Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


The American Air Force, assembled in Brazil, operating procedures updated SAR

(defensa.com) The meeting reflects the challenges of military aviation entities to respond quickly in the event of natural disasters. Until next Friday, 14 Air Forces of the Americas meet in Salvador (Bahia) to the top of the XIII Committee System of Cooperation among American Air Forces (SICOFAA).


The aim is to discuss updating the Air Operations Manual SICOFAA in Humanitarian Aid and Disaster beyond a new guide Combinados.Estos exercises normative documents are those which govern the planning, implementation and evaluation of air, virtual and operational exercises.

The revision was approved by the commanders of the air forces of member countries during the 54th annual conference, held in Medellin, Colombia, in June. The need to improve the manuals originated after the year end multilateral SAR SICOFAA called "Cooperation III," directed by the Air Force of Peru in Lima and Pisco, Peru, in April 2014, this year attended of 705 personnel, 282 of whom were foreigners, and 12 air assets participating air forces.


In opening the meeting, the Chief of the Air Staff of Brazil (EMAER), Lieutenant Brigadier Ricardo Machado Vieira Air, said the review of documents reflects the challenges facing air forces to train in response to a prompt the need for humanitarian assistance in the various natural disasters that may occur in the Americas.

Meeting was attended by representatives of the Air Forces of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, United States, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Dominican Republic and Uruguay. The American Air Forces Academy participates as organization invited.

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Aviation Week
Saab Gets A Toe In The Water

Wed, 2014-09-17 16:42
Two Swedish delegations have recently visited the Brazilian aircraft carrier Sao Paulo in support of plans to develop a naval version of the JAS 39E/F Gripen fighter. A government team toured the ship in August, followed by a Saab-Embraer technical/engineering group in September.

Informally known as the Gripen M (Maritime or Marinha), the carrier-based version has been under study in parallel with the E/F since the program's early years. In 2013, in the run-up to Brazil's selection of the JAS 39E/F as its next fighter (with a contract due at year-end), Saab said that its company-funded study had brought the Gripen M to the point where it could be offered as a fixed-price development program, costing $250 million and taking five years from launch to production deliveries.

Saab and Brazil have already agreed that Embraer will lead the development of the two-seat JAS 39F, subject to the final contract, and development of the Gripen M could broaden that partnership. Ownership of an operational aircraft carrier is clearly a prerequisite for a Gripen M partner, and both India and Brazil have been approached.

Brazil's Sao Paulo carrier, formerly the French navy's Foch, has taken a long time to upgrade and restore to operational condition, but the Brazilian navy has persisted both with the ship and its current air wing, including a major upgrade of its AF-1 Skyhawk fighters with a new Elta radar and glass cockpit. One report suggests that Brazil expects the ship and its air wing to be operational in time to support security for the 2016 Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro.

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Aviation Week
Saab Gets A Toe In The Water

Wed, 2014-09-17 16:42
Two Swedish delegations have recently visited the Brazilian aircraft carrier Sao Paulo in support of plans to develop a naval version of the JAS 39E/F Gripen fighter. A government team toured the ship in August, followed by a Saab-Embraer technical/engineering group in September.

Informally known as the Gripen M (Maritime or Marinha), the carrier-based version has been under study in parallel with the E/F since the program's early years. In 2013, in the run-up to Brazil's selection of the JAS 39E/F as its next fighter (with a contract due at year-end), Saab said that its company-funded study had brought the Gripen M to the point where it could be offered as a fixed-price development program, costing $250 million and taking five years from launch to production deliveries.

Saab and Brazil have already agreed that Embraer will lead the development of the two-seat JAS 39F, subject to the final contract, and development of the Gripen M could broaden that partnership. Ownership of an operational aircraft carrier is clearly a prerequisite for a Gripen M partner, and both India and Brazil have been approached.

Brazil's Sao Paulo carrier, formerly the French navy's Foch, has taken a long time to upgrade and restore to operational condition, but the Brazilian navy has persisted both with the ship and its current air wing, including a major upgrade of its AF-1 Skyhawk fighters with a new Elta radar and glass cockpit. One report suggests that Brazil expects the ship and its air wing to be operational in time to support security for the 2016 Olympic games in Rio de Janeiro.

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Here is more on this:

Saab visited the Brazilian aircraft carrier "Sao Paulo" to study the feasibility of Naval Gripen


(defensa.com) Two delegations from Sweden's Saab have visited the aircraft carrier of the Brazilian Navy A-12 NAe "Sao Paulo" as part of the feasibility study of the shipped version of the Gripen fighter aircraft. On September 4 technicians Saab and Embraer Defense and Security evaluated in situ modifications would be needed to operate the naval version of the Gripen. Depending on the outcome of this visit will know if the "Sao Paulo" is fit to operate the Gripen M board. This is the second visit to the aircraft carrier Saab technicians since the first was in August.

The naval version of the JAS 39 E / F, informally known as the Sea Gripen Gripen or M (for Maritime) is being studied by the Swedish company and Brazil's Embraer as part of fighter aircraft for the Brazilian Air Force. In 2013 Saab announced that it had intended to study equity naval version and could provide a development program whose cost amounted to $ 250 million and take five years until the arrival of aircraft production. Saab and Embraer agreed as part of the Brazilian program to develop the two-seater version of the Gripen, designated JAS 39F would be driven by Embraer. This collaborative structure which could be employed to develop the Gripen M.


The Brazilian Navy acquired the French aircraft carrier Foch and has been doing during the past years work updating this platform, essential to have a naval combat aircraft requirement. The Sao Paulo has veteran fighter aircraft AF-1 Skyhawk that were equipped with new avionics and new radar Israeli company Elta, a decision that was questioned at the time by the cost compared to the age of the aircraft. The Brazilian Navy would want both the Sao Paulo and its embarked aircraft were ready to participate in security missions taking place on the occasion of the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

Everyone knows that Saab is interested in the development of the naval variant not only for India but because Brazilian program is in the same situation, with aircraft carriers in service but looking to equip them with modern aircraft.

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Lieutenant General
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Brazilian OPV project, ocean going.

Brazilian state-owned naval project management company EMGEPRON (Empresa Gerencial de Projetos Navais) is to unveil the design for Brazil's first indigenously developed offshore patrol vessel (OPV) at the Euronaval 2014 exhibition, taking place in Paris, France at the end of October.

The design has been developed by the Brazilian Navy's Ships Project Center (CPN).

The ship - given the designation Navio-Patrulha Oceânico BRasil (NaPaOc-BR), or BR-OPV - has been designed to carry out surveillance tasks in Brazil's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), including the protection of offshore resource platforms; to combat illegal activity at sea; to provide security for maritime traffic; and to support search-and-rescue operations.

The OPV design displaces around 2,000 tons and can embark a crew of up to 125. The vessel is 103.4 m long and 11.4 m wide, and has a draft of 3.95 m. With a top speed of 25 kt and a range of 4,000 n miles at 12 kt, the vessel is designed for an endurance of 30 days at sea.

The combined diesel and diesel (CODAD) propulsion system includes two diesels and associated controllable pitch propellers driven through a single gearbox. Reflecting the overall stealth approach in the design, the vessel's single funnel has been positioned at the centre of the superstructure just behind the mast. The design also features two rear-mounted, lateral stabilizers beneath the waterline.

The vessel has capacity to embark rigid hull inflatable boats (RHIBs), and has a flight deck and hangar able to accommodate a light- to medium-sized helicopter.

Systems and sensors include a gyro-stabilized electro-optical observation and fire direction capability; communications, electronic warfare, navigation, and command and control systems; water cannons; and surface search, air-and-surface search, and navigation radars.

Armament includes a medium calibre turret-mounted gun, and two side-mounted 20 mm guns. It is understood that the OPV could carry 40, 57, or 76 mm weapons as the main gun.

EMGEPRON said that studies to define the weapons and system fit are underway, but emphasized that the design would allow for the integration of a range of equipment.

Brazil currently operates the three-strong Amazonas class of OPVs, purchased through a GBP133.8 million (USD218.61 million) contract signed with BAE Systems in December 2011. Amazonas (P120), Apa (P121), and Araguari (P122) were commissioned in June and November 2012 and June 2013 respectively. The deal also included a manufacturing license to enable further vessels of the same design to be constructed in Brazil.

As part of the Surface Ships Acquisition Program (PROSUPER), the navy's Directorate for Management of Strategic Projects (DGePEM) is scheduled to buy and locally build five 1,800 ton OPVs. Proposals to meet this requirement have been submitted by BAE Systems, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine, Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding, DCNS, Fincantieri, Navantia, and ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems. Even though Brazil has license to build follow-on Amazonas-class hulls, it is not necessarily the case that Brazil will use this design to meet this future OPV requirements.

Beyond this, it is understood that a further seven OPVs may also be required.

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Rosoboronexport expects to close after the presidential elections in Peru, in 2016, the sale of 140 tanks T-90S


(defensa.com) As stated during the recent air show and defense 2014 Africa Aerospace and Defence Sergey Goreslavski, deputy director of Rosoboronexport, which reported that the governments of Peru and Russia are negotiating the sale of the tanks. According Goreslavski, if not already closed the deal is for the forthcoming presidential elections to be held in Peru in 2016.

Meanwhile, Rosoboronexport and manufacturer of tanks, Uralvagonzavod, would be working hard to get the contract, but also confirmed that the program is in the middle of its commercial development. Also, according Goreslavski, the Peruvian government is interested in establishing a factory truck Kamaz Russian company, which would take the manufacture of both military and civilian trucks. The modernization program of the Armed Forces of Peru includes replacement of existing tanks French AMX-30 and T-55 Russian tanks with new ones, among which is the T-90S Russian-made, already made tests in Peru last year, the results reported defensa.com.


Moreover, Goreslavsk confirmed that during the next three months Rosoboronexport delivered the last three Mi-35 helicopters to Brazil, which end on twelve aircraft order signed in 2008.

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Peruvian counternarcotics forces detonate explosives on part of a clandestine grassy airstrip in the Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro River Valleys, the world's No. 1 coca-growing region, in Ayacucho, Peru...
Picture: AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd


The dynamiting cuts into profits but hardly discourages cocaine traffickers who net tens of thousands of dollars with each flight flown from these airstrips.
Picture: AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd

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Iveco Latin America builds 100th armored VBTP-MR Guarani

(defensa.com) Brazilian manufacturer Iveco Latin America will complete construction of 6x6 armored wheeled vehicle 100th VBTP-MR for the Brazilian Army (EB) on September 26 Guarani. The event takes place at the Iveco factory in Sete Lagoas, Minas Gerais and is expected to count on the presence of Defense Minister Celso Amorim and other political and military authorities.

Photography: Armored 6x6-MR Guarani VBTP a protected weapons station W & E Platt MR550 (Iveco Latin America).

The 15th Mechanized Infantry Brigade (15th Inf Bda Mec) Cascavel was the first operational unit to receive official vehicle in March this year. The Training Center armored "General Walter Pires" (CIBld) of Santa Maria, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul also operates some units.

Of the 2,044 vehicles that intend to receive the Brazilian Army until 2031 under the letter of intent signed in December 2009 with Iveco Latin America were acquired effectively by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) in December 2007 a pilot batch 16 vehicles, and a technical data package and a set of production tools developed specifically for the contract; in August 2012 a batch of 86 vehicles doctrinal experimentation (LED), technical assistance, logistical support and training; and 26 through a similar contract signed in December of 2013 units, plus Lot of 86 vehicles. It is anticipated that the delivery of 128 armored wheels will be completed in December 2014 A prototype hired in December 2007 falls outside the set of already acquired vehicles.

The fiscal year of the budget law of the Union for 2015 (PLOA 2015) devoted a budget of $ 200 million to implement the acquisition by the Logistics Command (COLOG) of 56 additional vehicles.

The VBTP-MR program as recorded by the Strategic Project Army - Guarani (PEE Guarani) progressively replace armored 6x6 EE-11 Urutu and EE-9 Cascavel produced by the company now defunct ENGESA (Engenheiros Specialized S / A), and improve the ability of many armored units.

The vehicle will be produced in versions personnel carriers, carrying 120mm mortar., Command post, communications director fires, workshop, ambulance, engineers, air defense, throws bridges, defense CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear ), crew training and mine clearance. The basic version has a weight of 18.3 tons, a length of 6.9 meters, width 2.7 meters, a height of 2.3 meters hull, a speed of 90 km / h and a range of up to 600 km .

The development of armored wheeled was financially supported by FINEP - Inovação e Pesquisa do Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia & Innovation (MCTI) Brazilian Army being the owner of the design, and Iveco Latin America its author. (Victor Barreira MS)

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