China Ballistic Missiles and Nuclear Arms Thread

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Or maybe it’s to do with that more powerful explosive we heard about recently, C20?
Why would that be at lop nur?

And if you have any evidence for the first assertion please share. On the contrary, they just cancelled the SLCM-N.
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Why would that be at lop nur?

And if you have any evidence for the first assertion please share. On the contrary, they just cancelled the SLCM-N.
The C20 can be used to trigger the nuclear explosion, it takes up a smaller volume than the previous generation explosives, so I read here the other day.

Regarding tactical nukes, I just think that one day it’s all the US will have that can compete with China. There seems to be more and more mention of them in the MSM, as if there is a campaign to lower the publics aversion to their use perhaps. I’m not really sure of this of course, just a hunch.

It’s possible the US will do what Russia did when vastly overmatched militarily, which is rely more on nukes.


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China is about to have her own Area 51, because Seeseepee wants to abduct aliens for their own research and reverse-engineer UFO technologies for da glorious PLA in their quest to take over American hamburgers.

This time however, there might not be a chance for anyone to do Naruto Run.
Nop Nur is too close to China's newly constructed triangular-shaped military airport. I wonder if the underground tests would affect the airport.
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