American UFO disclosures

Han Patriot

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How is arguing with alien UFO loonies any different from trying to disprove God's existence to religious folks that cite anecdotal information from unreliable sources with all sorts of mental gymnastics.

For the record, I believe extraterrestrial life exists for sure, I just don't believe US govt and their propaganda bullshit.

Calm down, even if an alien craft crashed, you would still deny it exist, cause a believer in UFOs and an unbeliever in UFOs are just two extremes, You will deny it no matter how much the government admits it, you would say it's a cover up for blck projects. When in fact, the government use black projects for decades to cover up UFOs.


Registered Member
This story got weirder. Luis Elizondo, the former director of AATIP is one of the key people behind these "disclosures". Yesterday he went on a podcast and made some very outlandish claims.

He states the US government is in possession of advanced technology not from earth. He doesn't go into details but suggests the "material" shows evidence of very advanced nanoengineering, yet was discovered a long time ago. Very specific claims.
He confirms the Roswell crash was real. WTF??
He then seems to be validating a UFO crash in Italy before WW2. Its related to beliefs that Nazis acquired alien technology which the the US then obtained in Operation Paperclip. By the end of the interview I was expecting him to say Santa Claus and the tooth fairy were real.

My question is, why is this person being taken seriously? Not only that, he seems to be getting support from active and past senior politicians. Marco Rubio, Harry Reid. Rather than treating his claims with skepticism, the US government seems to be tacitly endorsing them.

Despite being picked to assess these UFOs, he has no background in engineering. He was a counter intelligence special agent working in foreign countries. My take is this is all an attempt by the US government to hijack the conspiracy movement.

Exactly. Luis is a former (possibly current) intelligence officer with unknown clearance. This recent stuff from the US government are done for unknown reasons but one of them is surely to control and shape narratives in a field they previously had little control over.

Maybe Luis is a hero for forcing this stuff out of the government. It's just very strange why they will acknowledge existence of UFOs and implication being non-human intelligent life, but they won't talk about anything other than those select alleged interactions with UFOs. Because we know if the first part is true at least in part, visitations and interactions in the past suddenly have quite a big credibility boost (the better ones) and the US government was at least involved in those cases which involved the US. So why won't they even acknowledge a single one of those cases?

All of this is the beginning of an operation to control the narrative from this point on. Maybe with the eventual goal of disclosing more truths/ actual truths but laying the ground works for something is what's happening with these efforts. The something may not even be ET/UFO related.


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Pretty sure Elizondo is still actively working with the US government, and they're telling him what he can and can't say. Otherwise, wouldn't he been court martialled or car accidented already?


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This is yet another modern version of god of the gap; a tricky play of innate human desire to have immediate answers for something they don't quite understand.
Practical concrete steps to understand astrobiology so far is to send spacecrafts, rovers and probes to out-of-earth places like Mars and such. We have radio-telescopes, space telescopes looking out deep into the crevices of vast space for years and years. These are valuable knowledge of quantifiable and repeatable nature, however limited it is compared to known unknowns, let alone unbeknown unknowns. That's what humans know so far. We haven't even found an alien microbe, living or otherwise, even on Mars and moon yet, let alone a highly intelligent being. This supposedly alien technology thing is quite an extreme vertical jump from what we concretely know so far, creating an enormous gap in knowledge, hence the opportunity to fill it in with all plausible explanations, with scientific lingua to boot. Modern education has gotten rid of theological explanations like it used to be before.
These grainy videos and poor audios can be manipulated, or created from scratch, just saying given we know what we know what can be done nowadays. None of the guys involved are from any of these specialized field of science, though they may be a professional of some kind. They would know how to string up a perfect story line. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. If we have some physical evidence that can be independently studied by a multi disciplinary group of reputable scientists, then it's different story.
The simplest thing to do is to just follow the money.

Han Patriot

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Like I said, this isn't an engineering issue, it's a question of fundamental physics. We simply cannot engineer a non-inertial mass that defies gravity, because we have no physical understanding of such a thing.

And if we were to discover such physics, that event would immediately eclipse Einstein and Bohr in the history of Physics, and be bigger than General Relativity and Quantum Physics combined. It would even eclipse the discovery of Electrodynamics. It would change everything. It would be the biggest scientific leap since the birth of the scientific method itself in Ibn-Haytham's Book of Optics.
Most guys here dont even have an engineering degree. Trust me no point convincing them, I know what I saw, and so does the US government. Anyway just can't wait for the report for them to finally admit to UFOs after decades of covering it up as weapon tests and aircraft tests.


Registered Member
Most guys here dont even have an engineering degree. Trust me no point convincing them, I know what I saw, and so does the US government. Anyway just can't wait for the report for them to finally admit to UFOs after decades of covering it up as weapon tests and aircraft tests.
Why would you need an engineering degree?

Do you seriously believe the US government will disclose anything officially?

If there were aliens, why would only the Americans know about it?


Registered Member
Pretty sure Elizondo is still actively working with the US government, and they're telling him what he can and can't say. Otherwise, wouldn't he been court martialled or car accidented already?
On one part of the video he's talking about UFO incidents in foreign countries and he says he isn't allowed to talk about it. Later on he mentions the country (Italy) and even talks about the incident in question.

Why hasn't he been arrested?


Registered Member
Pretty sure Elizondo is still actively working with the US government, and they're telling him what he can and can't say. Otherwise, wouldn't he been court martialled or car accidented already?
Off course he is probably a merchant of doubt, pushing and killing certain discourses. People acting as if its something new, mainstream media is pretty much run by the intelligence community. All those "anonymous intelligence leakers!!!1!!!" image having a intelligence community that open, China and Russia are freaking celebrating.

Reality is the US got caught with it pants down the empire is failing and crumbling fast, Russia and China have their hypersonic deterrence working or close to working. The US while pioneering the tech has been sleeping and now needs to catch up fast.

That the US empire is crumbling is now also a sentiment its citizens are seeing around them. The biggest US flag got torn apart by lighting, crumbling infrastructure, high inflation and disappointing economic recovery numbers. That the empire is crumbling will make the next 2~3 decades really hard for Americans, maybe expect soviet style implosion with the amount of debt the empire has.

It will take 2~3 decades like Russia to probably emerge/stabilize again. Going from a super/ultra power to one of the bigger great powers is not that bad imho. Americans can still sleep nicely and not worry about foreign invaders. The US having "Secret alien tech" should also help Americans sleep nicer at night. But just keep in mind secret deterrence is as good as not having that deterrence.

Also using the dangerous foreigner card becomes harder and harder given todays age everybody has a mobile phone with capable camera even capable night vision, combined with 24/7 live streaming and video uploading on social media. So using the human rights card become harder and harder, probably why they are changing the narrative to extraterrestrial dangers and green(clean/dirty energy) dangers. Its the only thing they can still bullshit around with given most of those metric can only be verified by satellites or western owned institutions.
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Coming to a sudden stop and changing directions is not beyond known physics. Like I said, all you need is a large thrust or a light object or some combination of the two.
Really? Okay, prove it.

Show me your "known physics" which you seem to be so confident of knowing:

A) How light would this 40 foot object need to be?
B) How much thrust would it need to achieve this?
C) What's the max G-Force load it would experience?
D) How strong would this material need to be to absorb C
E) Now add the heat requirement for hypersonic velocities (which was also observed.)
F) What's the lightest material that can satisfy D and E?

Once you have a preliminary number for F, then plug it back into A, and we'll see your final result for B, C, D & E.

Good luck.

Commander Fravor made a visual observation from a significant distance away, how would he be able to tell if the direction change was truly instantaneous or not?

There are 3 problems with this:

1) The first possibility Fravor considered was that it was a helicopter (which is equivalent to your hypothesis because it would still require vertical thrust to maintain altitude). He ruled it out because there was no rotor wash on the surface of the water (this effect would exist for any type of conventional thrust generated at that altitude.)

2) Fravor and his flight are subject matter experts. They're fighter pilots. Fravor is also a graduate of Top Gun. So if he's claiming that visibility + contrast + range to bogey was not an issue for his observation, he's probably right.

3) You also need the radar equipment to be malfunctioning during this 'tic tac' episode. Plus, you need the recent footage taken by the destroyer to be faked, in order to explain all of this.

Now, given all of the above, you should have said that this whole thing is just a hoax, and everyone involved is simply lying and providing doctored evidence. That's at least a much simpler explanation. However, personally, at this point, I'm leaning towards the other possibility, that these things actually do exist, and they are not human technology. And again, I'm only saying this after listening to Fravor's account. I personally could not detect any BS in his testimony. And if this is an organized lie by the Pentagon, Fravor would necessarily need to be lying.
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Registered Member
Until they release actual footage of the stationary "craft", can we leave the pilot testimony for that particular interaction out of discussion? It's noted that a presumably reputable professional witnessed something beyond what known human technology is able to achieve. The conjecture offered is that this could be some government mandated ploy and so it would not be impossible that they can find a pilot to say this stuff. Until now, they have not released the footage of the event where the craft witnessed is "floating" in midair. They may or may not even have footage of that.