Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


The Navy of Mexico receives three Beechcraft aircraft

(defensa.com) The American company Beechcraft Corporation, Textron Aviation Group Inc., delivered on August 21, three aircraft to the Navy (SEMAR) of Mexico. Specifically there are two advanced training aircraft T-6C + and a King Air 350ER, the second of the four charged earlier this year.


Mexico's Navy has embarked on a modernization process that has involved the acquisition of fixed wing aircraft. In March the two training aircraft that have been delivered and are now in charge during the beginning of next year will receive the two remaining King Air 350ER. Both contracts include supply of spare parts and training of both pilots and mechanics.

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The Argentine Navy performs complex refloating operation for Destroyer “Santísima Trinidad”

(defensa.com) The Training and Readiness Command of the Argentina Navy has begun the task of refloating the hull of the destroyer “Santísima Trinidad”, located in Puerto Belgrano I half-submerged and list to port 90 degrees since January last year. For the execution of the task a previous study of the conditions under which the district is participating in the operation of the Town Address, Electricity and Naval Engineering, the Advisory Commission of Refloating and Rescue Service was made, all belonging to the Argentina Navy.

Recovery of dock services and support to marine resources, such as tugs, barges and crane, is in charge of the Puerto Belgrano Naval Base. Also, the tasks in the semi-submerged hull being made with a group of 97 troops, belonging to the Rescue Service of Argentina Navy, Naval Atlantic, the Southern Naval Area, the Inland Area and the Naval Fleet Command de Mar. they are generally professional rescue divers repair tasks and refloating, who determined what the water paths are performed stagnation, ballasted and dredging required to recover the hull transverse stability, range and verticality recover buoyancy.

Finally, in a second stage is expected to put together in the spring system force multiplication with multiple pulley and two cleats, one anchor on the dock and the other with anchors, chains and combination cables, with their fixations on antedársena. These allow to perform a maneuver force help rotate the hull in place on which it is located.

In January 2013, the ARA “Santísima Trinidad” sank in Puerto Belgrano (Punta Alta) because of a faulty valve that caused the entry of water inside. The ship, which was used in the Falklands/Malvinas war and not sailed since 1989, was there in the dismantling process.

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The Chilean Air Force activated the official website of Exercise "Salitre 2014"

(defensa.com) Since 2 September and is on the official Internet website of Exercise "Salitre 2014" organized by the Chilean Air Force and will be developed in the "Cerro Moreno" Air Base in Antofagasta, among 6 and 17 October. It will include the participation of Air Force Argentina, Brazil, United States, Uruguay and Chile and provide, once again, the opportunity to jointly exercise the participating countries.


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The Bolivian Air Force has a new EC145

(defensa.com) Evo Morales has provided funds for the Bolivian Air Force to acquire new EC-145 helicopter from Airbus, in facilities "Bolivia" Presidential Air Group, Air Base located in the city of El Alto. Along with this aircraft and the previous three which arrived in Bolivia between December 2012 and May 2014.


These modern and versatile rotary wing aircraft were acquired directly from Airbus Helicopters. The EC-145 is a medium utility helicopter, twin engine, capable of carrying up to 10 passengers and two crew; depending on its configuration can be used as passenger transport, as well as corporate transportation and emergency medical services. As such, it will be used in humanitarian relief, search and rescue, as well as support in case of natural disasters.

By its technological characteristics, EC-145 can operate anywhere in the Bolivian geography.

As part of the acquisition agreement of these helicopters, in 2012, was established in Germany a group of aviators and airmen of the FAB, who received training to crew and maintain these aircraft. The new ship carries FAB FAB-007 enrollment.

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Brazilian Air Force uses Elbit Hermes 450 combat maneuvers

(defensa.com) The remotely piloted aircraft has significantly improved results in the second phase of Operation BVR2 / Sabre, which includes more than 60 aircraft and 500 military environment AFB Annapolis (BAAN) aircraft including A-29, A-1, R-35A, E-99 and KC-130.


The Elbit Hermes 450 UAV Squadron Air Horus (1/12 ° GAV, Santa María) participates for the first time on a simulated air combat exercise. In operation with the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) since 2011, the device was introduced in Brazil by AEL, aims to improve air employment actions during BVR2 / Operation Sabre, held until Sept. 18. With an electro-optical sensor and an infrared sensor, to transmit the information captured orientation helps combat aircraft to act on a specific target, driving the best aerospace employment of all vectors

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India wants to export the Brahmos hypersonic missile to Venezuela


(defensa.com) India, which is already working with Russia to develop the Brahmos II, the new version of the anti-ship missile that can reach speeds of Mach 7 has announced that it expects to export the system to Venezuela, Vietnam and Indonesia. So said the CEO of the company, Sudhir Kumar Misrha that expected during the visit to take place in December of Russian President Vladimir Putin to India an agreement between the Indian agency DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) is signed, NPOM laboratory and the company BrahMos Aerospace.

The new Indian government wants to support the internationalization of its defense industry looking exporting weapons systems for national development. The two versions of BrahMos with Russia would be designed in this portfolio of export products ever to be sold to allies of India and Russia.


The Brahmos is eminently anti-ship missile, the missile is currently operating fastest cruiser, capable of speeds between Mach 2.8 and 3 having been adapted for use from fighter aircraft, submarines, ships and land launchers. It has a range around 300 km., Flying 10 feet above the ground, carries a warhead of 200 kilos and can perform complex maneuvers. With a size of Tomahawk folding with four times its speed, its kinetic energy is 32 times greater than this, ensuring the destruction of the goal despite having a smaller head combat.

We are working on a smaller version for use in aircraft under the Sukhoi Su-30 in which is already integrated combat. The Brahmos II is a missile with a size equal to half of the original, but to reach a speed of Mach 7 and have a range of 162 nautical miles. Is expected to be ready for testing in 2017 and possibly succeed to become the fastest missile in the world and is available for installation in destroying India and Russia.


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Argentina and China collaborate on defense

(defensa.com) Argentine Defense Minister, Agustín Rossi, was in the Rock Hall of Libertador Building the head of the General Logistics Department of the Chinese Armed Forces, Colonel General Zhao Keshi. Among the topics discussed are the delegations technology cooperation in military logistics; the organization of joint training logistic service; and increased exchanges between officers and NCOs.


Also present on the 1st chatted Logistics Forum China-Latin America to be held next year, where appropriate reform measures, among other topics is planned to study the vision and development trends of military logistics, and year.

Attended by the Secretary of Science, Technology and Defence Production, Santiago Rodríguez; Under Secretary of Defense for International Affairs, Roberto De Luise; and the chief of the Joint Staff of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Luis Maria Carena. Argentine Defense Minister recalled that the last meeting between President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and her People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, consolidated the strategic alliance.

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Brazil and Angola sign agreements on defense which includes selling 7 Macaé patrol vessels

(defensa.com) The defense ministers of Brazil, Celso Amorim, and Angola, João Manuel Lourenço, signed on September 5, a Memorandum of Understanding that will allow the technical support of the Brazilian Navy in implementing the Program Development Branch Naval de Angola (Pronaval). According to the document, Africans will acquire seven patrol vessels will be manufactured at the Naval Projects Management Company (EMGEPRON) of the Brazilian Navy.


It is expected that four vessels are produced by EMGEPRON in their own facilities, while the other three would be in a shipyard to be installed 200 kilometers south of Luanda, the capital (probably in the vicinity of Benguela), with materials and technical advice and Brazilian teams. The Brazilian Navy also act in the formation and training of personnel for manufacturing.

The seven patrol vessels have 500 tons each-which fits perfectly in the Class Macaé- and technical configuration will be defined during the negotiation stage of the manufacture and supply of service contracts. According to the minister João Lourenço, the signing of the memorandum of understanding is the first step to "increase the shipyards and naval infrastructure means the Navy Angola."


To Lourenço, strengthening the Angolan coastal patrols allow the country to fight threats that under chief, "are part of the contemporary world" maritime piracy and terrorism. "We will do everything necessary for the effective implementation of such cooperation does not take long."

In his speech, Minister Celso Amorim highlighted the historical and cultural ties between the two countries, noting that Brazil was the first country to recognize the independence of Angola from Portugal in 1975, Amorim said the strategic partnership between the two is, especially mutual interest in monitoring the South Atlantic.

The two countries, along with 23 other African and South America are signatories to the Zone of Peace and Cooperation of the South Atlantic (ZOPACAS), multilateral organization created by the United Nations (UN) in 1986, with the aim of preventing the introduction of nuclear weapons of mass destruction in the region, as last summit was earlier this year in Montevideo. "Angola is a thriving and increasingly active in Africa nation. We have a great friendship and mutual respect. Y is not of interest to Brazil to have a paternalistic attitude Angola because Angolans would not accept it," the minister Amorim.

In addition to the purchase of seven patrol vessels and advice on the construction of the shipyard, the MoU provides for cooperation in the academic and staff training to build and operate vessels, as well as effective training for Angolan merchant marine.

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The Court orders the Chilean Air Force to deliver all the information about the investment in the purchase of UAVs


(defensa.com) Whereas the Court that the delivery of information does not violate the rules of secrecy or confidentiality or affect national security, the Court of Appeals of Santiago de Chile has rejected an appeal filed illegality claims against a decision of the Council for Transparency ordered the Chilean Air Force (FACH) provide information on the amount invested by the institution in buying unmanned aircraft (Elbit Systems Hermes 900).

Justice demands data on the total amount invested between 2010 and November 2013 on the acquisition, but not the amount or the technical characteristics of the aircraft, according to El Mercurio. The ruling, which collects the Chilean newspaper, argues that "the study of the rules applicable for the species, points out that in the case under consideration the confidentiality or secrecy of the information is not applicable to what is related to the cost total invested in the acquisition of the aircraft because, in the opinion of this office, the total amount prevents the full determination or accuracy of the number of aircraft acquired by the Chilean Air Force or technical characteristics of the same, so that in the revelation of that history is not only appreciated by those judges eventual involvement to national security.

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Brazil and South Africa strengthen their cooperation in military technology


(defensa.com) After completion of the IDB-Brasil Sample III (Defense Industrial Base) held in Brasilia, one of the conclusions to be drawn is the strengthening of relations between Brazil and South Africa on military research both countries and cooperate in the development of A-Darter missile.

This follows from the conference "Brazil-South Africa: Partnership Opportunities for Technological Development" Trevor Raman, CEO of ARMSCOR (Armaments Corporation of South Africa), one of the largest defense companies in Africa and owned by South African government.

Raman said that after the experience in the joint development of the A-Darter missile, now "we have to unite our technological research bases to introduce it (the A-Darter missile) and other products on the market not only in Brazil or Africa but the rest of the world. "It therefore takes strengthen cooperation and develop products that can be competitive in international markets traditionally dominated by large firms in developed countries.

The Brazilian general Aderico Mattioli, head of the Department of Industrial Technology of the Ministry of Defense of Brazil confirmed that Brazil and South Africa have come a long way but it is difficult to market technologies like this in a market dominated by the developed sector which highlighted the role of international cooperation.

The A-Darter is an air-to-air missiles and fifth generation infrared guided originally developed by Denel Dynamics in South Africa to Brazilian companies Mectron, Avibras and Opto Eletronica joined in 2006 with a major economic boost Brazilian government . This missile will equip the Gripen and Hawk Air Force and South African Gripen, F-5BR and AMX Brazilians.

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