I think the PLA is closer to embracing the idea of tactical nuclear warfighting than most people realize. The strongest evidence for that is the DF-26 field swapping of nuclear/conventional warheads and the fact that all units practice both missions (it's essentially the same mission but PLA publications make a point of stressing the interchangeability).
The ability of having their most modern IRBMs capable of being hot swapped between nuclear and conventional warheads is not necessarily indicative of them considering a tactical use of nuclear weapons, but could be far more likely that they recognize they need to retain a capable IRBM nuclear deterrent that can be activated when necessary (after all there are multiple nations in DF-26 range in which nuclear retaliation may be necessary for).
If China suffers significant enough damage to its homeland and industry, I wouldn't at all rule out the possibility of tactical nuclear strikes on the US homeland in retaliation. Once again, I make two points about this since people are hung up on the N word and the "inviolability" of America:
1. This would be in retaliation to American strikes on China itself.
2. An expanded strategic arsenal prevents American escalation past this level. Yeah, America would have just gotten punched in the face, but it wouldn't be too eager to follow that up with a bullet to its head.
"I wouldn't rule out the possibility" is very different to "we can consider this as a strong likelihood".
If you want to argue that in the future at some point, perhaps China would consider the use of tactical nuclear weapons against CONTUS in a first strike role, and you are arguing it is a "possibility" -- then sure, I agree with you. The possibility of it is above zero, and into the more distant future I would be surprised if the CMC didn't consider it as an option for certain contingencies.
But you are talking about an entirely different subject to me -- I am trying to determine what the most likely, primary role of this new IC-HGV would be when it first enters service in an operational form.
That's actually where America's other capabilities would be helpful. Even if China destroyed America's entire BMD infrastructure in an instant, there would still be MAD since America's SSBNs would still be intact and functional. Once again, a resentful and wounded America would not escalate to civilization-ending strikes if it doesn't face an existential threat, which it wouldn't even without BMD.
Ultimately, people don't want to die in a nuclear conflagration.
You still have not addressed what I wrote in my last post -- if you are at the stage of targeting US strategic/ICBM level BMD infrastructure, the level of the conflict would have reached such a state that we cannot reasonably model or predict what US intentions or responses may be, from where we are sitting.
All of this is my way of saying -- sure, HGVs could be used against strategic level BMD infrastructure (again, the possibility is not zero), but do you think you can claim to argue that countering BMD infrastructure would be the primary, most likely role of this new IC-HGV?
ICBMs are much more efficient weapons. To heft a payload ~12,000 km along the minimum energy ballistic trajectory, the rocket has to have a delta-v (the speed to which the rocket must accelerate its payload) of 7.5 km/s. An orbital trajectory requires something like 7.9 km/s. That's a much bigger difference than a naïve comparison suggests. It reduces the payload the rocket can carry by something like half. That's not something that can be overcome by clever design, it's a fundamental physical limitation.
You're sacrificing a lot of payload by going to IC-HGV, which is why I think this is a scalpel for very specific missions (among them DEMD).
I wrote that the primary, most likely first role of an IC-HGV would be as an "ICBM with much more success to penetrate opfor BMD".
None of what you wrote above counters what I wrote.
Let me reiterate again -- there are many roles that an IC-HGV could be potentially used for, in the longer term future.
Sure, this includes maybe conventional strikes against CONTUS, or even first launch tactical nukes against CONTUS, or using IC-HGVs as weapons to help degrade US strategic BMD capabilities, these are all possible roles that cannot be ruled out going into the longer term future.
But, I am arguing that the overwhelmingly most likely role of the IC-HGV that the PLA would be interested in, is as a nuclear delivery vehicle to operate as an intercontinental nuclear delivery vehicle with much greater success of penetrating enemy BMD, than what conventional ICBMs can attain.
^ The above underlined part is the totality of my position, and has to be taken as a whole. Please read the whole thing a few times, then consider if the argument as a whole is one that you agree or disagree with.