Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


The Defence Committee of the Uruguayan Senate unanimously calls for the purchase of vessels for the Uruguayan Navy

(defensa.com) "The South Atlantic has a growing strategic value. fleets operate in him many outside the region without any control states. In that sense, exploit gaps in the Armed coastal States that are not able to neutralize the incursion of these fleets in their exclusive economic zones, and possibly in future continental shelves, "says the statement.


He adds that "the Navy must have a permanent presence in our maritime areas through modern naval units and appropriate so that its` `being at sea, shall provide for an efficient surveillance over its internal waters, territorial sea, and maritime areas beyond the territorial sea, over which the Uruguay exercises or exercises sovereign rights or jurisdiction in accordance with its national law and international law. "

The committee notes that the Navy can promote to have "adequate" to the challenges facing the country oceanic patrol. Among other strategic issues begin to affect, like oil exploration in the sea are taken into account.
The units are priced between 42 and 150 million. The Commission shall require that all Senate endorse the declaration to stimulate policy decisions of the current or next Executive.

It is expected that in the coming days or before a certain ministerial appearance before the legislature to address these issues, similar considerations are issued regarding an even more urgent need for a VTS network with IMO and approved by IALA standards due to increased coastal, oceanic traffic, the movement of merchant and fishing or oil to other vessels nearby latitudes, and even the growing hydrocarbon prospecting horizon before which, maritime security in Uruguayan waters is more than precarious. Argentina, has strained lately maritime trade relations with Uruguay to unprecedented levels, leading to further advance this possibility.

In the last four years have been exhausting made formal and informal contacts in various departments, by various suppliers (some Eastern Mediterranean oriendos not certified), not all IALA, some of which got to show strong local lobbying, but offers technically more worthy of consideration, ran by the side of Gem, Signalis, Kelvin and Indra-in-pulse radar and Thales presented the Coast Watcher, wave only recognized by the international rules entity-level signaling, IALA series.

The Navy, like the OPV issue now order the criteria on the issue, and charged a necessary role for which is expected to convene competition or price competition.

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The Brazilian Army tests the BAE RG32M LTV

defensa.com) The Brazilian Army light vehicle included the BAE Systems Land Systems RG32M LTV (Light Tactical Vehicle) 4x4 armored eight tons equipped with antiballistic armor and protection against land mines in its breeding program VBMT-LR - (Light Armored Vehicle Multipurpose Wheeled), which is being evaluated by the Army evaluation Center (CAEX) in Rio de Janeiro.


The VBMT-LR program has provided an initial purchase of 32 units of the winning vehicle later this year. Local trials ended last July 31. Are competing for the contract, among other applicants, the LMV (Light Multirole Vehicle) Iveco Defence Vehicles, the Tupi Avibras Aerospace Industry (derived from the Sherpa Light Scout Renault Trucks Defence) and Gladiator BLSR (Light Armored on Wheels) of Inbrafiltro group, based on the Agrale Marruá Brazilian.

These first 32 copies could be spent on equipping the land component that sent the Brazilian Army to join the UN forces in Lebanon.

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Venezuela to purchase the Indo-Russian Brahmos cruise missile


defensa.com) Brahmos Aerospace, the Indo-Russian company created for the development of the Brahmos cruise missile has recognized the interest of different countries in Southeast Asia and Latin America by this system. According to statements by the CEO of the company, Sudhir Kumar Misrha, missile export is subject to the agreement of both partners and should be an allied nation of both. Misrha has finalized that naval and coastal defense are the versions that have aroused more interest.

Although the company has not confirmed any of the potential buyers, the Ministry of Defence of India mentioned that two other Asian countries, Vietnam and Indonesia have shown interest, while in Latin America, Venezuela has expressed its intention to acquire this system.

The Brahmos is a cruise missile with a range of 290 km. which can be used from aircraft, ships, submarines or from ground launchers. It was developed to equip the Armed Forces of India, however the new government emerged from the last election, with Narendra Modi as Prime Minister, claims that Indian defense companies look beyond the local market, so you should be able to export to allied countries.

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One of the main issues Argentina face is the lack of radars (fortunately more indigenous ones are being built). That means that large portions of airspace is neither covered nor controlled at all. That is especially a problem in the North and Northeast, where many illegal flights caring drugs and over smuggled contraband come from Bolivia and Paraguay. In order to stop that, Argentine Air Force dispatched a mobile radar and a squad of IA-58´s (nickname "Dengue") to take care of it.

Argentina does not have a law allowing Air Force to shoot down illegal flights that refuse to land after warnings, so all they could do was simply "follow" those planes. In spite of that, the idea worked fairly well, and many of those flights were spotted. Actually, it worked so well that the radar and the squadron were withdrawn by “la Presidenta”:mad:

That´s right, not only doesn´t the 8th largest country in the world have control of its own airspace, but when an effective action is implemented, it´s unexplainable suspended :confused:

Way to go Cristina!

Here´s a short video showing some action.


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Federal Police UH-60L in Close Air Support Mission, after a firefight in tierra caliente Michoacan, a vehicle opened fire on the aircraft same that is repelled, the results are not shown in the video, but I leave to your imagination.................


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Tyrant King
Mexican Navy's Search & Rescue MD


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note the MD Explorer uses a NOTAR system this eliminates the use of a tail rotor by vectoring the thrust of the engines through special manifolds and vanes in the tail boom. There are only a handful of NOTAR types and MD Helicopters is the primary maker. One I like of this type is the MD550 a variant of the classic OH6 but using the Notar I have often wondered why some one has not tried to convert that version into a light scout.


Colombia will participate in peacekeeping missions of the European Union

defensa.com) On August 5, was signed at the Ministry of Defense of Colombia, in Bogotá, an agreement with the European Union that opens the door to the participation of Colombia in international missions for. The document was signed by the Minister of Defense, Juan Carlos Pinzón and the EU ambassador in Colombia, María Antonia van Gool.

Colombia is Latin America and the second country after Chile, in order to participate in crisis operations and peacekeeping EU. The Armed Forces of Colombia have achieved a number of capabilities brought to light in recent years that have allowed them to participate in international missions such as the United Nations Stabilization in Haiti (MINUSTAH), Emergency Force in Sinai (UNEF) and the United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL).

It must now regulate different aspects, such as the status of military and civilian personnel involved in missions as well as the determination of the chain of command, to handle classified information or financial aspects. Once signed, the agreement must comply with the same procedures as any international treaty, which will be sent to Congress and reviewed by the Constitutional Court.

The European Union has managed around 30 international missions under the United Nations mandate and has developed 18 frames participation agreements with as many countries.

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Bolivia's Air Force receives first Super Puma

(defensa.com) Evo Morales gave the Bolivian Air Force in a ceremony held at the Second Air Brigade in the city of Cochabamba, the first of six Super Puma helicopter made by the Government of the country to Airbus Helicopters. The unit will be devoted to work fighting drug trafficking, civil assistance and control smuggling. The second helicopter will arrive later this year and the remaining four will do so in 2016.


The aircraft delivered, registration FAB 780, was baptized with the name "Khatun Puma". As published in defensa.com, the first of the Super Puma AS332 C1e, who were hired last year, started on 24 July Albacete Airport (Spain) to reach the Bolivian Cochabamba. It assembled on site Marignane Airbus Helicopters, the training program of senior Air Force Bolivia, completing his training Type Rating (TR) of the AS-332 C1e, developed at the Center for Teaching Airbus Helicopters Spain between June 13 and July 23.

For five weeks, four officers of the Air Force that Latin American country received a training program run by French and Spanish instructors. Overall the unit has flown over a hundred hours, with the assistance of media factory Albacete. Completed the training program, to transfer to Cochabamba helicopter was removed by technicians of the Spanish factory, separating the dynamic sets, as the blades, the body of the machine, in order to ship it in the hold of a cargo plane Ukrainian heavy Ilyushin-76.

In late 2013 the election by the Bolivian Air Force Super Puma latest known to combat drug trafficking, meet tasks of civil security and support to people throughout the country. The contract includes a logistics package to ensure the sustainability of the fleet in the coming years.

The relationship between Airbus and Helicopters Bolivian Air Force began decades ago with the Lama and Alouette. Today operate the AS350 B3 and since last year also 2 EC145 used to transport authorities and support to the population. Family Super Puma is particularly well suited to operations in Latin America, where there are currently more than 100 helicopters in operation and 60 new orders in progress. Their ability to operate in both height (certified service ceiling 7620 meters) and jungle environments, and extreme temperatures (-45 ° C to 50 ° C) allows you to smoothly overcome the operational challenges of the region, especially the Andes and the highlands with particular conditions and high temperature.


Fast, powerful, reliable and safe, the Super Puma is also a profitable apparatus due to its low maintenance costs (DMC) and a low fuel consumption. Presents a cost lower life-cycle by 30% to other devices in the same category. It also has a technological edge equipment such as 4-axis autopilot (AFCS) that allow greater mission effectiveness by reducing pilot workload while increasing safety in the takeoff and landing.

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