Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


MI-171Sh-P for the Air Force of Peru


(defensa.com) The Air Force of Peru will buy eight transport helicopters and Mi-171Sh combat Hip H-P to be allocated to the counterinsurgency operations in the Valley of the Apurimac rivers Ene and Mantaro (VRAEM). Currently, the Armed Forces of Peru operate six Mi-171Sh: 3 in the Air # 3 Group 3 Aviation Brigade of the Army, which were acquired in 2010 To these are added a further 24 Mi-171Sh-P acquired. for an approximate amount of $ 528 million for the Army Aviation Brigade (BRIGAE). Of these, eight will be delivered in December this year and the remainder in 2015.

The program of industrial and social compensation (offset), worth about $ 180 million, including development of a maintenance center helicopter BRIGAE Base in "Las Palmas", and a flight simulator and co-production of parts and ammunition manufacturing plant of 23 mm.

The Mi-171Sh Hip H-P has an approximate length of 18.4 m, a height of 4.7 m. and a rotor diameter of 21.3 m. The power plant up 2 motors the VK-2500-3 2,700 HP a 20per cent more powerful than TV-117BM-3. The cruise speed is 215 km / h, the extent of 580 miles and service ceiling of 4,800 m. at full load. The Mi-P have 171Sh-art avionics and night vision. Its design allows you to carry 36 troops or 4,000 kilos of cargo. The armament comprises, among others, PKM 7.62 x 54R, cannon pods UPK-23-250 23 mm. 8KOM and rockets S-80 mm.

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Airbus Defense & Space complete delivery of Brazilian P-3 Brazilian


defensa.com) With one stop in Las Palmas, from Airbus Military facilities in San Pablo, Sevilla, arrived at the Air Base Salvador to join Orungan Squadron (1 º / 7 º GAV of the Brazilian Air Force) the last of the Lockheed P-3AM modernized in Spain. Were eight in all those undergoing a complete renovation and a renewed training purposes, with only ninth registration FAB 7206.

Bahia's military headquarters where the Orion centralize his performance was the only Brazilian based in Brazil, between 1958 and 1976, the Lockheed P2V-5 Neptune, of which he set up to 14 copies. Then in 1978, they were received there the first two EMB-111 P-95 Bandeirulha or navalizados Bandeirantes, operating until the arrival of the first P-3AM, in July 2011.

The P-3AM will be complemented in office, on the bases of Florianópolis and Belém, by Embraer -111 P-95M, modernized by AEL, also having new communications Orbit Selex AESA radar and Seasprey 5000E. 4 additional copies of the modernized P-3 not in stock at Air Base Galeao (BAGL), Rio de Janeiro, will be used as a source of spare parts.

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Yep first rumors for 12 new Su-30 but version unknown.

Brazilian AF have buy 11 F-5 to Jordan they will upgrade in F-5EM/FM version with AAM Derby... as others Brazilians F-5.
And lease 10 JAS-39C/D from 2015 pending the arrival 36 E/F ( NG ) ordered.

Yes. Approximately 10 years ago Brazil purchased 11 surplus F-5Es from Jordan. These aircraft were refurbished in Brazil (zeroed out airframes) and upgraded by IAI in Brazil. There aircraft are now true all weather, point defense interceptors.

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Brazil makes places order for search and rescue aircraft C295

(defensa.com) Brazil has signed a contract with Airbus Defence and Space for the acquisition of three C295 Airbus aircraft will be used for search and rescue tasks (Search And Rescue - SAR). The three planes are successively delivered to the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) from the end of this year as part of a deal that also includes a comprehensive support contract in operating conditions (Full In Service Support - FISS), five duration.

Once in operation, the SAR aircraft will join the 12 C295 devices configured for transport tasks, expanding the fleet to 15 units of FAB C295. In addition to this fleet, the FAB also offers a comprehensive flight simulator C295 air base in Manaus (BAMN), which offers full autonomy in the training of their crews.

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The Uruguayan Air Force acquires two Portuguese Air Force C-212 300

defensa.com) C212-300 Two aircraft, the manufacturer Airbus Defence and Space, the fleet belonging to the Portuguese Air Force in recent years replaced by C295 aircraft were finally chosen by the Uruguayan Air Force to incorporate its air squadron issue 3 (Transportation), located in the AFB No. 1-Carrasco-adjacent to the main international airport in Uruguay.


So, on July 25 in Lisbon was signed a letter of intent between the authorities of the Ministry of Defence and the Commander Lusitanian Air Command Logistics Uruguayan Air Force, Brigadier General (Av.) Alberto Zanelli, representing the Ministry of National Defense of our country.

Following the same, the parties were directed to take the necessary steps to conclude a contract for the transfer of two aircraft "C-212-300 Airbus Military" (ex EADS CASA) that belonged to the Portuguese Air Force. The aircraft were visited by the delegation of FAU, who attended the 6 th N located at Montijo Air Base, near Lisbon, where they will be prepared for ferry flight to Uruguay.

The negotiation also included a package of spare parts and maintenance work to ensure appropriate conditions for conducting airworthiness of that shuttle flight, scheduled for early next year.

These aircraft will join the current fleet of four C-212 "Aviocars"-two of them former Swedish-owned Coast Guard at Air Squadron # 3 (Transportation), which are commonly used in transport tasks, a search and rescue coordination and air commander on the scene, among others.

It should also be noted that the C-212 are also used to complement the "System Emergency Aeromedical Transport", and also to supplement rotary wing Medes in SAR missions night by lighting flares in procedure trained by the Spanish Air Force. In this regard, it is important to add that aircraft have reserved external auxiliary fuel tanks, or what autonomy is increased considerably. Therefore, the Shuttle flight route is still unknown whether it will be in the north-mission estimated for January or February 2015 - or, if the aircraft autonomy at full capacity, allowing the South Atlantic route via Cape green / Noronha, or Cabo Verde / Recife-Ascension, as it did in the 90's for Naval Aviation moved two Jetstream T-2, which was the first flight of a Uruguayan twin ferry to the south.

The Air Squadron 3 FAU has C-130B aircraft, EMB-120, EMB-110 and C-212.
General characteristics of C-212-300:
• Crew: 2 (pilot and copilot).
• Capacity: up to 20 troops, 12 stretchers or 2,820 kg of cargo.
• load: 2,820 kg.
• Length: 16.2 m (53 ft).
• Wingspan: 20.3 m (66.5 ft).
• Height: 6.6 m (21.7 ft).
• Wing area: 41 m².
• Net weight: 4.400 kg.
• Max takeoff weight: 8,000 kg.
• Powerplant: 2 Garrett AiResearch turboprops TPE-331-10R-513C.
• Power: 680 kW (912 HP, 925 HP) each.
• never exceeded speed (Vne): 370 km / h, 200 knots.
• Maximum operating speed: (Vno): 370 km / h, 200 knots.
• Cruise speed (Vc): 315 km / h, 170 knots.
• Range: 1,433 km (774 nm, 890 mt).
• Service ceiling: 7,900 m. (26,000 ft.).
• Rate of climb: 497 m / min, 1,630 ft / min.

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Why was the Chilean sale of A-37B aircraft to El Salvador so successful?

(defensa.com) the announcement of the sale by Chile to the Armed Forces of El Salvador (FAES) of A-37B aircraft, the Defense Minister David Munguia Payes, came under heavy criticism. The decision to purchase them for about $ 8.7 million promised a whole political battle in the National Assembly, where they were branded as old, obsolete machinery, it outdated and discarded by Chile. Indeed, A37B were and all that, but the FAES conducted a pragmatic and streamlined operation that promises retain adequate air component for the present needs of the country.


The Salvadoran Air Force entered the era fighter jet reaction to mid 70s, with the purchase of the first "Fouga Magisters" training and light attack, and MD450 "Ouragans" combat models. The "Ouragan" were by then old, obsolete aircraft, outdated and discarded by Israel. Its design is traced in France shortly after World War II, with the first prototype flew in February 1949. Came to Israel in 1956 the first MD450, and 22 of them participate in Operation Kadesh on the eve of the War of 1956. the machine had a maximum speed of Mach 0.83 dive, and carried four 20mm cannons and considerable amount of bombs and rockets. Of those 18 bought by Israel in 1975 FAS nine come equipped to fire the missile Shafrir air-to-air Israeli design, similar to the U.S. Sidewinder. The "Ouragans" remain on the front line until 1981.

The first A-37B U.S. come from the same 1981. Was basically subsonic trainers, reconditioned as light attack aircraft for its role in Vietnam, with more powerful engines and other tools that allowed him to carry a significant amount of weapons and bombs for use against ground targets. The design of the A-37B was equally old obsolete and outdated already. However, it was a cost-efficient, high efficiency model that promised a low-intensity conflict in their task as attack aircraft, being extremely cheap to operate, maintain, and easy to drive.

Some data indicate that a total of 21 A-37B and 9 OA-37B (modified with additional communications equipment models) were given to the FAS, other notes mention only 15. From what is not clear is that none of the models delivered by the U.S. was new, as it were surpluses in Vietnam and deployed active units of the National Guard Air. The A-37B flaunted air supremacy during the internal conflict, which ended when the Salvadoran guerrillas fired missiles introduced in the late 80s. At that time the internal conflict going to have "low intensity" to what we might call "medium intensity "since the FMLN was transformed into a more organized army. There's A-37B proved their vulnerability, losing at least one portable machine by shooting missiles.


While there was internal conflict and external assistance, the flow of parts and accessories from USA allow their operations in optimal conditions and cheap compared to other models. However, being donated and delivered machines already used, accelerated wear finish the conflict. Not only their instruments began to fail, but their airframes began to surrender. To top off the case, parts became scarce, becoming extremely expensive and difficult to obtain. This forced to mend, making faces and unsafe operations.

When the time comes to replace them, Brazil offered the A/T-29 Super Tucano aircraft and attack nearby equally light but turboprop. The A/T-29 promised a cost of operation and maintenance at a fraction of what it was costing the A-37B, but at a cost ranging between 6 and 12 million. This provoked reactions and enormous political and economic resistance. Perhaps already anticipating this kind of situations, the FAS sought since 2008 in Chile, A-37B, which was evident when we cover the FIDAE that year.

The first A-37B had arrived in Chile in 1975 and a second round in 1977. Were new machines, purchased directly from the factory. In 1992 came the OA-37B, ex-USAF. By removing the served in 2009 in favor of the F-16MLU, Chile returned those who had not bought new from USA and separated themselves from the service, but keeping them in flight conditions, along with a considerable amount of spare parts. El Salvador triggered negotiations, to include the appropriate permissions to the U.S., and these culminated in 2013 with the acquisition of 10 aircraft operating A-37B two airframe parts, and all parts and accessories hold still. All came to El Salvador in 22 containers, in March 2014.

The effectiveness of the A-37B again focuses on addressing a sophisticated enemy, but not very well armed to repel such as maritime smugglers and narco-planes, to which is added the ability to set, with two engines, avionics sufficient for the tasks of interdiction capacity, which allows a range of distance. There would have to train pilots, or mechanical and there were already stocked parts. The transaction was done with less cost than a single A/T-29, and enough parts to recover up to 16 models, ensuring relatively safe and relatively inexpensive for the next five to ten years operations. Salvadorans models FAS 421, 424, 425, 427, 432, 434, are in service, with three in reserve (FAS 422, 428, and 433), while the ten ex carry Chilean numerals FAS 435 - 444.

The new President, Salvador Sanchez Ceren, meanwhile promise modernizing forces, and now the possibility of both improved air training units, tactical transport as mentioned.

"Ten aircraft for $us 8.7 million is a great deal!"

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Miragedriver, when starting this thread you described major wars fought between Latin American countries, which was interesting and I thank you for this, but now a thought occurred to me: Could you please describe traditional Allies in the region? If there's such a thing ... I mean "country X wouldn't go against Y" or "X would ask Y for help if threatened by Z" ... sorry if the question doesn't make sense :)


Miragedriver, when starting this thread you described major wars fought between Latin American countries, which was interesting and I thank you for this, but now a thought occurred to me: Could you please describe traditional Allies in the region? If there's such a thing ... I mean "country X wouldn't go against Y" or "X would ask Y for help if threatened by Z" ... sorry if the question doesn't make sense :)

Your question makes perfect sense. I will respond in the Military History thread:


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The Kfir aircraft Colombia Air Force grounded by engine problems

(defensa.com) Since last March, the Kfir aircraft Air Force Colombia remain restricted for routine flights, including the flight ban in military parades, air shows, training and patrolling, being only used if some external agent to generate some kind of risk to the country has, for this reason it is clear that they are in full operation.

Due to recent accidents kfir hunting aircraft fleet, is to reduce the risks to the entire fleet is inspected by Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), the aircraft manufacturer. It has also been established that, in the context of this survey have been sent three engines to be checked and thus effect the guarantee offered by the manufacturer of the General Electric J79-GE-J1E.

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TAP delivered the first F-5 to the Brazilian Air Force in Porto Alegre

(defensa.com) TAP Manutenção e Engenharia Brazil (TAP M & E Brazil) gave the Aeronautical Material Park of São Paulo (PAMASP) FAB, after the respective test flight of the first F-5EM / FM Air Force Brazilian (FAB) received by the company last year to carry out regular maintenance inspections.


Thus, the aircraft F-FAB 5EM 4834, was the first to have your inspection in a fleet of 58 aircraft, whose contract was signed in October 2013 and governed for five years.

For the first time in the history of the Air Force, regular maintenance services on aircraft are supersonic fighters and executed successfully by a private institution, so far, the only one with that specialty in Central and South America.

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