American UFO disclosures


Registered Member
Most guys here dont even have an engineering degree. Trust me no point convincing them, I know what I saw, and so does the US government. Anyway just can't wait for the report for them to finally admit to UFOs after decades of covering it up as weapon tests and aircraft tests.
You need to relax your engineering t..s there buddy. You're the one who seems hellbent on a mission to call people out here that don't subscribe to your beliefs when it comes to these recent U.S. government revelations about the U.F.O. and related phenomenon. I have yet to read from anyone that replied to your messages calling or suggesting that people who believe in U.F.O.s are coocoos for cocopops, you're the one who made the inference and no one else.

You sound like a da..n preacher on the corner off the street in NYC or at yonge street in Toronto Canada ranting about the coming end of days. It's fine that you passionately believe and absolutely convinced in UFO and also buying everything what the U.S. government has been admitting or admitted so far, but don't get so bent or have your knickers get so twisted when some of us are not that enthused or whole heartily buy into this UFO phenomenon. Just because you're an engineer or have an engineering background doesn't make your opinion on this specific topic any more or less valid than some of us here bud. You have seen these things with your naked eyes and so has other people that have similar or even greater curriculum vitae over you.

I do hope that there will be a proper investigation into this UFO phenomenon and if it does exist the friction between major powers should actually cease to exist in order to tackle - if what your suggesting to be true - a seismic changing event in human history and existence.


Registered Member

I am ready to be taken as a fool, a druggie, a crazy, whatever man.....when US government didn't acknowledge UFOs, you guys called anyone seeing shit crazy, now when the US government acknowledge it, you still say we are crazy and that it does not exist. Sensor footages had been analyzed by the AATIP team by experts in their respective fields, yet armchair scientist here can just dismiss shit cause they can't understand relative speed. They look at the video and say, hey it isn't that fast, but numb numbs don't realize the plane shooting the object is flying at Mach 1.5. They don't understand that the aircrafts doing sudden turns are experiencing 20Gs and no craft on earth can just dive into the sea and disappear without crashing, that's called trans-medium btw. And btw, above 20G, humans turn into mash potatoes, can you understand science now?
Yes. The nature of flight ( not the propulsion but the trajectory) with sudden sharp turns and astounding acceleration suggest that either the things/beings within have high tolerance for G forces or are entirely shielded from it. The spacecraft itself ought to be impressively robust.

The aircraft also doesn't produce any sonic booms. That means it is invalidating friction with air and produce no sounds whatsoever. Many UFO sightings were followed by Geiger measurements for radiations. None in most cases.
The UFO sighted by Navy pilots never showed up in radars - means stealthy against EM waves.

Now, what kind of propulsion allows for no sound, no friction, no sonic boom, stealthy flight with such acceleration? Definitely not Teleportation ( wouldn't need to make sharp turns if Teleportation was the mode).


Senior Member
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Well actually given its a surface under the object and not a line thats probably not the right formula

It is the right formula. I just gave you the simplified 2D analog. It's fundamental formula in electrodynamics used to calculate "B" (i.e. the magnetic field.) The only "line" here is the electric current (symbolized by "I"). You can take that "line" of current in a wire and twist it into whatever shape you want. The magnetic field generates around the current (cross product).

But if you wanna make your life even more complicated, here's the 3D derivation:
Biot Savart Law and Its Explanation with Derivation | Biot, Physics, Law

but yes a brute-force application of magnetism wouldn't be feasible.

What does that even mean?

What refined application of magnetism do you have in mind, exactly?

I'm just pointing out that having an object under it means there might be some way of providing lift.

yea... that sounds very scientific. Maybe we can ask a unicorn to do it with his magic wand.

... which he wouldn't have been able to tell from 20000ft.

His actual job description includes tallying airborne bogies as a matter of life and death. If says that he had perfect visibility, great contrast, and enough range to target to make that call, I see him as more credible than you.

Besides, he wasn't the only one. And as far as we know (so far) there isn't anyone contradicting him who was there. I'll easily change my opinion on this if you (or anyone else) can give me contradictory statements from the other 3 pilots/RIOs who were there with him.

Isn't this you disproving pulse jets on the Fravor account based on the destroyer footage? What do you mean here?
Forget the other sighting, it's not even needed for my point, and clearly it's confusing you even further.

My entire argument is from Fravor's purely qualitative analysis,

Fair enough, I actually don't have any problems with this statement. You should have just said this instead of trying to propose all these ridiculous alternatives like Jesse from breaking bad:

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Anyone that believes this spook's claims that the US has alien technology is honestly stupid. This spook deservers no attention, and its claims should be disregarded or –at best – taken with a grain of salt. I see red flags everywhere, and he ticks in all the right boxes, I don't understand how someone of you can't see it. Most likely he is an op. If the US really had alien technology they would already be using it against China, yet here we are, with the US more fucked than ever, and without a chance to really win a war against China.


Junior Member
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They would know how to string up a perfect story line. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. If we have some physical evidence that can be independently studied by a multi disciplinary group of reputable scientists, then it's different story.
The simplest thing to do is to just follow the money.


99.999...% of the problems in the World can be explained with those three simple words above. This cannot be stressed enough.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Yes, it's clearly obvious that the new U.S. Space Force needs a boogeyman to justify it's existence, because China (and Russia) does not have a competing Space Force branch. So it's Alien UFOs as "National Security" threats to justify continued military expansion and spending.

Pentagon 5-Step Plan to Space Supremacy:
Step 1
: Admit UFOs exist.
Step 2: Admit "Huge Technology Gap" with UFOs (and add China/Russia 'alien tech' here too)
Step 3: Admit UFOs are the "National Security" threat that China/Russia are trying to emulate, steal, or copy.
Step 4: Request expand R&D and Budget for new U.S. Space Force in the name of "National Security", to outcompete China/Russia in a new Space-Weapons Tech Race.

Anglos love to exaggerate as "Competition" to get more funding for their pet projects.
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Han Patriot

Junior Member
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Why would you need an engineering degree?

Do you seriously believe the US government will disclose anything officially?

If there were aliens, why would only the Americans know about it?
Dude, it's not only the Americans. The french have an open database in french and even the British have one but Churchill classified it until a decade ago. These are all publicly available, UFOs does not equals Alien but I am inclined to believe they are. US government admitting to it is really shocking. And yes even yours truly saw UFOs before.

Han Patriot

Junior Member
Registered Member
Yes, it's clearly obvious that the new U.S. Space Force needs a boogeyman to justify it's existence, because China (and Russia) does not have a competing Space Force branch. So it's Alien UFOs as "National Security" threats to justify continued military expansion and spending.

Pentagon 5-Step Plan to Space Supremacy:
Step 1
: Admit UFOs exist.
Step 2: Admit "Huge Technology Gap" with UFOs (and add China/Russia 'alien tech' here too)
Step 3: Admit UFOs are the "National Security" threat that China/Russia are trying to emulate, steal, or copy.
Step 4: Request expand R&D and Budget for new U.S. Space Force in the name of "National Security", to outcompete China/Russia in a new Space-Weapons Tech Race.

Anglos love to exaggerate as "Competition" to get more funding for their pet projects.
They don't need to use UFOs to get more funding mate....they are already using the yellow peril threat. Why risk sounding cuckoo for funding when there are easier methods. OK let's take away the alien element.....let' jsut agree that there are UFOs and they are not American.

Han Patriot

Junior Member
Registered Member
You need to relax your engineering t..s there buddy. You're the one who seems hellbent on a mission to call people out here that don't subscribe to your beliefs when it comes to these recent U.S. government revelations about the U.F.O. and related phenomenon. I have yet to read from anyone that replied to your messages calling or suggesting that people who believe in U.F.O.s are coocoos for cocopops, you're the one who made the inference and no one else.

You sound like a da..n preacher on the corner off the street in NYC or at yonge street in Toronto Canada ranting about the coming end of days. It's fine that you passionately believe and absolutely convinced in UFO and also buying everything what the U.S. government has been admitting or admitted so far, but don't get so bent or have your knickers get so twisted when some of us are not that enthused or whole heartily buy into this UFO phenomenon. Just because you're an engineer or have an engineering background doesn't make your opinion on this specific topic any more or less valid than some of us here bud. You have seen these things with your naked eyes and so has other people that have similar or even greater curriculum vitae over you.

I do hope that there will be a proper investigation into this UFO phenomenon and if it does exist the friction between major powers should actually cease to exist in order to tackle - if what your suggesting to be true - a seismic changing event in human history and existence.


Junior Member
Registered Member
yea... that sounds very scientific. Maybe we can ask a unicorn to do it with his magic wand.
Sure, lets not talk about this point anymore. I was more thinking of if there were some way to modify the magnetic permeability of air like how you can change the permittivity of air by ionizing it, but anything is really just wild speculation.

His actual job description includes tallying airborne bogies as a matter of life and death. If says that he had perfect visibility, great contrast, and enough range to target to make that call, I see him as more credible than you.
The steroptic acuity of the human eye is well understood, a standard stereoptic acuity is 20 arcseconds:
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At 20000 ft, the object would have to change nearly 500ft to even have a perceptible difference. Even if Commander Fravor had 10x better steroscopic sight than the average person it would still require more than 80ft of change.

Besides, he wasn't the only one. And as far as we know (so far) there isn't anyone contradicting him who was there. I'll easily change my opinion on this if you (or anyone else) can give me contradictory statements from the other 3 pilots/RIOs who were there with him.
Again I want to clarify when Commander Fravor gave the 50ft number, it was in reference to when a helicopter starts generating a visible rotor wash on the ocean surface. I don't think that means his analysis of the object was that it was hovering at 50ft.