Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


IAI Looks East To Sell Updated Kfirs

Offering a modernized version of its 1970s-era, delta-wing Kfir Mach 2+ fighter aircraft, IAI is looking toward the Asia-Pacific region for new prospects.

The company can still deliver up to 50 Kfirs, configured to the newest Block 60 standard, using airframes retired from IAF service in the 1990s, according to IAI sources. IAI recently unveiled upgrades, including the introduction of IAI/Elta EL/M 2052 active, electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, extending the fighter jets' capabilities to conduct maritime strike missions and extended air defense, through the networked integration of on-board and off-board sensors.

The airframes have been mothballed in ultra-dry conditions at an airbase in the southern Negev desert, and are in good condition for refurbishment.

The acquisition cost of the Kfir Block 60 would be around $20 million, including the avionics and weaponry—about a third of the cost of an upgraded, modern second-hand single-engine jet fighter, and its operating cost would be about 25% of an equivalent fighter jet.


Sri Lanka is the first and only Kfir operator in Asia, receiving seven of the fighters in 1995. By the year 2000, the Sri Lankan air force had acquired eight more Kfirs and one two-seater trainer, increasing its Kfir inventory to 15, including two twin-seater trainers. These combat planes proved themselves in combat through a long and intensive service.

One Sri Lankan Kfir squadron has carried out more than 2,800 operational flying hours and dropped more than 3,500 tons of bombs since 1996. During the Tamil War, the squadron provided close air support, air interdiction, battlefield air interdiction, maritime air operations and air interception.

The 10th Squadron, based at the Katunayake air base near Colombo, operates three different types of Kfir aircraft. These include Kfir C-2, C-7 and TC-2 twin-seater variants. A possible modernization would standardize all aircraft to a common configuration and guarantee a full life-cycle for the aircraft and engines. However, since the end of the Tamil war in 2009, Sri Lanka has refocused its requirements, emphasizing maritime patrol, surveillance and internal security. Therefore, modernization of the Kfirs will not be a high priority for the military.


Another prospect for Kfirs is the Philippines, which is currently seeking to modernize and recreate a combat force following years of neglect of its air force. Analysts argue that Kfir Block 60—offered at around $20 million per fully equipped jet fighter—would provide Manila with much better combat capability than the South Korean Golden Eagle F/A-50 trainers, which would cost $38 million per unit.

Yet IAI's Kfir faces competition from other directions. In addition to the Swedish Gripen and South Korean F/A-50, the Pakistani/Chinese F-17 Thunder and refurbished F-16s are also considered as viable contenders for low-budget acquisitions in the region.

In addition to the Asia-Pacific market, Israel is offering the modernized fighters to customers in Europe and Latin America. Bulgaria may be interested in the Kfir. Ecuador and Colombia both own the fighters.

IAI's proposal includes fully equipped jet fighters with comprehensive technical support. The company is even considering flexible support plans, enabling air forces to operate fighters relying on contractor support. Upgrade programs implemented by IAI in Colombia and Ecuador could become a model for similar upgrades in the Asia-Pacific region.


“The Kfirs we are selecting for refurbishment logged only a few hundred flight hours, their structure is intact, without cracks or fatigue,” says Yosef Melamed, Lahav Division general manager. As part of their return to flying status these jets are totally stripped down, rebuilt, re-wired and re-equipped with modern systems, he adds.

A critical factor in the Kfir Block 60 mission efficiency is its aerial refueling capability and airborne data link support. “Networking is an important element in the modernization of an air force; in the past we upgraded avionics and complete aircraft, now we are offering an upgrade to a complete fleet of aircraft—enabling members in a formation or even larger groups to share information, targets and situational pictures, to assist and support each other in targeting, identification and engagement,” Melamed explains.

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Still trying to negotiate a deal. It would be nice if this deal went through. Twelve aircraft is not enough, the FAA needs to have between 24 and 36 aircraft minimum to patrol its airspace.

Argentina ready to sign for the Israeli Kfir Block 60 fighter aircraft

(Mercopress 18/8/14) Argentina is advancing in negotiations with Israel for the purchase of the multi-purpose combat aircraft Kfir Block 60, which is supposed to replace the aging Mirage III, on service for over four decades.


According to the dialy 'Haaretz' an Argentine military delegation recently visited Israel to sign the deal to acquire the aircraft which have been “non operational for two decades and need refurbishing”.

The Israel daily reports that the Israel Air Industry accepted to update the avionics of the old aircraft to be sold to Argentina, despite the tension between both countries because of Argentina signing a memorandum of understanding with Iran to try and solve the AMIA 1994 bombing.

According to Haaretz, members from Israel defense industries said “the deal has been reached, and is waiting for the definitive signature”. Negotiations with Israel were re-launched last January. Apparently negotiations took off following the collapse of the deal to purchase 16 Spanish Mirage F1, fighter-bombers.

The Israel Kfir were designed and built in the seventies and eighties by Israel's Defense Industry with an approximate cost of 200 million dollars. Tens of these aircraft were sold to Air forces from Sir Lanka, Colombia and Ecuador, some of them with the advanced Elta radar.

If the deal is finally confirmed it would Argentina's second great purchase of Israel combat aircraft, following on the acquisition in 1978 of 39 second-hand Neshers, developed by Israel.

Also identified as the 'Daggers' in Argentina, the aircraft were particularly active during the Falklands conflict in 1982.

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Ecuador’s Coast Guard commission two Damen Stan Patrol 5009

(defensa.com) Dutch shipyard Damen has signed an agreement with Astinave (Ecuadorian Naval Shipyard) for the construction of two ships of the type Stan Patrol (SPa) 5009 for the Coast Guard that country. The vessels will be built by Astinave in Ecuador from prefabricated modules manufactured by Damen to be sent to the local shipyard, following the method called Damen Damen Technical Cooperation (DTC). In addition to the modules, the Dutch shipyard Astinave provide technical support during the manufacture and delivery of the vessels.


The SPa 5009 vessels are 50.2 meters in length, ability to carry up to 26 people and reach a speed of 23 knots. The design for Ecuador had to meet the requirement of being able to carry up to 32 people for a period of 30 days. This has meant increasing the original space for accommodation, food storage and even install a water treatment plant larger and larger fuel reserve.


Ecuador Coast Guard vessels used for general patrol missions, joining the three already operating SPa 2606 and they expect a fourth unit being built on the premises of the Guayas River Astinave.

Damen and Astinave signed a strategic alliance agreement ten years ago which has resulted in the construction of ships SPa 2606 began in 2007 along with tugs, dredgers and vessels rapid transit.

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k-8 of the Bolivian Air Force



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Argentine Air Force day

An A-4AR

IA-63 combat trainer

IA-63 with gun pod

An old Mirage IIIEA

A surviving Nesher/Dager

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Nicaragua receives Russian support

(defensa.com) The presence of BMP-1 vehicles during the ceremonies of the 35th anniversary of the Nicaraguan Army could demonstrate the arrival of new supplies from Russia, the result of agreement between the two countries in 2013 to strengthen and modernize the Army of Nicaragua. Remember that recent reports provide details of the arrival of aircraft (MIG-29) and misileras.

The ground component has exposed for the first time, a whole squadron of BMP-1 vehicles, never before mentioned in the military inventory and never before seen in Nicaraguan hands. Even has assembled an entire exhibition to salute the 35th anniversary of the founding of the Army of Nicaragua. Among the equipment is exposed mobile BM21 rocket launcher whose lethal missiles have a maximum range of up to 21 kilometers, T55M tanks, as well as light PT 76, which seems to have been renewed, BTR armored vehicles, mortars, rocket launchers Grad IP, 76 howitzers, 100 and 120mm, ZU-23 anti-aircraft systems and other bitubo.

Again, the novelty is the presence of BMP-1. It is an infantry fighting vehicle caterpillar. Its powertrain depends on UTD-20 diesel, 6 cylinder water cooled 300 Cv model. You can develop up to 65 km / h and is amphibious. Its armor is light, between 16 and 19 mm thick on the hull, and even 23mm in the tower, and provides protection against small arms but not against guns. Porta low profile turret that can rotate 360 degrees on its axis is equipped with two recoilless 73mm GROM-A28 can be raised between -4 and +33 degrees. Its interior can accommodate up to 40 rounds of 73mm, which feed the gun through an autoloader. About the canyon you can mount the AT-3 Sagger (Malyutka 9K11) missile, with a range of 3,000 meters. Its interior is compact, and accommodates a squad of 8 and a crew of 3.

The PT-76 light tank uses a chassis similar to track BMP-1, and a trolley self combat and reconnaissance amphibious forces. Your turret mounted cannon D-56 76.2mm. Like BMP-1, PT-76 has a light shield that protects against handguns. Both vehicles are given for a flexible and light training plus lethal, particularly in the Central stage.

The BMP-1 Squadron arrived from its base on the outskirts of the capital, the center of it to participate in the parade commemorating the 35th anniversary of the Nicaraguan Army.

The antiaircraft artillery
On the other hand, is not specified as modernized antiaircraft artillery is only known that the Group of Anti-Aircraft Artillery Lieutenant. Cnel.l Art. DEM Aldo Mauricio Herrera Neira material complies with ZU-23-2 upgraded guns. It is possible that the details of the Punj Lloyd, where manual positioning system is replaced by an automatic system dependent electro-optical shot (EOFCS) allowing entroncar targets day and night were followed, as well as a camera all times, digital laser meter and computer, allowing speeds up to 2,500 m and 300m / s.


Rosoboronexport offers a modular system "retrofit", known as ZU-23 / ZOM1 which rejuvenates the assembly, adding an optical tracheo a portable missile assembly and power generator itself. A fast way of giving mobility to such weapons is simply condition them in road vehicles, such as Humvees or trucks. In the case of Nicaragua, this could be done in Ural trucks and / or Unimog to ensure movement in any terrain. The ZU-23-2 has the following dimensions: L x 4.57m W x 1.22m High 2,88m. It weighs 0.95 tons (2,094 lbs), and has two automatic guns 2A14 Yakushev Afanasyev-23mm.

Russian assistance to the Central American country may have spread to several Russian radars. During the time of the Sandinista Air Force and Air Defense (FAS-DAA), Nicaragua acquired several radar systems: P-19, P-18 and P-37, and altimeters PRV-13 and PRV-16. The systems were distributed Node Radio Technical sited in Bluefield, San Carlos, Puerto Cabezas, Esteli and Monte Rosa. Another was established in Cosigüina volcano and one in Siuna. The October 10, 1983 Troops constitute Radio Techniques (TRT), first with an obsolete radar, previously used by the National Guard and known as "The Rojito" in Montelimar. After the first units appear on The Bluff. The structure of the TRT consisted of a Headquarters and Knots radio engineering and its elements were located in El Crucero, since 1984 the TRT appear in military stumps (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 MRI). On the same date the TRT Brigade, composed of Radio Technical Battalions (BRT) or Radio Technical Units (NRT) is created. Each battalion had five radars of the type P-18, P-19, P-37, PRV-13, PRV-16 and PRV-17. In 1987 five positions of radio engineering Mobile Knots appear at 1, 2, 5 and 6 RM. But from 1990 the TRT restructure, which happens again in 1996.


Indeed, in the process of teaching and training in the FA-EN in 2013 courses related to the preparation of trainers in MI-17 helicopter they were given; and ship managers and co-IM-17, AN-26 and C-206 helicopters; instrument clock to heads of ship C-172 and PA-18 pilot; shooters and requalification in Complex Portable Antiaircraft missile (CAAP) and training of personnel working under operating P-18 radar. The P-18 Spoon Rest D is called the 1RL131 Terek. Furthermore, it is contemplated to install at home Russian satellite stations, known as Glonas

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The Ezute Foundation presents the new Brazilian Anti-shipping Missile


(defensa.com) The Foundation Ezute- group member Embraer Defence and security - gives details in Brasilia, during the 3rd Shows BID (Defense Industrial Base) in association with the Brazilian Navy to design and manufacture the first missile surface national anti-ship (MAN-SUP), MBDA Exocet MM-derived 40 Block III, which will be used on ships of the Brazilian Navy.

It is a complex, multidisciplinary project with high technological content. The development of the MAN-SUP is in charge of three Brazilian companies (Omnisiys, Avibrás and Mectron) while Ezute, which acts primarily as an inclusive, provides technical and administrative support for the development and integration of components manufactured by different suppliers as well as ensuring their qualification.

In 2013 Omnisys concluded PDR (Preliminay Design Review) search radar missile, beginning to test parts of the subsystem is estimated to conduct field trials in 2017, after which production should start by early 2019.

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