China Ballistic Missiles and Nuclear Arms Thread

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We should ask PLA to validate or invalidate and no longer let US setting the narrative PR war...

Does the PR narrative really matter?

The silos still need some time until they are complete.

And planning still has to account for a worst case scenario


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Considering the fact that the US seriously considered attacking Chinese nuclear forces in the 60s, I would not be surprised if such plans still exist up to the early 2000s. However, given the development of Chinese second strike capabilities, it would be suicidal for the US to actually put those plans into action.
Watch this talk from Lt.Col. Wilkerson (ret.) about this particular topic. It was quite illuminating to say the least.



Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Not as expensive as you may think. 150 minuteman silos only cost $75 million in 1961, which is less than $700 million today. Or around the cost of a few 5th gen fighters.

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100 of them would cost 70 billion, not chump change for anyone

Richard Santos

Registered Member
Not as expensive as you may think. 150 minuteman silos only cost $75 million in 1961, which is less than $700 million today. Or around the cost of a few 5th gen fighters.

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Minuteman silos were built when contemporary missile CPE were on the order of km+, It is not clear if the these silos would be as hardened as new silos built now would be.


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It's possible that the Anglos are so far gone that nuclear parity may not even prevent them from initiating nuclear armageddon; the prospect of being made to feel like an ordinary nation is going to upset enough of america's leaders that they want to kill everyone in the world if they can't continue to keep hegemony.
America is like the high school shooter that takes as many innocent lives with him as possible after killing his ex-gf and her new boyfriend after she left him for the other guy...

This is my worry as well... that America's nuclear blackmail of China is basically the proposition of either China willingly subjugates under the US or else all life in earth will perish, and I'm afraid that faced with this sort of dilemma the Chinese government might cave in for the good of all humanity because China is again too nice and naive.
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