I am really appalled by your ignorance and reluctance to learn a thing or two about China as you are always so eager to jump in the fray.
What you didn´t realize is that China is undertaking industrilization and urbanization at the same time. And China´s urbanization is on an epic scale, it is expected by 2040, 70% of China population will live in cities, while today only 40% of China´s population are city-dwellers. The prospect of nearly 400million new arrivers in urban areas will translate into robust demand for new houses that will inevitably drive up the real estate market nationwide. Do you expect the newcomers live on the street?
It is true in 1st-tier cities like Shanghai, Beijing, the property price is obscenely high even by the standard of developed nations, which is partly why they were frequently cited by NewYork Times as a testimony to China´s property bubble, however, in China´s 2nd and 3rd-tier cities, house price is still reasonably affordable. On the whole the bubbles in China´s property market is still quite manageable. If you care to look more closely, you will realize China´s banks are quite conservative in their mortgage business and many Chinese people still prefer to save for purchase of their houses rather than take a loan, as a result, even if real este market stagnates from time to time, it would not be catastrophic chain-reaction that nearly brought the world economy to its knees.