Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


The Brazilian Army uses new DGS speedboat to train their fighter pilots in the Amazon

(defensa.com) Craft Center of the Amazon Military Command (CECMA) is already using the Carioca series tactical employment craft developed by the Brazilian shipyard DGS Defence, for the formation of new river navigators in the Brazilian Amazon. The region has 22,000 km of navigable rivers and faces the smuggling and trafficking of both drugs.

The Carioca, made hybrid thermoplastic technology only in Brazil, is anti-flammable, easy to operate and economical maintenance, ETRH (Rigid Tubular Hybrid Vessel) manufactured exclusively for the Brazilian Army for Defense DGS. It has turbo-diesel intercooled 6 cylinder 315 HP power, along with a high thrust propulsion water jet to navigate shallow areas. Have autonomy over 400 km, carrying three crew and six passengers and is equipped with a MAG machine gun.

Defence shipyard DGS is dedicated to designing and building military ships light using high technology in naval engineering. Each boat DGS is a unique design, developed from the needs and characteristics of their special missions customers. "We have developed a new generation of soldiers to the Brazilian government based on innovation and technical excellence boats," said Abilio Di Gerardi, founder and president of DGS.

Founded in 2007, DGS Defense is growing strongly and sustainably. This development resulted in the patent for Hybrid Rigid Tubular Vessels (Extreme Hull - XH®) .. The shipyard has already obtained market, numerous certificates of technical capacity of their clients, including the Brazilian Navy, the Brazilian Army, the Federal Police GEFROM (Group Border Police of Mato Grosso) and Odebrecht.
It is the only Brazilian shipyard that produces a model speedboat to intercept and stealth armored patrol, DGS 888 (E INTERCEPTOR PATROL). They are being operated by the Federal Police in the border region and Iguazu Falls Guaira smuggling and drug trafficking. Three other DGS model XH 600 FH were specially manufactured for the Navy, prominent in the eastern ocean border, to support scientific research on the island of Trindade, and heading to the South Pole in logistics services for Brazilian base Comandante Ferraz in Antarctica.

The DGS XH 600 FH are 6 meters long and 2.4 meters wide, with outboard propulsion, carrying a crew of up to eight people and supports up to 1.610kg loading. Within the production line DGS, DGS also highlights the 650, supporting up to 1.210kg loading and has the ability to carry up to six people (pilot + 5 passengers) and DGS 777, for 14 crew and cargo 1.610kg

The DGS projects use the latest naval technology in its segment, and 100% recyclable materials. The cab is aluminum and the hull of ethylene ultra high molecular weight, an engineering plastic, which is also used in bulletproof vests, helmets, military aircraft and combat vehicles. This material ensures extreme resistance to adverse situations.

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The attack helicopter program Harpy IV in Colombian is progressing well


(defensa.com) has recently been reported in some media sectors on a number of issues affecting the program would supposedly attack helicopter AH-60L Harpy IV of the Colombian Air Force. These problems relate to the difficulty of integration between the host town of objectives ANVIS / Hud-24 Elbit Systems with Spike missile Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, which in these difficult times, according to this information, the task of target acquisition for missiles using these helmets.

It is also suggested that the Spike missiles have been integrated into the Harpy IV (Spike NLOS 25 km. Scope, Spike ER 8 km., And Spike LR 4 km.) Would have limited scope under any tax rate political or commercial. In addition to the Spike missiles, Rafael has provided IV program for the Harpy system data or Datalink and electro-optical system for monitoring and target acquisition Toplite III MHD.

After contacting the Israeli company categorically denies the information published on any problems in the program and we are told that the integration is progressing on schedule and with the certainty that in this program Rafael fulfill its contractual commitments and the end result will be in full satisfaction.

However, in other ways we have been informed that the controller computer helmet system supplied by Elbit Systems, would be critical in the Harpy IV helicopter component, since this technology more than 12 years old and that there is a risk element that could be obsolete in no time. Therefore, the Colombian Air Force would be evaluating options and among them would be considering the purchase of another host system data center as might be the TopOwl French Thales.

The host data center provides the pilot information of major aircraft systems such as navigation, target position or warning signs, such as by launching a missile. Having critical data within sight at all times allows the pilot to reduce workload of the pilot and copilot.

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The Chilean Defense Minister welcomes home the submarine SS-20 "Thomson" after training in the United States

(defensa.com) Chilean submarine "Thomson" it arrived on August 13 at the port of Valparaiso after spending five months in committee and participate in a series of exercises with the United States Navy, under the operation DESI (Diesel Electric Submarine initative) held off the coast of San Diego.


Upon arrival the unit was received by the Minister of Defense Jorge Burgos, who was accompanied by the Commander in Chief of the Navy, Admiral Enrique Larrañaga Martin, Commander of Naval Operations, Vice Admiral Jorge Cruz, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of Navy Rear Admiral Rodrigo Alvarez and Commander in Chief of the Submarine Force, Admiral Julio Silva.

On the occasion, the Minister Brugos said "it is very important to be invited to this kind of exercise and training, which allow us to have our people in a very good level of ability. Valparaiso is the first port that saturates after more than 100 days of being out of Chile, are back to their base in Talcahuano Port ".

During his stay in the United States, "Thomson" trained alongside other American units and exercises that tested the capabilities of anti-submarine warfare developed. This training has served the Navies of the United States and Chile to train their crews, test capabilities and step further strengthen bilateral cooperation. "The objectives, in addition to cooperation activities and to demonstrate the ability to interoperate with modern ships and the United States Navy, is to achieve the most advanced of our submarines and our training units," said Commander Pablo Correa , Commander of Thomson.

As for a balance of performance and the submarine crew, Commander Correa said that "internationally, are pretty good. We come very pleased that we meet all our objectives in terms of tactical performance of our submarine ". Regarding the accident between Type 23 Frigate FF Almirante Condell-06 and Scorpene class submarine, SS-22 Stroke occurred on July 19 off the coast of Valparaiso, the Chilean Minister of Defense reported that both drives will be in service before completed this year.

This is the sixth time that one of the submarines of the Chilean Navy participates in a DESI operation. For the "Thomson" this was his second chance, having participated in 2010

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


Uruguay officially proposes to buy 10 F-5 Swiss

(defensa.com) Uruguay's undersecretary of defense minister, Jorge Menendez, said of his recent trip to Switzerland along with pilots and technicians Uruguayan Air Force to test some specimens that the country would be buying soon. They are well allocated $ 100 million for 10 F-5 aircraft, large amount of spare parts, training and weaponry. Menendez, the acquisition of these fighters "is a unique opportunity and we should provide a period of two months about 20 million by way of advancement," which appears quite difficult in an election year, despite initial support the legislative body to a certain military retrofitting.


Ratified the election announced the F-5 other publicly managed by FAU as the Italian M-346, L-15 Chinese and Russian Yak 130, would be discarded by which, as discussed in the Senate, would have requested a price of up to $ 46 million, including training, spare parts and manuals, which was considered quite excessive and disproportionate to the request to other countries, with different versions that alluded to the possible management of intermediation of a senior diplomatic official Uruguayan and former middle manager in Defence.

PS: now Uruguay will have better aircraft than Argentina

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


Operation "Relampago I" ( Lighting I ), Antioquia, Colombia

Successfully Concludes the Third Mission of the air training exercises "Lightning I"

With the participation of the Brigadier General Ramses Rueda Rueda, Commander of Combat Air Command No.1 of Puerto Salgar- Cundinamarca., Known as "The House of the fighters," held the third mission of Exercise Lightning I in Rionegro, Antioquia.

This training exercise and military drills, is a joint effort between the staff, crews and aircrafts of the the United States Air Force with its F-16 from South Carolina and Kfirs C.10 of the Colombian Air Force.



Today has Begun the training flights on the Colombian skies

102 USAF men and six F-16 aircraft are at the Colombian Air Force Airbase in Rionegro, Antioquia, part of the "Lightning" Exercise which is carried out with a Kfir squadron of the Colombian Air Force until August 20, 2014.

This training is a continuation of the meeting held at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada in 2012, between the Colombian and American crews in the exercise called "Red Flag".

"Lightning" aims to strengthen the training and provide a forum for the exchange of experiences and achieve optimal levels of interoperability with different countries, where the development of combined operations required.

This activity is a demonstration of the important place which today has the Colombian Air Force in the international community, which has allowed him to be invited to air exercises in Brazil, Canada and the United States thanks to the skills, discipline, flight training and operational our crews.


U.S. Airmen, assigned to the 169th Fighter Wing from McEntire Joint National Guard Base of the South Carolina Air National Guard, disembark from a C-17 Globemaster III, from the Tennessee Air National Guard, Aug. 9, 2014, at Rionegro, Colombia during Relampago (Lightning) 2014. Relampago is a combined air cooperation engagement with the Republic of Colombia. One hundred Airmen and six F-16s are participating in the first major joint-air training opportunity under the auspices of the South Carolina National Guard's State Partnership Program with the country of Colombia. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Tech. Sgt. Jorge Intriago/Released)


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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
F-16C/D used by 169 FW/157 FS based to Eastover are Block 52 and only 2 ANG units use Bl 50/52.


For the first time in years the Uruguay Air Force has its two Hercules active

(defensa.com) After years in which for operational, logistical or circumstantial reasons, the Uruguayan Air Force was forced to alternate the availability of its two Lockheed C-130B Hercules, holding one service and the other in reserve or inspection, finally , from the Chilean Enaer- his usual center mayores- repairs rejoined the FAU second quad, a member of the Air Squadron No. 3 (Transport) based in Carrasco.


This, along with the next major inspection of an EMB-110 "Bandeirante" Brazilian firm specializing in "Algar" and the future addition of two Airbus Military C-212/300 from Portugal rise in the coming months to a remarkable potential activity this group, in addition to strengthen its presence in regional exercises and Antarctic Program.

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


Two V-22 Osprey from the USS America visit Uruguay for the first time

(defensa.com) Two Bell V-22 Osprey belonging to the Test and Evaluation Squadron USMC VMX -22 visited the Naval Base No. 2 (BAEN 2) C / C Carlos A. Curbelo, in Punta del Este, in order to move Uruguayan officials, diplomats and legislators of the Defence Committee of the Uruguayan Parliament USS America (LHA-6), the youngest American Navy ship of ocean waters to Uruguay, in his journey from Northrop Grumman shipyard in Pascagoula, Mississippi - from where it departed on 11 July-up to his usual future base in San Diego, California, where he will be discharged on October 11, reaching its full operability in 2016, when, in addition to the V-22 and current Sikorsky Sea Hawk, can embark up to 20 F-35.


Before visited Guantánamo, Cartagena, Port Of Spain, Rio de Janeiro (the V-22 landed both downtown Santos Dumont Airport, and the Naval Air Station Sao Pedro D "Aldeia), performing exercises with the Brazilian Navy, as qualifying local crews aboard in 3 Brazilian-un EC-725 helicopters a Seahawk and Aeschylus, and the frigate F-45 "Niteroi".

In Uruguay the two Osprey transported to naval authorities, senators, congressmen and American diplomats to the deck of the USS America, offshore, for a familiarization visit to the ship, after which they returned to the guests at the Curbelo Base while the ship continued its defeat next scheduled stops in Chile and Peru.

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Jeff Head

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World Maritime News said:
Ro-ro ferry Amadeo 1 ran aground in Kirke Canal, some 100 nautical miles north west of Punta Arenas, southern Chile, on Monday, Aug 18, after hitting a rock. The vessel suffered a breach starboard, causing it to take on water, and finally, capsize on coastal shallows, with most of the hull laying above the water.

The 17 passengers and 28 crew that were on board were evacuated from the vessel and are all safe.

Chilean Navy sent ships and helicopters to the scene so as to prevent an oil spill.

The ferry was en route from Puerto Natales to Puerto Montt when the accident occurred.

Certain media reports say the ferry managed to ground on the coastline intentionally, to prevent sinking in the canal.
Navimag, the owner of the ferry, said that the services between Puerto Montt – Puerto Natales starting this week will be covered by their ferry Eden.

As I understand it, the Chilean Navy has been quite involved.
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