Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


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As I understand it, the Chilean Navy has been quite involved.

You are faster than me Jeff

Ro-ro Amadeo 1 capsized in Kirke Canal, 100 nautical miles NW of Punta Arenas, southern Chile, on Aug 18, after hitting a rock. Vessel suffered breach starboard, started to take on water, and finally, capsized on coastal shallows, with most of the hull laying above the water. There were 17 passengers and 28 crew on board, all safe, some of the crew stayed on board to take part in salvage works, though on Aug 19 it was reported, that all the crew had been evacuated. Chilean Navy is working on the scene, preventing oil spill being the priority. It’s not clear yet what cargo was on board, some say it’s machinery including container with oil spill cleansing utensils, some mention live stock. Vessel was en route from Puerto Natales to Puerto Montt. Last known AIS position in 52 03S 073 02W, Aug 18. Photos of the capsized Amadeo 1 from Chilean media. Some media say ferry managed to ground on the coastline intentionally, to prevent sinking in a Canal.

Ro-ro cargo vessel Amadeo 1, IMO 7427752, gt 9737, built 1976, flag Chile, manager Navimag.



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Brazilian Research Center Development signs new contracts with the Army

(defensa.com) The Center for Research and Development in Telecommunications (CPqD), the state company Telebras, has signed two new contracts "Software Defined Radio Project Defense" (RDS-Defense), part of a strategic project and Ministry of Defence broad coordinated by the Technology Center of the Army under the Department of Science and Technology (DST) of the Brazilian Army.

The aim of the RDS-Defense is to promote physical interoperability in tactical communications Brazilian Armed Forces, through the development of prototypes based on the concept of RDS, sensitive area in the context of cyber defense radio.

"The RDS-Defense will leap fantastic quality for the Armed Forces of Brazil, to the extent that will reduce technological dependence in strategic sectors and help increase interoperability in tactical communications of the Armed Forces, as well as to boost Defense Industrial Base in the telecommunications sector, "said Major General Sinclair Mayer, head of the Department of Science and Technology Army.

One contract with CTEx is intended for research and development of new functionalities to be incorporated into the first phase of RDS-Defense project that CPqD has been working in partnership with the Army and that focuses on the range of VHF frequency (30-300 MHz). Among them, we can highlight a mission planner software for management and configuration of radio, and various components of accession to the SCA (Software Communications Architecture) standard application.

The other contract, signed with the Foundation for the Support of Research, Development and Innovation (FAPEB) Army seeks to develop a module waveform for use in the HF frequency range (3-30 MHz), also in standard SCA. With approximately two years, the contract has resources FINEP-Financier of Studies and Projects assigned to CPqD program is an independent institution, focused on innovation in information technology and communication (ICT).

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FAB the receive used Gripen’s used prior to the arrival of the new fighters

(defensa.com) The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) have chosen to abandon the aircraft leasing Saab Gripen C \ D provided by Sweden, the result of a government-to-government agreement to be set as an option to cover the gap between the recent deactivation Mirage 2000 (F-2000 B \ C) and delivery of the first aircraft Gripen NG E \ F, which is expected to occur from 2018, since the value of the proposed contract is considered very high and similar to the costly proposal offered by France (Dassault) to keep operating the Mirage 2000 for longer.


According to the same source, the Air Force decided to redistribute the fleet of F-5EM \ FM across the country and use the resources that were to assign the lease of Gripen C \ D to complete the modernization of 11 F-cells 5E \ F acquired Jordan, and delivered to Embraer Defense and Security (DHS) in Gaviao Peixoto, besides continuing to update the factory Embraer AMX A-1, whose labors were interrupted after delivering two cars copies to 1 \ GAV 16th Base in Santa Cruz, southeast of Rio de Janeiro.

This proposal renews Embraer as sensitive to the aircraft and its prime contractor, AEL, apart from changes mandated avionics, and even instrumented using smart Lizzard Elbit pumps as an option.

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The USS "America" arrived in Chile through the Strait of Magellan

(defensa.com) The amphibious assault ship of the United States Navy USS "America" (LHA-6), arrived in the waters of the Strait of Magellan under her maiden voyage, a cruise from its construction site in city of Pascagoula, Mississippi, to its base in San Diego, California port, in addition to various military exercises.


Photo: Two MV-22 Osprey taking off from the deck of the "America" while transiting the Strait of Magellan.

Close to half past seven the vessel entered national waters through the eastern mouth of the Strait of Magellan, where they embarked on an airplane Bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey from the Marine Corps of the United States, the Secretary Marina of the country, Edwin Ray Mabus, the United States Ambassador in Chile, Michael Hammer and on behalf of the Navy, the Chief of the General Staff of the Navy, Vice Admiral Cristian de la Maza Riquelme.

The "America", escorted by boat Misilera "Casma" of the Chilean Navy, anchored off Punta Arenas to continue their journey through the national territory to the port of Valparaiso. This modern ship, carrying a crew of 1,400 sailors and marines, is the first of the new class America, which replaces the existing Tarawa. It measures 257 meters long, 32 meters wide, and is able to receive and operate advanced aircraft such as the F-35B Hunting and the new generation of aircraft with reclining rotor MV-22 Osprey.

Its hangar higher capacity, both in size and height to facilitate the use of the MV-22, together with its additional features, uniquely qualify him for amphibious assault operations and humanitarian aid missions and response disasters. (Cristián Marambio correspondent in Chile)

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Final assembly of the first Embraer KC-390 begins

(defensa.com) At the end of this month Embraer began final assembly of the first prototype of the transport aircraft KC-390. The plan provides for the first flight later this year and the commissioning of the first aircraft in the Air Force in 2016 Brazil's major structures such as the fuselage, and empennage sections is fulfilled wings, have already been completed and the facilities that the company has in Gaviao Peixoto is where the first two prototypes of the aircraft will be built.

At present, the manufacturer negotiates with the Brazilian government to formalize the commitment to acquire 28 devices, replacing 22 Hercules C-130H. Embraer believes that this plane can cornering about 15 or 20 percent of the replacement market Hercules transport aircraft that are reaching the end of its useful life, estimated at 728 planes in 77 countries market.


Last year saw the final design review of the aircraft, which is powered by two turbofan engines of International Aero engies (IAE) that allow you to reach a speed of Mach 0.8 and a service ceiling of 36,000 feet carrying a maximum load 26 tons. The maximum range of 1,200 nautical miles is achieved with a reduced load of 23 tons.

The program brings together international companies like Aero Vodochody Czech that makes the rear fuselage section, a component that was brought to Brazil in March, which is the only airframe largest ever built in the Czech Republic. FADEA of Argentina makes the loading ramp, the tail cone and spoilers, while the Portuguese OGMA manufactures fuselage panels and doors. The Spanish Aeronnova manufactures flaps, ailerons and rudder, all composite materials.

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Colombia and USA Complete joint exercise "Lightning"

(defensa.com) 42 62 flight missions and resupply missions performed by the Boeing 767 Jupiter tanker Colombian Air Force, among other operations, is the contribution of Exercise "Lightning" the training of the crews of the Air Force Colombia and the United States, who gathered for 10 days in the Air Combat Command No. 5, located in Rionegro, Antioquia.


"Lightning" ends successfully highlighting two important scenarios to which the institution was faced; logistical and operational. In each of these fronts tools are provided to enhance the skills and knowledge to comply fully with the defense of the sovereignty of the country.

Another legacies exercise for FAC is strengthening procedures in the maintenance area for packaging of technical and displacements will be implemented for future international exercises as well as for the simultaneous release of two squadrons, that in the case of "Flash" had six F-16 Kfir five.

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Taiwan transfers Defense Equipment to Paraguay

(defensa.com) Taiwan has donated a batch of five thousand military equipment that make up the Joint Task Force operating in the Northern Region of the country and provides for the delivery of a new batch would include aircraft. General Jorge Ramirez, commander of the Armed Forces, said that intelligence work continues unabated in the region.

In the traditional day intended for military affairs, the president, Horacio Cartes, received in a private ceremony at the headquarters of the High Command a batch of teams composed of 1,000 bulletproof vests, camouflaged 1,000 jackets, 1,000 shirts, 1,600 boots and 845 ballistic helmets. Everything donated will be given to the soldiers who make up the Joint Task Force operating in the North. In addition to other electronic equipment.

It is expected that in the coming months donated material, as a lot of airplanes, helicopters, boats, and other equipment for the Armed Forces is received. Is not specified the equivalent amount of the donation.

General Ramirez used the ceremony to insist that intelligence tasks continue unabated in the North, also clarified that the military who are in that place have the best military equipment that the country possesses.

The Paraguay and Taiwan established diplomatic relations on 8 July 1957, Paraguay is the only country in South America that maintains active relations with the Republic of China in Taiwan.

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Lieutenant General
Final assembly of the first Embraer KC-390 begins

(defensa.com) At the end of this month Embraer began final assembly of the first prototype of the transport aircraft KC-390. The plan provides for the first flight later this year and the commissioning of the first aircraft in the Air Force in 2016 Brazil's major structures such as the fuselage, and empennage sections is fulfilled wings, have already been completed and the facilities that the company has in Gaviao Peixoto is where the first two prototypes of the aircraft will be built.

At present, the manufacturer negotiates with the Brazilian government to formalize the commitment to acquire 28 devices, replacing 22 Hercules C-130H. Embraer believes that this plane can cornering about 15 or 20 percent of the replacement market Hercules transport aircraft that are reaching the end of its useful life, estimated at 728 planes in 77 countries market.


Last year saw the final design review of the aircraft, which is powered by two turbofan engines of International Aero engies (IAE) that allow you to reach a speed of Mach 0.8 and a service ceiling of 36,000 feet carrying a maximum load 26 tons. The maximum range of 1,200 nautical miles is achieved with a reduced load of 23 tons.

The program brings together international companies like Aero Vodochody Czech that makes the rear fuselage section, a component that was brought to Brazil in March, which is the only airframe largest ever built in the Czech Republic. FADEA of Argentina makes the loading ramp, the tail cone and spoilers, while the Portuguese OGMA manufactures fuselage panels and doors. The Spanish Aeronnova manufactures flaps, ailerons and rudder, all composite materials.

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Love it. Such a beautiful plane.


Progress in the construction of the training ship in Peru

(defensa.com) The Minister of Defence of Peru, Pedro Cateriano Bellido, accompanied by the Commander of the Navy, Admiral Carlos Tejada Mera, the Chief of Staff, Vice Admiral AP Wladimiro Giovannini and Vice-Minister for Resources Defense Jakke Valakivi visited Shipyard Industrial Services Marina (SIMA) to monitor progress in building the sailing school ship BAP "Union". To date, the construction works are to a high degree of progress having been assembled 28 of the 38 blocks that make up the hull.

The BAP "Union" instruction first ship built specifically for that purpose for the Navy of Peru, would be released - depending on progress - in December this year and commissioned in 2015 Their mission, under the command of the Naval Academy (ESNA), is to train naval cadets and midshipmen, conducting civic actions to promote Peru and abroad. The estimated investment is between 60 and 70 million. The ship - whose technical dossier was developed by the Spanish company CYPSA Naval Engineers - be the barque type and have a length of 115 m, beam 13 m, depth 10 m. and a draft of 6 m. The shift will be approximately 3,500 tons. Have 4 sticks and you should reach a top speed of 12 knots. The crew of 100 and can accommodate 160 additional crews from official instruction, naval cadets and midshipmen.

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