I don't see anything wrong posting an older article as long as it is relevant to the thread . We all know China has plenty of enriched uranium facilities but we also know she is working on Fast breeder related to use uranium more efficiently. It is strictly civilian but of course it has side product of PlutoniumThis is from April, why did you post it?
The PLARF is developing and testing several new variants of theater-range missiles
The DF-17 passed several tests successfully and is deployed operationally. In 2020, the PLARF began to field its first operational hypersonic weapons system, the DF-17 hypersonic glide vehicle (HGV) capable medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM)
Already, the PRC appears to be doubling the numbers of launchers in some ICBM units
Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus.I went to the fighters section and read the estimation of 800 4th gen and stopped reading.
Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus.
Hu Xijin confirmed to be on the CMCHawkish PRC state media outlets have asserted that the PRC needs 1,000 warheads, while retired PLA officers have suggested that the PRC should possesses a “mutually assured destruction” capability.