Central/South American Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


Brazil will receive helicopters Mi-35M by the end of the year
Under the contract, Russia must pass the South American partner 12 units


Deputy General Director of "Rosoboronexport" Sergei Goreslavsky exhibition Africa Aerospace and Defence 2014 reported that Russia will complete the delivery of Mi-35 helicopters in Brazil until the end of the year.

"With regard to the negotiations with the Brazilian side, they were the next step in the promotion of" armor-S "in Brazil and the actual completion of the supply of helicopters to Brazil. I'm talking about completion as agreed timing of delivery of the last batch of the contract for the Mi-35. Until the end of the year will take place on delivery, and, accordingly, we realize that the contract that was signed in 2008, "- said Sergey Goreslavsky.

Deputy General Director of "Rosoboronexport" also pointed out that at the exhibition the company held their first talks in a trilateral format (Russia, Brazil, South Africa) on the implementation of plans to create a joint product in the field of aeronautical defeat adapted to the aircraft "Grippin" who bought South Africa and Brazil .

At the end of 2015 in Brazil will create a Center for repair and maintenance of Mi-35M.

Service centers are already operating holding company in the EU, CIS, Latin America, Asia and Africa. In August, "Russian Helicopters" in Brazil have authorized service center Helipark Taxi Aereo, which will contribute to the successful operation of helicopters Ka-32 in South America.

"Russian Helicopters" - one of the world's leading helicopter industry, the only developer and manufacturer of helicopters in Russia. Holding was formed in 2007. The head office is located in Moscow. The holding comprises five helicopter factories, two design bureaus, as well as manufacturers and service components and service company providing after-sales support in Russia and abroad.

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The last years of Hugo Chavez and under the new administration of Maduro, Venezuela has rearmed itself very interestingly:

Few things I can remember at the moment ...

Personal equipment
- AK Factory
- Two AK munition factory
- 100 000 AK-103
- 5000 Dragunov sniper rifles
- Night optic for AK/Dragunov
- 1800 Igla-S MANPAD
- Mini machine gun

Air Force
- 24 Su-30MKV (rumors are Su-35 are done deal. Could be just rumors)
- 38 Mi-17
- 3 Mi-26
- 10 Mi-35 (rumors are Mi-28 is a done deal. Could be just rumors)
- 36 K-8
- 10-12 Y-8 transport


- S-300V on order (confirmed)
- BUK-M1-2
- Pechora-2M
- TOR-M1 (considered)

Ground forces
- Smerch (most likely on order)
- 92 T-72B tanks
- BTR-80/BMP (most likely on order)

- Yakhont coastal missile battery
- Subs are mentioned often but no deal yet

- 3 JYL-1 3D radar
- JY11B radar

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


Putin: Brazil is one of Russia's key partners in Latin America

QUESTION: How do you assess the status and prospects of the strategic partnership between Russia and Brazil? What key issues and specific proposals are you planning to discuss in Brasilia?
Russian president to visit Cuba, Argentina, Brazil during Latin America tour

VLADIMIR PUTIN: Our bilateral cooperation is of strategic importance, as Brazil is a responsible member of the international community whose political influence is steadily increasing; it is also the largest country in Latin America and one of the leading economies in the world. It is enough to mention its active participation in BRICS, the G20 and a number of Latin American regional organisations (CELAC, MERCOSUR, UNASUR).

We support Brazil as a deserving and strong candidate for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. I am sure that this powerful and fast-developing country is destined to play an important role in the emerging polycentric world order.

I want to emphasise that Brazil is one of Russia's key partners in Latin America. We have long-standing relations of friendship, mutual respect and trust. We are actively developing political dialogue, defence, scientific, technological and humanitarian cooperation, as well as economic and investment ties.

Over the last ten years, bilateral trade has grown almost three-fold and reached $5.5 billion in 2013. Our companies maintain close contacts through the Brazil-Russia Business Council. The citizens of our countries no longer need visas to travel. Dozens of Russia's best universities that joined Brazilian educational programme Science without Borders are ready to welcome students from Brazil. Cultural exchanges have become a regular practice.

During the visit, we want to discuss areas for further developing cooperation and to outline new joint projects in energy, investment, innovation, agriculture, science and technology. We plan to sign a large package of documents relating to a variety of industries, including between specialised agencies, public and private companies, and research and educational institutions.

QUESTION: The current level of economic and trade relations between Russia and Brazil is far below the potential that has been proclaimed by the countries' leaders. What steps do you consider necessary to accelerate the realisation of this potential? What are the obstacles that slow us down and prevent us from taking bilateral trade to a completely new level?

VLADIMIR PUTIN: Indeed, despite the good results achieved, there is still an untapped potential in trade and economic cooperation with Brazil. Moreover, there was a decrease in bilateral trade (3.3% in 2013), caused by global economic instability. In order to address the situation we need to diversify our trade ties by increasing the share of high-tech products and engineering goods, as well as by developing cooperation in aviation, energy and agriculture.

Russian companies are interested in the Brazilian market. Our countries' businesses have launched a number of successful investment projects in energy, engineering and pharmaceutical industries. For example, Russia’s Rosneft and the Brazilian HRT oil and gas company are jointly exploring and producing hydrocarbons in the Solimões river basin. In the state of Santa Catarina, the Power Machines corporation is setting up production of hydro turbines of up to 100 MW for their subsequent delivery to the markets of Brazil and other MERCOSUR countries. BIOCAD is developing a research, education and training centre in Brazil, designed to produce modern innovative medicines for the treatment of cancer.

I am sure that such projects will help bring our bilateral trade and economic cooperation to a more mature level, which meets the current and future capabilities of our developing countries.

QUESTION: Brazil will pass the baton of hosting a world football championship to Russia. Are you following the FIFA World Cup? Which part of Brazil's experience in preparing and hosting the event has attracted your attention and can be taken on board while organising the 2018 World Cup?

VLADIMIR PUTIN: I try to follow the World Cup as far as my work schedule allows. The Latin American countries’ teams have put on a display of football that has real flare and talent. Unfortunately, our team did not leave the group, but, in my opinion, they tried their best.

At the invitation of Brazil and FIFA Presidents, I am going to visit the final match of the Championship to attend the ceremony of passing the baton from Brazil to Russia. In 2018, Russia will host this most popular global sporting event for the first time in its history.

In February-March, we successfully hosted the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi and know exactly what a challenge it is to organise such a huge event. We are analysing Brazil’s experience very carefully. Your country is yet to host the Olympic Games in 2016. Representatives of several ministries and organisations, including the Ministry of Sports and the Russia-2018 Organising Committee, are in constant contact with Brazilian colleagues. They have already visited Brazil and I am sure they will go there again more than once.

It is worth noting that Russia plans to take the FIFA World Cup a step further in some areas. For example, we passed a federal law establishing a special visa regime for foreigners who help organise the 2018 Championship, and enabling not only the official participants, such as the athletes, referees, coaches and others, but also the fans to visit Russia without visas right before and during the competition. The history of football championships has never seen anything like this before.

I am sure that the World Cup in Brazil will be a bright page in the history of football. I wish the Brazilian organisers every success in completing it. As for us, in 2018, we will do everything possible to give the world an unforgettable football celebration and show genuine Russian hospitality.

QUESTION: How much attention will be paid during the talks in Latin America to the issues of the modern world order, which enables some players on the international arena to unilaterally claim significantly more extensive rights, including to spy even on those leaders that they call partners and to hack their phones?

VLADIMIR PUTIN: The 21st century world is globalised and interdependent. Therefore, no state or group of countries can unilaterally tackle major international problems and any attempts to build a separate “oasis of stability and security” are doomed to failure.

In order to meet numerous challenges and threats we have to stop trying to impose development models on other countries. This approach has repeatedly proven its ineffectiveness. It does not just fail to facilitate conflict resolution, but leads to instability and chaos in international affairs.

Today, it is especially important to consolidate the international community’s efforts to ensure equal and indivisible security, as well as to resolve disputes trough the application of international law and with the central coordinating role of the UN.

As for the facts of cyber espionage that you mentioned, it not only amounts to overt hypocrisy in relationships between allies and partners, but also a direct violation of the state's sovereignty, an infringement on human rights and an invasion of privacy. We are looking forward to jointly developing an international information security system.

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


FAdeA officially inaugurated the production line component KC-390 aircraft


(defensa.com) Argentine Defense Minister, Agustín Rossi, formally inaugurated the production line of components for the KC-390 program of the Brazilian Embraer. The activity was part of the ceremony for the 87th anniversary of the creation of Argentina Aircraft Factory "Brigadier San Martín" SA (Fade) in Cordoba. During the ceremony, the head of the ministry expressed "pride to witness the first product to be exported FAdeA after 20 years; This is a qualitative and quantitative leap in quality, and involves putting value back into our defense industry. "

FAdeA President, Matías Savoca, emphasized the fact that the contract with Embraer "puts us in the place of socio-provider one of the most important companies in the world." He added: "Our biggest challenge is to mass produce the Pampa III, and to achieve this we are working on the resolution of contingencies."

The cooperation agreement was signed in 2011 between the governments of Argentina and Brazil. In this context, Fade and Embraer signed a contract for the manufacture of parts of the KC-390, a draft medium transport aircraft, powered by two jet engines and capable of carrying up to 21 tons of cargo. The signing between the two companies sets an important for the development of other regional projects precedent.

Participated in the event FAdeA CEO, Tulio Calderón; vice president of Supply Chain Embraer, Sandro Marcelo; and the KC-390 program Embraer, Paulo Gastao; with the heads of the Navy, Admiral Gaston Erice; and the Air Force, Brigadier General Mario Callejo.

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Launched in China the new Hydro-Oceanographic Ship of the Brazilian Navy, the "Vital de Oliveira"


(defensa.com) Guangzhou Shipyard Hantong Shipbuilding and Shipping Co. Ltd., based in the Chinese city of Xinhui, just throw to the sea trials of the new ship Brazilian hydro-oceanographic research "Vital de Oliveira". One, whose name pays homage to the patron of the Brazilian hydrography, has 3,500 displacement tons, 78 meters long by 20 mouth and 4.8 meters deep, having 3 dry labs-5 and two húmedos-, plus a remote undersea exploration vehicle, able to act up to 4,000 meters deep. Its range is 60 days at a speed of 10 knots.

Its construction is being monitored by members of the Brazilian troops Group Construction Supervision, Technical Support and Administrative (GFCATA), temporarily based in China, and its delivery to the Navy is scheduled for May 2015 Results of a cooperation agreement between the Brazilian Navy, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Petrobras SA and Vale, the vessel will be used in scientific research, chemical, biological, geological and environmental, as well as the physical characterization of the strategic areas of the South Atlantic Ocean .

It will have other scientific equipment of last generation and, in addition to the qualified crew, you can embark on more than 40 researchers. Choosing a Chinese shipyard and builder of this vessel for matters relating to the trade balance and the speed of delivery was justified.

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


Arriving in Colombia a Corvette donated by South Korea


(defensa.com) On October 4 Corvette reached Colombia Nariño ARC (CM 55), the 1,200-ton vessel donated by the South Korean government to Colombia and was in service in that country from 1983 to 2011 under the name of ROKS Anyang (PCC 755). The ship arrived at the naval base where Bahia Malaga will join the fleet of the Navy in the Pacific and after arrival reception ceremony was chaired by the Commander of the Navy, Admiral Hernando Wills Velez was performed.

The donation of this vessel was the result of a cooperation agreement between South Korea and Colombia that will allow the Navy of the Republic of Colombia to increase its outreach. Before his arrival in Colombia, the ship underwent a process of reviewing their systems in South Korean yards which was supervised by personnel of the Colombian Navy and entailing a total payment of $ 2.5 million.


The ship is retired its Oto Melara 76 mm piece. which was its main armament and instead now has two Bofors 40/40 mm L56 guns. assemblies and two twin 30mm cannons. Emerson Electric Emerlec, two triple Mk 31 torpedo launchers and 12 anti-submarine depth charges, being intended to be installed Exocet antiship missile launchers. Once these reforms completed the vessel made the trip from Jinhae Naval Base to Colombia, surpassing the 10,000 nautical mile journey for which he needed two months.

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Russia wants to sell the Mig-35 in Peru


(defensa.com) The Director General of Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG, Sergei Korotkov, announced that it hopes to sell to the Air Force of Peru's new fighter aircraft Mig-35. At the moment I would be working on a deal that would include at least 10 devices, which would come to replace the MiG-29 veterans available to the Air Force of Peru, aircraft are nearing their end of life as they were built in the eighties.


The Air Force of Peru has 19 Mig-29 made in the late eighties in different versions, of which eight were modernized in 2012 to the SMP version (including two two-seaters). In 2013 the modernization of eight aircraft modernization, according Korotkov, has yet to start yet announced. The Mig-35C is a fighter aircraft manufacturer considered fourth generation, however it is just an evolution of the latest versions of the Mig-29.

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The roll out of the KC-390 and the signing of the FAB for the Gripen would take place within hours of each other at the end of this month

(defensa.com) The Brazilian government plans to sign on the 24th of this month the purchase agreement of the supersonic fighter Gripen NG, produced by the Swedish company Saab. The agreement provides for the purchase of 36 aircraft with an estimated value of $ 4,500 million. A few hours before the roll out would take the largest aircraft built in Brazil by Embraer, the KC-390, both projects with many local and foreign partners. About three weeks after the great South American transport plane would make its first test flight.

Before that, in mid-October, the industrial cooperation agreements and technology transfer with suppliers and partners in the development of the Gripen program in Brazil key must be signed. According to the Brazilian Ministry of Defense, since August the parties have worked on the project settings. The list of companies associated with the development of the Swedish fighter includes Embraer in Brazil, Mectron, Odebrecht Defense and Technology, Inbra Aerospace Akaer, AEL and Selex Systems Group and GE do Brasil.

Embraer had in July signed a memorandum of understanding with Saab to ensure its leadership position in the project.

Saab also pledged to invest $ 150 million to build a factory of aerostructures in the São Paulo municipality of São Bernardo do Campo, with Inbra Aerospace as majority shareholder (60%) of the new company, which should be operational by the end of 2015 . Akaer- to own Saab as shareholder, was the first contractor to work on the Saab Gripen NG program, part of the fuselage, wings and main landing gear doors. Aerospace Inbra centralize the production of structural composite parts.

The participation of the company in the F-X2 program includes coordinating the activities of production and delivery of single and tandem versions of Gripen and systems development, integration, flight testing, final assembly and delivery. Embraer is also considering an alliance with Saab for the promotion and global marketing Gripen NG. The package of technological and industrial compensation provided by Saab for F-X2 states Gripen 40% and 80% of its structure can be produced locally.

In turn, try to place the Embraer KC-390 in the context of the current possibilities of exchange and to the Super Tucano in purely academic version in the Swedish Air Force.

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec


Brazil wants three S-70B helicopters


(defensa.com) The Agency for Cooperation in Defense and American Security (DSCA) published a request from the Brazilian government for the acquisition of three naval S-70B Seahawk helicopters, tactical training simulator five night vision goggles AN / AVS-9, parts, spares, tools, test equipment and logistical support.

The order is valued at $ 150 million and although the contractor is not mentioned, the helicopter manufacturer Sikorsky is American. The S-70B Seahawk anti-submarine helicopter is (ASW) and anti-surface (ASuW) multirole that Sikorsky offers international customers. Brazil employ these helicopters in anti-submarine missions to supplement the AH-11 Super Lynx available and given the advanced age of the SH-3A / B Sea Kings. The latter part of the squadron HS-1 assigned to the aircraft carrier Sao Paulo NAe.

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Peruvian and Canadian defence authorities on 9 October signed an agreement for the Peruvian Navy to receive five Kaman SH-2G Super Seasprite multirole helicopters.

The deal covers the acquisition of SH-2G helicopters in service with the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) since 2001. The aircraft will be acquired by General Dynamics Air & Space of Canada, which will then perform upgrade work prior to delivering the helicopters to the Peruvian Navy.

Meanwhile, the RNZAF Super Seasprite fleet is being replaced by eight former Australian SH-2G(I), the first of which performed its maiden flight last April and delivery is scheduled to be complete by mid-2015.