Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Mexico Navy buys four 57 mm guns from BAE Systems


Defensa.com) The British multinational BAE Systems has announced the sale of four units of its naval cannon 57 Mk3 Navy to Mexico. The manufacture of the four systems start shortly in BAE Systems has facilities in Karlskoga, Sweden, being scheduled to begin deliveries next year and extend through 2017.
The 57 mm cannon. BAE Systems is a weapon designed primarily for medium size boats. The design is from the sixties, however, has evolved to the current version, you can employ programmable ammunition. This gun can perform four shots per second and up to 220 per minute and you can choose between different types of ammo is shooting as air, ground or naval targets.
MK3 version was designed for the mid-nineties and introduced in the Swedish Visby corvettes stealth class. The tower includes a radar to measure the speed of the shot muzzle and to optimize the operation of the programmable ammunition that can be used and has proximity fuse. The tower may include stealth design to reduce radar signature, including that by folding down the barrel in the lowest position that is integrated on the tower.

The design is from the Swedish company Bofors AB which belongs to BAE Systems since 2005 when the British acquired the giant U.S. company United Defense Industries which was then owned Swedish manufacturer since BAE Systems Bofors AB is a business unit of BAE Systems.
He is currently employed by U.S. naval units, string you have entered, Sweden, Finland and Malaysia. In the United States 57 Mk3 gun is called 57 mm. MK110 and is employed by the Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), various types of boats from the Coast Guard and is scheduled to be installed on new DDG 1000 class destroyers.
Although it has not transcended the type of vessel on which they are installed these new four guns in Mexico, four corvettes of the Sierra class and use the 57 mm cannon in mk2 version and the four class OPV Durango employ the latest Mk3 barrel. You may have purchased to install four new vessels OPV pending construction or to be installed in the OPV type Oaxaca replaces s 76 mm cannons. Oto Melara and thus available to standardizing the armament of ships.

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US Air Force Honors Pilot Who Flew With One Wing After Collision

Air Force News Service

WASHINGTON, Nov. 18, 2013 – An Air Force pilot who maintained control of his aircraft despite losing 80 percent of his left wing during a midair collision received the 2013 Koren Kolligian Jr. Trophy in a Nov. 14 ceremony at the Pentagon.

Air Force Maj. Douglas Witmer, seated, is honored during a ceremony hosted by Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III in the Pentagon, Nov. 14, 2013. U.S. Air Force photo by Andy Morataya

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III presented the award to Maj. Douglas Witmer, an exchange officer assigned to the Argentine air force’s 4th Brigade, 1st Squadron, as chief of wing weapons and tactics in Mendoza, Argentina.
Witmer, who works to enhance interoperability between the United States and Argentina as an AT-63 Pampa II instructor pilot, was flying as part of a six-ship formation over Argentina on Aug. 10, 2012, at the Argentine School of Aviation’s centennial celebration in Cordoba.

Everything seemed to be going well until one of Witmer’s wingmen made an overly aggressive maneuver, causing the other aircraft to slam into Witmer’s. He was able to maintain control of his aircraft with most of his left wing missing and several key controls not working.

Keeping calm, Witmer said he diverted his aircraft away from a nearby crowd of spectators and the aircraft formation and instructed the student aboard his aircraft to prepare to eject.

Judging his aircraft to be damaged but airworthy, Witmer was able to avoid ejecting from the aircraft and landed at a nearby airport, which had a longer runway and greater rescue facilities.

“He has 3,000 flying hours – one of them is in an aircraft with one wing,” Welsh noted at the award ceremony.
According to his award citation, signed by Welsh, “Major Witmer’s quick thinking under extreme duress and his successful management of an unfamiliar language, aircraft and field, saved a valuable aircraft, two pilots and potentially hundreds of spectators.”

The trophy is presented each year by the Air Force chief of staff in the name of 1st Lt. Koren Kolligian Jr., an Air Force pilot declared missing in the line of duty when his T-33 Shooting Star disappeared off the California coast in 1955. For the past 55 years, members of the Kolligian family have attended the ceremony, and this year was no different.

“We’re in awe of these remarkable feats of airmanship,” said Kory Kolligian, a nephew of Koren.
The award was established in 1958 and recognizes outstanding airmanship by an aircrew member who has shown extraordinary skill, alertness, ingenuity or proficiency in averting or minimizing the seriousness of a flight accident.
Looking out over the audience, consisting of dozens of Kolligian and Witmer family members, Witmer said he sensed a consistent theme to the ceremony.

“The theme of today … for me, … it’s family,” he said. “I really and truly appreciate this honor. This is an honor I never expected.”

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The Paraguayan military industry will provide ammunition to the Argentine Army

(Defensa.com) The Minister of Defence of the Republic Argentina Engineer Agustin Rossi and his counterpart from the Republic of Paraguay signed a cooperation agreement under which Argentina will provide the Directorate of Military Industries Paraguay ammunition and gunpowder to manufacture this Argentine Army for ammunition of various calibres (5.56 - 9 to 7.62) and in turn, the surplus will cover the consumption needs of the Armed Forces of Paraguay.


The signed, in addition to the supply of raw and ammunition between the two institutions matter, the agreement provides for the transfer of technology research, development and innovation in the field of strategic defense industries for Paraguay, including the timely development of the aerospace industry in Paraguay and design, assembly and manufacture of aircraft for the Paraguayan Air Force. The agreement also provides for the transfer of technology in the naval field for research, development and innovation in the design and manufacture of vessels intended for the Paraguayan Navy.

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HMS "Portland" frigate of the Royal Navy visits Colombia

(Defensa.com) The HMS Portland visited Cartagena on 25 June , coinciding with the visit to the country by the British Foreign Minister, Hugo Swire. During his visit both defence ministers explored new opportunities for bilateral cooperation in the relationship between Colombia and the United Kingdom.

The "Portland" is a Type 23 frigate, 4,900 tons and commanded by Sarah West, who became the first woman in charge of a warship in the Royal Navy.

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Argentine Defense Minister visited the ARA "Libertad" in Cuba frigate and signed bilateral agreements in Havana

(Defensa.com) First time in 41 years the frigate ARA "Libertad" visits Havana, where she will remaine until July 7, the day she will leave for Port au Prince, Haiti. Argentine Defense Minister, Agustín Rossi toured the training ship by the first vice president of the Councils of State and Ministers of Cuba, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermúdez and ambassadors from over 20 countries.

Rossi signed various cooperation agreements with its pair Leopoldo Cintra Frias, who told her on behalf of the government of Cuba strong support for Argentina's socialist government. The last time I was in Cuba was in 1973, with the government of Hector Campora, 41 years ago. On board are 72 midshipmen on official promotion 143, to which add up to 18 guests, including 10 members of the Armed Forces of Bolivia, Uruguay, Suriname, Belgium and South Africa. navigation This second phase began in the Mexican port Veracruz, after the boat participated the international meeting Candles Latin America 2014. Throughout this trip XLIV Midshipmen receive instruction classes and carry out activities to implement the theoretical knowledge acquired during four years of training at the Naval Academy . holder of the Argentina portfolio met with the minister of the Revolutionary Armed Forces General of Cuba, Army Corps and founder of the Communist Party of Cuba, Leopoldo Cintra Frias, who pledged to advance the process of integration between . Both countries during bilateral meeting different issues were addressed, such as those linked to the production of medicines; training in graduate medical specialties; production of primary and secondary radars; and educational exchange and technological industrial and scientific exchange in the field of biotechnology. In addition, the importance of the work done between Cuba and Argentina in matters of protection and civil defense, and agreed to conduct joint exercises aid, training and knowledge sharing in software risk management.

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The Air Force and the Brazilian Navy renewed their agreements for the nationalization of military products and components

(defensa.com) The Department of the Navy Supply (DABM) and the Logistic Center of the Air Force (CELog) celebrated the renewal of the partnership agreement for mutual support in the nationalization of parts of ships, aircraft and armored vehicles and amphibians, which is in force since 2008.

The cooperation agreement aims to establish an exchange program and comprehensive science and technology between the Brazilian Navy and the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), which includes research, development cooperation, training of human resources, transfer technology and technological services.

To date, the program was responsible for the nationalization of 208 articles, of which 93 have been completed and are available to the Navy for use in various operating environments. These processes, called Technical Processes of Nationalization (PTN), a system developed in "on the job training" in conjunction with the technical divisions CELog Preparation and Certification.

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The Brazilian Army successfully completes the integration of Rheinmetall MK 30-2/ABM C30 turret in Guarani

(defensa.com) The CTEx (Technology Center of the Army) successfully completed the integration stage of Rheinmetall cannon MK30-2/ABM in support for the development of the supply system. The next step will be to test the computer with the actual realization of shots and then integrate it into the Stabilized Remotely Operated Tower 30 mm cannon (TORC30).

The integration of the canyon was made by the Section of Armaments and Munitions of War Division and had the support of the Section of Mechanical Support in the manufacture of some parts of machining operations; Division of Information Technology, as well as technical firms Ares, Elbit and Rheinmetall.

In July the first tests were conducted in support to check the operation of the electrical system approved and any need for corrections in the project before production prototype operating TORC30.

The turret will be integrated into a new version of VBTP-MR "Guarani" and work remotely.

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Process of modernizing the Brazilian carrier Sao Paulo

(defensa.com) Brazilian Navy conducted an open call, the deadline will be July 26 in order to identify companies interested and capable of providing specialized tasks in technical services, consultancy and training to the Directorate of Naval Engineering (DEN) in the context of the call for Entrepreneurship Modular Period Ship Modernization of Airfield "São Paulo" (EMProModNAe)

Last March, the Brazilian Defense Minister Celso Amorim, reported that the construction of a new aircraft carriers for Brazilian Navy would be delayed about 15 years, "the idea is that it can be built in Brazil, probably based on another and existing, within 15 years with a foreign partner, "declared then.

Amorim said at the time that, meanwhile, would be subjected to updates the A-12 "Sao Paulo". This aircraft carrier, the flagship of the Brazilian Navy, with 265 meters in length and 33,000 tons displacement, was purchased from France in 2000, in which Marina entered service in 1960. Several incidents in the last five years, including fire and principles of fire on board, describing a not very successful career in the Brazilian Navy.

After reduced purchase price, about $ 12 million, a much larger bill, at the time, the ship repotenció and modernized for incorporation into the Brazilian Navy, which doubles in speed and capacity to carry aircraft hidden to Nael "Minas Gerais" (A-11).

In July 2010, the "São Paulo" returned to the active fleet, revitalized and with some improvements for which tens of millions of dollars were invested. Miles of water pipes, steam and fuel were replaced, asfaltándose entire deck, performing structural work on the inner and outer shells, as in catapults and sensors.
Far from being the national pride was intended, the vessel has been an expensive headache in which in ten years 90 million dollars have been.

The process of modernization is now tender is divided into several chapters. The first covers the steam propulsion systems, including grid lines, bearings, lubrication and cooling system and steam turbines of aircraft carriers. In another package included auxiliary systems such as compressed air system, fire system, the transfer and receipt of lubricant and fuel oil, hydraulic systems, steam generation and distribution system and aircraft catapult and arrest.

A third step is the contract, preparatory or prior acts and the acts to be performed by tax-related contract carriers that are the responsibility of the Directorate of Naval Engineering.

The objectives of the modernization project "São Paulo" is to get the Federal Government for the necessary advice on issues related to the modernization of the aircraft carrier, minimizing the possibility of failure and delays, misuse of public funds and breach of orders arising from the naval authorities or the objectives set within the Modernization Program.

The process starts now estimated last several years, having some degree of skepticism because of the many problems that have hit the ship along her Brazilian tour

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Bolivia receives 6 h425 helicopters.

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(defensa.com)El Ministro de Defensa de Bolivia, Rubén Saavedra Soto, entregó al Comandante General del Ejército seis helicópteros H425, de fabricación China, destinados a la creación del ala rotatoria de este arma.

El H425 tiene capacidad para el transporte de 10 soldados armados, soporta una carga de 2.000 kg, su longitud es de 13,5 m, su motor un turboshaft Arriel 1-C1, producido bajo licencia WZ-8ª, capacidad de armas de dos cañones de 23 mm, misiles TY 90 aire-aire y cohetes antitanques HJ-8.

El titular de Defensa afirmó que estos seis helicópteros están destinados a crear la flota de aeronaves de ala rotatoria del Ejército, que cumplirá tareas de transporte de personas, abastecimiento, reconocimiento, evacuaciones aeromédicas, apoyo a desastres naturales, ayuda humanitaria, búsqueda, salvamento, rescate, apoyo a la seguridad ciudadana y en la lucha contra el contrabando.

Los helicópteros llegaron en contenedores y serán ensamblados en la ciudad de Cochabamba, el costo de las aeronaves es de 103 millones de bolivianos, recursos provenientes de la nacionalización de los hidrocarburos.

Los técnicos ensamblarán las aeronaves en un plazo máximo de cinco meses. Serán operados por 18 pilotos que fueron capacitados en China, además de cuatro técnicos que son los responsables del mantenimiento.(Aldo Eyzaguirre Corresponsal Grupo Edefa en Bolivia).