The only way to take out a missile silo built into the ground is a direct hit with a bunker buster. Standard cruise missile cannot do it.I’m a little bit confused of Chinese (not actually)new silo: what does that mean considering that US bombers and CM can bypass any early warning system?
I have an hypothesis but I don’t know if it’s reasonable: perhaps they can be used as orbit bombing system, so they can launch them automatically based on signals from short-ranged warning system(which is still useful for stealthy targets) and make decision after launch. Since OBS can keep in orbit for a long time, false alarm would not be a big thing.
DoD said China has tested some kind of FOBS, do you think it’s relevant?
Typical overpressure resistance by silo doors is 2000 psi back in 1983.
That requires detonation of a 500 kT weapon at 300 m, from the paper. Conventional munitions (using example of the Mk 82, 140 kg warhead) produces overpressure of 117 kPa at 16 m which is 17 psi. This is over 100x lower than the failure pressure of the silo doors.
Cruise missiles cannot do anything to a hardened missile silo directly. It cannot even scratch it with the explosive force. It has to hit top down to add kinetic energy applied directly to the door. But that's not a cruise missile flight profile. So short range bunker buster is the only possibility. You can't even reach Chinese silos from the Chinese coast with most tactical planes, never mind from further away.