by CASC with a different diameter.
The problem is that neither of them sounds plausible for a few reasons:
1. It has never manufactured any strategic missiles since they handed over JL-2 development to CASC in 1980s. The last large missile made by CASIC was JL-1.
2. Kuaizhou-11 failed on its maiden flight and has never come back on mission since then, labelled as "retired" in Long Lehao's presentation. Though later clarified and "debooooked" by Kuaizhou, yet they are still not coming back any time soon.
1. It doesn't have a proper motor, at least publicly known, suitable for SLBM. SLBM has strict length-diameter limit unlike ICBM, first stage around 6 meters and diameter less than 2.3 meters. There was also rumor that CASC has a secret missile project based on 2.25m, but no actual evidence to back it up.
2. 320 silo needed to be filled with ICBMs, how much production/design/test capacity CASC still has for new SLBM. The formal prospect published by CASC solid rocket department is to develop 6 core engines in next 5 years and achieve 10 major breakthrough. It doesn't look like there are ICBM and SLBM simultaneously under development.