Everyday the US waits, hundreds of millions of Westerns are going to get whipped out !! One DF-15 can kill 15 million Americans !!
Each DF-41 carry 10 MIRV or newly developed MARV which can easily penetrate their worthless missile defense systems !!
Each missile field has over 100 DF-41 enough to slaughter 1.5 billion Americans !! Oooppsss, I forgot there are only 330 million of them !!
The two missile fields host over 230 DF-41s are enough to slaughter every Westerners/White people + indians + japanese !!
oh oh oh, I forgot, there is a third missile base being build, maybe even a 4th, 5th, 6th, ..................... 20th being build and more to come !!
The US really needs to do something about this before it is too late !!