I started my discussion of the sub-systems to explore the direction and timing of the NGAD. In the absence of (my) knowledge, I want to give benefit of the doubt to the U.S. but I don't have any big conviction on which way things lean. In fact, in the last day, based on people like
@vincent and
@Michaelsinodef, I am now convinced at least that the Chinese radars, IR/EO are ahead of the U.S. Actually, this spells the doom for the U.S. NGAD program. One of the defining feature is the stronger radar and IR/EO. Once the Chinese takes the lead, there will be no going back. Unless the U.S. can catch up, there is no NGAD.
@iBBz has also put forth a very good argument that it is not desirable to have different engines optimized for different flight regimes. Thanks all for the knowledge.