Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Future Mexican Combat Aircraft and Air Defense Systems

While the United States, the Royal Canadian Air Force, Brazil, Venezuela and Chile are getting a lot of coverage for their new equipment acquisitions. However, the Fuerza Aerea Mexicana and the Fuerza Aerea Naval is still of a mystery even to this day since the Mexican government, SEDENA, and SEMAR keeps a tight lid about their capability, forces, and even their history. Lately though, the Mexican Air Force and Navy has been getting into spotlight since the Chiapas War in the mid-1990’s and more recently the on-going Drug War in Mexico.

As of 2013, the Mexican Air Force is in state of modernization in which they are reequipping and replacing a number of older aircraft and helicopters. After 39 years of service, the IAI Aravas were finally retired and were replaced by both the C-27J Spartan and the C-295 transport aircraft in May of this year. The PC-7 fleet is also slowly being superseded by the AT-6 and T-6C+ Texan II in which 45-50 Turbo Trainers are operational right now and will more likely be out of service in the end of this decade. F-5E/F Tiger II fleet is slated to be retire in 2015 and right now, the fleet is reduced from eight to six single-seat F-5E and two two-seaters F-5F being operational. Fuerza Aerea Mexicana is currently looking to buy around 42 or more 4.5 or 5.0 generation multirole fighters like the Lockheed Martin F-16C/D Block 50/52+ Fighting Falcon, Dassault Rafale, Saab JAS-39 Gripen NG/E, Sukhoi Su-27SKM/UBM Flanker, Sukhoi Su-35 Super Flanker, Eurofighter Typhoon and other fighters. Most likely they will acquire some second-hand aircraft like the F-16 aircraft for USA storage or countries like Israel or USA allies.


A picture Czech Air Force JAS-39C Gripen 4th generation multirole fighter performing during an aero demonstration at the RIAT Airshow in the UK in 2012. The JAS-39 Gripen is one of the new multirole fighters that are competing against the F-16C/D Block 50/52+, Rafale, Su-27/35, and other aircraft as a replacement for the dwindling Mexican Air Force F-5E/F Tiger II fleet.

Also growing reports that FAM may be getting the remaining L-159 Albatross light fighter and LIFT aircraft that would fill the post that was vacant role that was left by the retired AT-33A Shooting Stars. This would help the pilots transferring from the slower T-6C+ to the supersonic multirole combat aircraft with ease. Also, the L-159 would complement the upcoming AT-6’s and multirole fighters in COIN, attack, and point defense interception roles too.


Picture of L-159 Albatross light fighter and LIFT aircraft. Intended as interim replacement until the arrival of a multi-roll aircraft

In 2001, the air defense units have gotten a major boost when the Mexican Air Force took delivery of a single Embraer EMB-145 or R-99A AEW&C from Brazil. The R-99A is one of most active aircraft flying in the Mexican Air Force flying at various bases all over Mexico in a number of operations and usually back up by or guide the F-5E Tiger fighter/interceptors against drug smuggling and unidentified aircraft. Nevertheless, in 2008, Guillermo Galvan Galvan the Mexican Air Force general was becoming increasing concerned about the age of the Mexican radar systems since most of the radars were operational half the time while some were pretty much obsolete. A top of that, the Mexican air defense systems were old and inadequate for the defense of the nation too. So, General Galvan requested the Mexican Congress to increase the funding for new radars, AEW&C aircraft, AAG’s, and short, medium, and long-range SAM systems around Mexico. Despite this, the Drug War put a lot of his proposals on the backburner for more important things like armored vehicles, troops, equipment, and combat operations against the drug cartels. In 2011, the Mexican Army ordered five advanced Northrop Grumman TPS-78/703 3D radar systems in which one of them was shown at the 2012 Mexican Independence Day Parade last year.


The Rafale is one of the many next-generation fighters being proposed to FAM to replace the elderly F-5 Tiger II fleet.

As of 2013, the Mexican Army is getting their last batch of TPS-78 radars and with a possibly in getting additional radar systems in the near future. Like the Mexican Navy, the Mexican Air Force is showing an interest in getting the C-295 AEW&C to complement their overwork R-99A AEW&C aircraft possibly in the near future. Inflight refueling aircraft has been gaining some interest lately with FAM in which some of their C-130’s or the Boeing 767’s that Aeromexico is planning to retire in a few years can be converted with inflight refueling gear which can support fighters and other FAM or possibly FAN aircraft too. can be modified with However, it’s unclear what SEDENA has planned for their air defense weapon systems, but there were some reports indicating that the Mexican Army has some interest in getting the S-300PMU2 Favorite long-range SAM’s from Russia to be based around Mexico City and strategic locations in near the Bay of Campeche. Despite that, no word or deal was ever signed though for system. So, it remains what the future brings for the next-generation air defense systems for the Mexican Army since their weapons are very much inadequate and obsolete nowadays.

After the forced cancellation of Flanker deal, the Mexican Navy decided to focus on maritime patrol aircraft like the CASA/EADS C-235/295MPA Persuader and indigenous made unmanned aerial vehicles which were considered more efficient in the role. Another bad news that struck the navy is that they removed the E-2C Hawkeyes from service around 2008 because it didn’t fit their doctrine and also were considered to be expensive to operate also. However, reports of allegations and corruption appeared in the Hawkeye deal, but it is unclear if anybody resigned or was sacked unlike the Flanker deal.


The Embraer EMB-145 (E-99A) AEW&C which Mexico received in 2001 gave their air force a major boost to their air defense network. The lone E-99A is one of the busiest aircraft with FAM and they work with a number of aircraft such as the F-5E and the C-26 Merlin aircraft.

In 2009, the Mexican Navy took delivery a number of Raytheon-Thales AN/MPQ-64 Sentinel short-range radar systems that are based in southern parts of Mexico. Later that year, the navy once again took delivery of the SA-24 Grinch along with additional SA-18 Iglas with Djigit rail launchers which are fitted in back of the Mercedes Benz Unimog 4×4 and Ural 4320 6×6 trucks. Within the same year, there was some reports that the SEMAR was interested in getting some Panstir S1 (SA-22 Greyhound), but those reports turned out to be false. As of 2013, SEMAR hasn’t placed any orders for any new combat aircraft and is unlikely to do so in the foreseeable future since helicopters, transport aircraft, and UAV’s along with funding the operations in the Drug War are the main priority for now. Nevertheless in 2013, the Mexican Navy has been looking at other multirole fighters such as the Lockheed Martin F-16C/D Block 50/52+, Dassault Rafale, Saab JAS-39 Gripen, Sukhoi Su-27SKM Flanker, or the Su-35S Flanker for air defense and maritime patrol roles. However, there are reports that the navy is interested in the EADS/CASA C-295 AEW&C which would boost their radar coverage around Mexico.


This Lockheed C-130E Hercules of the Mexican Air Force and possibly along with Boeing 767-200/300 that Aeromexico is going to replace them with Boeing 787 Dreamliner in a few years that could be converted to inflight-refueling aircraft. FAM pilots that have been to the United States have gotten trained a bit in refueling from tanker aircraft.

The air defense network is still up in the air since SEMAR put their frigate project on the backburner which would include the VLS SAM systems (which is more likely the RIM-162 ESSM) and the RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile or RAM. Another possible purchase is the two ex-US Navy Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates which are the USS Curts and the USS McClusky which the United States offered to Mexico last year. However, it’s unclear if these vessels will be upgraded with ADS and other equipment similar to the Turkish Navy GENESIS upgrades which is being offered to Oliver Hazard Perry Class frigate owners or will have a simple modifications on them instead. So far, the Mexican Navy is reviewing the frigates as of now and we’ll have to make a decision before January of 2016. The same can be said about their land-based defense and radar systems too. However, it’s possible that in the near future that the Mexican Navy will expand their radar and air defense coverage with short to long range systems in both Caribbean and Pacific Ocean parts around Mexico.

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The donation of old Brazilian 25 M-41 tanks to Uruguay pending in Parliament of Brazil and the United States Congress


(defensa.com) The Chamber of Deputies of Brazil discussed the law presented by the executive branch that would eventually allow the donation of 25 armored fighting vehicles Brazilian Army to Uruguay after the agreement between the two countries. The costs borne by the Ministry of Defense budget, about $ 150,000. Under the proposal, the donation will be made by the Brazilian Army Command and subject to the prior approval of the United States from which they originally came from- to transfer the end-user certificate.

Donated vehicles are outdated and rarely used as training aids by the Army Command. In addition, Brazil is replacing the last copies of Leopard 1A5 tanks that it acquired the German government. The proposal, which is being dealt with conclusively and priority will be reviewed by the Joint Committee of the Brazilian representation in the Parliament of Mercosur, the Committees on Foreign Affairs and Defense; Labor, Public Administration and Function; and the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship.

Once in Uruguay, the old M-41 should have their guns reconditioned because, for economic reasons, Brazil amended at the time the original 76 mm cannon of those M-41 to shoot 90 mm ammunition, Resulting various problems during use.

These vehicles, along with existing and old M-24 are their last days of life, and will have to be replaced in the next three years together with the TI-67 problem.

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Training exercises between the FAC and the Air Force USA


defensa.com) The Colombian Air Force began on August 9, a program of training exercises, which will run until August 22, with the Air Force of the United States in the Air Combat Command No. 5, located Rionegro, Antioquia. The development of these maneuvers on the Department of Antioquia is intended to strengthen the capacities of the crews of the FAC.

Moreover, according to the institution in the development of military operations that the JTF Omega held against the Eastern Bloc of the FARC and its main parts, special troops of the Specific Command Caguan attached to this unit with interdiction of the Colombian Air Force, Army Aviation and military intelligence in the general area of the village "the Cocli" Meta department, has been neutralized structure called extortion and drug trafficking of Staff of the Eastern Bloc, whose leader is Merchan Olivo (aka The Crazy Ivan), who received direct orders from Carlos Antonio Lozada.

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Colombian Kfir and US Air Force F-16 conduct combat exercise

(defensa.com) F-16s have arrived at the Air Combat Command No. 5 (May CACOM) based in Rionegro, Antioquia department, 6 fighter aircraft F-16C Block 52 of the National Guard of South Carolina (SCANG) as part of the exercises US-Colombia, which brings its Kfir C10 Air Force, and will last until 22 August. Done for the first time in the country, have been called "Flash" and give continuity to those carried out in 2013 in "Red Flag" exercise at the FAC was invited for the first time.


The American planes are accompanied by two C-17 Globemaster, responsible for transporting all the logistical and maintenance support needed to operate the F-16 in Colombia. The total United States personnel present in the air exercise is 102 men between pilots and technical staff.

During the 13 days the last exercise "Lightning" air-to-air combat is conducted, in which FAC Kfir aircraft will test missile systems of medium and short-range acquired the Israeli company Rafael during the repowering project recently conducted.

Although the Colombian plane is less maneuverable than the F-16C, it is expected that this gap by using the missile is reduced IR Python 5 missile can engage targets in a visual field of 360 degrees, it is also intended to analyze the results of the missile Derby medium range, which possesses characteristics BVR (Beyond Visual range). This missile has already been successful in simulated dogfights with CF-18 Hornet of the Royal Canadian Air Force aircraft, carried out in October 2013 at the Air Combat Command No. 1 (CACOM 1), located in the municipality of Puerto Salgar department of Cundinamarca.

Ground attack exercises, where the experience of the F-16 will be of great importance, would be replicated as the unit to which they belong specializes in strike missions and destruction of air defenses.

During this exercise simulated C-10 Kfir ground attack, while F-16C aircraft will provide air cover, waiting for the answer together reject or do the Kfir C-10 and F-16C.

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Destroyer ARA LA Argentina

Frigate ARA Spiro

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Venezuela receives 3 Helicopters refurbished AS532 Cougar

(defensa.com) On August 10 at "El Libertador" Air Base, in the state of Aragua, three helicopters AS 532 Cougar that have been Refurbished in France by Airbus Helicopters. The three devices, belonging to Air Special Operations Group No.10 and No.4 Air Transport Group, arrived aboard a Venezuelan Antonov 124 transport aircraft.


These three helicopters were sent to France in May last year to coincide with the reception at the same facility in Palo Black Cougar first repowered in France. That aircraft belonged to No. 4 Presidential Air Group. The modernization process, inspection and upgrading involves disassembly of the structure including main rotor, fuselage and tail rotor for cracks, rust or any failure in order to increase the useful life another 12 years. Makila engines type 1A 1 have been repowered in Brazil, a task that has had the supervision of Venezuelan military technicians.

Venezuelan military personnel supervised the work done in France have included the total removal of each aircraft for possible faults in the structure or components. The assembly of the helicopters will be held at the premises of the Directorate of Aeronautical Maintenance and Development (Dimadea), supported by the Maintenance Squadron Special Operations Group No. 10.

The Venezuelan Air Force had eleven aircraft of this type, namely the type AS532UL seven Cougar and four AS332B1 Eurocopter Super Puma manufactured. Of these, perform the inspection to ten helicopters being sent to Marseille nine tenth will be reviewed in Venezuela with the support of technicians from Airbus Helicopters.

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The Brazilian Navy test BAE Systems Bofors Sweden 40 MK 4

(defensa.com) The patrol vessel "Guapore" P 45 of the Grajaú class is equipped with a new gun BAE Systems Bofors Sweden 40 MK 4, now being in acceptance testing phase of the new system, which apparently would be provided to the new corvettes updated Barroso class, according to the Brazilian "Defesa & Naval Aviation."

All L / 70 40mm ammunition can be used in the new system, which has a rate of fire of 30 to 300 rounds per minute. Without ammunition, the system weighs less than 2,300 kg, compared with the old Bofors unit weighing around 4,000 kg.

The Bofors 40 Mk4 can range from warning shot to shot of destruction in less than 0.5 seconds. The 3P ammunition can be programmed, optimized for any purpose, including low airburs standards (airburst) to new threats, previously impossible to face, as antiship missile or UAV. The gun is controlled remotely, automatically loads and may be controlled locally as a back up.

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The defense minister announced that the 40 +/- AT-63 Pampa II being constructed will replace the Mirage of 6 Brigade Tandil Air as a temporary replacement. Variants will be standard.


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