The Brazilian Army uses new DGS speedboat to train their fighter pilots in the Amazon
(defensa.com) Craft Center of the Amazon Military Command (CECMA) is already using the Carioca series tactical employment craft developed by the Brazilian shipyard DGS Defence, for the formation of new river navigators in the Brazilian Amazon. The region has 22,000 km of navigable rivers and faces the smuggling and trafficking of both drugs.
The Carioca, made hybrid thermoplastic technology only in Brazil, is anti-flammable, easy to operate and economical maintenance, ETRH (Rigid Tubular Hybrid Vessel) manufactured exclusively for the Brazilian Army for Defense DGS. It has turbo-diesel intercooled 6 cylinder 315 HP power, along with a high thrust propulsion water jet to navigate shallow areas. Have autonomy over 400 km, carrying three crew and six passengers and is equipped with a MAG machine gun.
Defence shipyard DGS is dedicated to designing and building military ships light using high technology in naval engineering. Each boat DGS is a unique design, developed from the needs and characteristics of their special missions customers. "We have developed a new generation of soldiers to the Brazilian government based on innovation and technical excellence boats," said Abilio Di Gerardi, founder and president of DGS.
Founded in 2007, DGS Defense is growing strongly and sustainably. This development resulted in the patent for Hybrid Rigid Tubular Vessels (Extreme Hull - XH®) .. The shipyard has already obtained market, numerous certificates of technical capacity of their clients, including the Brazilian Navy, the Brazilian Army, the Federal Police GEFROM (Group Border Police of Mato Grosso) and Odebrecht.
It is the only Brazilian shipyard that produces a model speedboat to intercept and stealth armored patrol, DGS 888 (E INTERCEPTOR PATROL). They are being operated by the Federal Police in the border region and Iguazu Falls Guaira smuggling and drug trafficking. Three other DGS model XH 600 FH were specially manufactured for the Navy, prominent in the eastern ocean border, to support scientific research on the island of Trindade, and heading to the South Pole in logistics services for Brazilian base Comandante Ferraz in Antarctica.
The DGS XH 600 FH are 6 meters long and 2.4 meters wide, with outboard propulsion, carrying a crew of up to eight people and supports up to 1.610kg loading. Within the production line DGS, DGS also highlights the 650, supporting up to 1.210kg loading and has the ability to carry up to six people (pilot + 5 passengers) and DGS 777, for 14 crew and cargo 1.610kg
The DGS projects use the latest naval technology in its segment, and 100% recyclable materials. The cab is aluminum and the hull of ethylene ultra high molecular weight, an engineering plastic, which is also used in bulletproof vests, helmets, military aircraft and combat vehicles. This material ensures extreme resistance to adverse situations.
I will now get back to bottling my Malbec
(defensa.com) Craft Center of the Amazon Military Command (CECMA) is already using the Carioca series tactical employment craft developed by the Brazilian shipyard DGS Defence, for the formation of new river navigators in the Brazilian Amazon. The region has 22,000 km of navigable rivers and faces the smuggling and trafficking of both drugs.

The Carioca, made hybrid thermoplastic technology only in Brazil, is anti-flammable, easy to operate and economical maintenance, ETRH (Rigid Tubular Hybrid Vessel) manufactured exclusively for the Brazilian Army for Defense DGS. It has turbo-diesel intercooled 6 cylinder 315 HP power, along with a high thrust propulsion water jet to navigate shallow areas. Have autonomy over 400 km, carrying three crew and six passengers and is equipped with a MAG machine gun.
Defence shipyard DGS is dedicated to designing and building military ships light using high technology in naval engineering. Each boat DGS is a unique design, developed from the needs and characteristics of their special missions customers. "We have developed a new generation of soldiers to the Brazilian government based on innovation and technical excellence boats," said Abilio Di Gerardi, founder and president of DGS.
Founded in 2007, DGS Defense is growing strongly and sustainably. This development resulted in the patent for Hybrid Rigid Tubular Vessels (Extreme Hull - XH®) .. The shipyard has already obtained market, numerous certificates of technical capacity of their clients, including the Brazilian Navy, the Brazilian Army, the Federal Police GEFROM (Group Border Police of Mato Grosso) and Odebrecht.
It is the only Brazilian shipyard that produces a model speedboat to intercept and stealth armored patrol, DGS 888 (E INTERCEPTOR PATROL). They are being operated by the Federal Police in the border region and Iguazu Falls Guaira smuggling and drug trafficking. Three other DGS model XH 600 FH were specially manufactured for the Navy, prominent in the eastern ocean border, to support scientific research on the island of Trindade, and heading to the South Pole in logistics services for Brazilian base Comandante Ferraz in Antarctica.
The DGS XH 600 FH are 6 meters long and 2.4 meters wide, with outboard propulsion, carrying a crew of up to eight people and supports up to 1.610kg loading. Within the production line DGS, DGS also highlights the 650, supporting up to 1.210kg loading and has the ability to carry up to six people (pilot + 5 passengers) and DGS 777, for 14 crew and cargo 1.610kg
The DGS projects use the latest naval technology in its segment, and 100% recyclable materials. The cab is aluminum and the hull of ethylene ultra high molecular weight, an engineering plastic, which is also used in bulletproof vests, helmets, military aircraft and combat vehicles. This material ensures extreme resistance to adverse situations.
I will now get back to bottling my Malbec