Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Bolivia receives 6 h425 helicopters.

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(defensa.com)El Ministro de Defensa de Bolivia, Rubén Saavedra Soto, entregó al Comandante General del Ejército seis helicópteros H425, de fabricación China, destinados a la creación del ala rotatoria de este arma.

El H425 tiene capacidad para el transporte de 10 soldados armados, soporta una carga de 2.000 kg, su longitud es de 13,5 m, su motor un turboshaft Arriel 1-C1, producido bajo licencia WZ-8ª, capacidad de armas de dos cañones de 23 mm, misiles TY 90 aire-aire y cohetes antitanques HJ-8.

El titular de Defensa afirmó que estos seis helicópteros están destinados a crear la flota de aeronaves de ala rotatoria del Ejército, que cumplirá tareas de transporte de personas, abastecimiento, reconocimiento, evacuaciones aeromédicas, apoyo a desastres naturales, ayuda humanitaria, búsqueda, salvamento, rescate, apoyo a la seguridad ciudadana y en la lucha contra el contrabando.

Los helicópteros llegaron en contenedores y serán ensamblados en la ciudad de Cochabamba, el costo de las aeronaves es de 103 millones de bolivianos, recursos provenientes de la nacionalización de los hidrocarburos.

Los técnicos ensamblarán las aeronaves en un plazo máximo de cinco meses. Serán operados por 18 pilotos que fueron capacitados en China, además de cuatro técnicos que son los responsables del mantenimiento.(Aldo Eyzaguirre Corresponsal Grupo Edefa en Bolivia).

Thank you for the post! I have translated it for our other members.

(defensa.com) The Bolivia Defense Minister Ruben Saavedra Soto, gave Commander General of the Army six helicopters H425, China manufacturing, for the creation of the rotary wing of this weapon.

The H425 has a capacity to carry 10 armed soldiers, carries a load of 2,000 kg, a length of 13.5 m, its Arriel turboshaft engine with a 1-C1, produced under WZ-8, license capacity of Arms barreled 23 mm, 90 TY missiles air-air and anti-tank rockets HJ-8.

The defense minister said that these six helicopters are intended to create the fleet of rotary wing Army, who will task of transporting people, supplies, reconnaissance, medical evacuations, disaster support, humanitarian relief, search and rescue, rescue, support public safety and the fight against smuggling.

The helicopters arrived in containers and will be assembled in the city of Cochabamba, the cost of the aircraft is 103 million Bolivians, proceeds from the nationalization of hydrocarbons.

Technicians assemble aircraft in a period of five months. Will be operated by 18 pilots who were trained in China, and four technicians who are responsible for maintenance. (Eyzaguirre Aldo Group Correspondent Edefa Bolivia).


Very interesting and also disturbing. I have hear rumors of Russia “trading” combat aircraft for possible use of southern bases and facilities. Very disturbing indeed for an old "Cold Warrior" like me.

AP - Mr. Putin's visit to Argentina came as part of a charm offensive to woo Latin American nations back into Moscow's sphere of influence. It is seeking to take advantage of Argentina's ongoing run-ins with Washington. The two leaders also discussed trade agreements, security matters, and military assistance.

Ms. Kirchner is currently battling a US court ruling that Argentina must pay more than $1.3 billion by the end of the month to hedge funds refusing to accept the restructuring of the country's defaulted debt.

The Russian expression of support for Argentina's claim to the Falklands comes amid growing British frustration with America's equivocal stance on the issue. Anxious not to upset Argentina, President Barack Obama's administration has remained "neutral" on the dispute, a stance that has caused some annoyance given Britain's firm backing of the US in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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There is a site you will rarely if ever see. All three submarines of the Argentine Navy at sail at one time.

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The surviving Argentine Type 42, ARA Hercules, is based at Puerto Belgrano, Argentina and has been converted into an amphibious command ship through the addition of a new aft superstructure and hangar. It is also fitted with Exocet missile launchers. The other Argentine vessel, ARA Santísima Trinidad, capsized and sank alongside her berth at Puerto Belgrano on 22 January 2013, reportedly as a result of poor maintenance and negligence leading to a burst seawater main and catastrophic flooding.



Prior to her demise, Santisima Trinidad was extensively cannibalised for spare parts for her more active sister ship.

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Official Transfer of the HNLMS “Amsterdam” to the Peruvian Navy as Fleet Logistics Vessel

(defensa.com) In a ceremony held at the Naval Academy, Holland transferred the Ship Fleet Logistics Support HNLMS Amsterdam (A-386) to the Navy of Peru. According to unofficial information, the contract, which is around 50 million euros, expected to HNLMS "Amsterdam" will be delivered to the Navy of Peru in December this year.


This acquisition will not only substantially increase the capacity of retention of the Fleet units in the areas of operations, but will be vital in the event of natural disasters, given its large capacity fuel (both diesel and aviation), water , dry and refrigerated food and its floating capacity nursing and medical evacuations (MEDIVAC).

The HNLMS Amsterdam (A-386) - built in Merweide, Hardinxveld and Royal Schelde (Netherlands) Yards 1992-95 - entered service in the Royal Netherlands Navy on September 2, 1995 has a length of 166 m,. Sleeve of 22 m. and a depth of 8 m, estimated displacement at full load 17,000 ton.

Propulsion borne by two diesel engines Burmeister & Wain-Bazan 24,000 HP that gives it a speed of 22 knots. The scope - 20 knots - is 13,440 nautical miles. The crew is 160 men. It can carry 6,815 tons. and 1,660 tons of diesel. aviation fuel and 290 tons of cargo. It is equipped, among others, surface surveillance radars, ESM Systems Ferranti AWARE-4 and Chaff launchers SRBOC MK-36.

Armament is made up two machine guns Browning M-2HB 12.7 mm. CWIS and SGE-30 Goalkeeper of 30 mm. This struggle missile system - based on the GAU-8 Avenger - weighs 6,800 kg, swivel 360 degrees and works in fully automatic mode.

The rate of fire is 4200 dpm (1,190 ammunition ready to fire) and a range of lethality that covers from 200 m. to 3 km, with an estimated firepower 75 rounds per second. The HNLMS Amsterdam has a large flight deck and a hangar able to accommodate three Sea King SH-3D helicopters or similar.

The transfer ceremony was attended by the Minister of Defence of Peru, Pedro Cateriano Bellido, and commanding general of the Navy, Admiral Carlos Tejada Mera, and the Dutch ambassador in Peru, Johan L. Van der Werff.

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Brazilian Air Force C-130s Hercules in training (Pictures)

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Interestingly these C-130s can be used to transport the ATMOS MLRS, IMO the only such system capable of transportation by C-130s.


The vessel ARA "Bahía San Blas" arrived in Haiti with new equipment for Argentine peacekeepers

(defensa.com) The Argentine Ministry of Defense, which leads Agustín Rossi, reported that the ship "San Blas Bay" of the Argentina Navy arrived in Haiti with logistical material for Argentine peacekeepers peacekeeping force comprising the Organization United Nations (UN) in that country.


The "Bahia San Blas", which carries the bulk of cargo every two years, took this opportunity trucks, armored vehicles, "Jeep Marrua" generators, ammunition, weapons, body armor, Kevlar helmets, water purification plants, trucks, backhoe, mini bus, housing modules and intensive therapy.


Cargo transported to Haiti is used for the normal development of the daily activities of Argentine troops (about 560), in Port au Prince and in the city of Gonaïves, where the bulk of the Argentine battalion is located. Recall that the last time this ship was docked in Haiti in 2012. During this period three flights on C-130 Hercules cargo specific completed. The Argentina annually contributes peacekeepers to Stabilization Mission in Haiti United Nations, established since 2004.

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The Russian-Brazilian contract for the "Pantsir" and the future production plant in Brazil exceed 1,000 million

(defensa.com) The Brazilian government have confirmed, completed the visit of Vladimir Putin, his willingness to enter into a contract with Russia for the supply of three antiaircraft system "Pantsir-S1" (ZRPK). The contract for the supply of equipment and construction of a possible future plant in Brazil is probably more than a thousand dollars if millonesde all Russian objectives are met.


The ZRPK "Pantsir-S1" (three units for now) be placed in the center of Brazilian Aerospace Defense Command (COMDABRA). Each of the forces ZRPK receive a full battery to protect some critical infrastructure, airfields and military installations in particular.

The "Pantsir-S1" standard Russian system is installed on the back of a 4 × 4 vehicle KAMAZ "Mustang". The combat module consists of two blocks, each of which has, in turn, with six hypersonic aircraft missiles and two rapid fire guns placed inside the missile launchers. The complex is equipped with a radar station and optoelectronic detection target tracking and missiles. In the service module are also operated for missile guidance and command of combat.

The designers were able to include in the general contour of the combat system changed antitank missiles "Kornet" which now can also be operated at air targets using radar "Pantsir". To get the perfect system from the point of view of the decision of the coverage, "Pantsir" "sees" in the range of thermal imaging for the "Kornet" may have thermal missile guidance to the target, as well as TV or laser rangefinder. This extends the usability of armaments.

As a result, complex hypersonic missiles can hit targets flying at a height from 15m to 15 km, with a range of up to 20 kilometers. The anti-aircraft guns and reach 4 km in a straight line up to 3 km. The "Pantsir" can track up to 20 targets and guide two missiles simultaneously attacking different targets, if they were all coming from the same direction.

Brazil still has "special needs." Without resolve, as stated by the defense minister, Celso Amorim, not going to buy the systems. Refers principally to the platform where the combat modules will be installed. The Russian version of the complex is located, as we say, on the chassis 4 × 4 "Mustang" Kamaz. The "Pantsir" sold to the United Arab Emirates was placed on a MAN chassis. The Brazilian Armed Forces want to suit their own trucks.

Russia offers a program of additional compensation: are borne by the Brazilian company Odebrecht Defense and Technology, future systems to be produced locally. It will also be produced under license, 30 mm ammunition for the guns. Moreover, Brazilians should require the assistance of Moscow for the development of anti-aircraft system "Paraná" (originally based on the Pechora-M Russian system), which will have radar and domestic chassis, as well as other developments in the defense industry Brazil.

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