American UFO disclosures


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Moderator - World Affairs
Question 1:

What is prohibiting the advanced civilization from communicating with us, conquering us, or exploiting us for slave labor or resources.
Nothing, in terms of tech.

You didn't answer the part: "What is prohibiting the advanced civilization from communicating with us"

This reminds me of the existence of "God" an omnipotent being. "He" apparently doesn't communicate with uncivilized humans, only the "Chosen Few" or "Enlightened" people. Somehow "Earn" your right to know or experience his existence.

Question 2:

When Europeans discovered the New World, they quickly conquered the primitive savages. They didn't play hide and go seek.
False equivalence fallacy.

Europeans (Advanced Civilization) visited North America (Primitive Civilization) and didn't play "Hiding" game.
The Europeans made their presence known immediately, communicated with the primitives natives, and even conquered them.

But atleast the Europeans made their presence known and communicated with Native Americans. There is no convincing argument on what is prohibiting them from communicating with us.
Question 3:

This advanced civilization appears to be hiding itself except to Anglos and Israelis who conveniently are the only ones to admit their existence...the inferior Chinese or Indians who must not be worthy or deserving to be visited? Why only Anglos and Jews?
Bad assumption. There are accounts by other militaries as well, from all over the world.

Yep, like the Indians.....
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Indians thought "Chinese UFO Drones" was trespassing Sino-Indian border a 1,000 times, it was actually Venus the planet in the sky.

But there is still a good question hidden underneath a bad one here: Why does the US seem to be getting more attention? Well, I think we can deduce an answer to that when you look at the kind of attention the US is getting. There have been accounts by military and Sec-Def personnel (including the two that were on CNN recently) that these UFOs buzzed US nuclear missile sites. I've heard personnel working at these sites reveal that these UFOs compromised their C4I networks. This kind of "attention" is a clear warning.

Or the easiest explanation is that ONLY U.S. has a "U.S. Space Force" and they are competing for funding within a limited budget pie.

Somebody at U.S. Space Force really wants aliens to be a "thing" to get more funding.

The next question is: Why are the UFOs warning the US military? Is it because they have something to fear from the US? I highly doubt that. There are many orders of magnitude between the level of American technology and what these UFOs are operating.

Because of the new U.S. Space Force, politicians stir up to get more military funding? Just like with the alleged "China threat", now it's the "Alien Threat" theory.

Dude, your questions aren't quantum physics. Drop the attitude. You're not as smart as you think you are.

False equivalence. (You see, how easy it is use fancy terms dismiss things without actually answering them. Like you are actually smarter?)

There are only 2 possibilities here. Either all the officially released UFO footage and recent interviews are an elaborate hoax by the Pentagon, or they actually exist. There is no other possibility at this point. And because of listening to Fravor's account, I'm leaning towards the latter (even though I used to be convinced of the former.) And yes, I am aware that the US has in the past falsely used the UFO stuff as a cover for black projects (and I was never convinced of those earlier reports.) But this is on a whole other level now.

So far, it's "Hide-and-seek" Games with the most Powerful Space Force military in the world.

Sounds like U.S. Space Force needs more military funding. The "China Baddie" isn't enough, gotta use "UFO Baddie" to get more funding.
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Registered Member
Another thing that smells off is the recent - 2018 onwards publications that reported patents for exotic "gravity manipulating" propulsion. That some American scientists have applied patents for?! Outrageous. No one patents leading edge technology. Patents are for mid level commercial stuff... not even the exciting stuff. Huawei barely patented any of its core 5G tech. No one even provides a hint (patent) for what they're working on if they truly have some world changing propulsion technology.

And those articles were claiming China has been working on these tech and made massive strides. So somehow that means exposing this stuff to the world and somehow patenting their own works? ... to presumably expose others working on it? ... or huh? lol

All of these materials surrounding UFOs and ETs from 2017 onwards have been quite dodgy. It's a trickle of information that many watchers have been waiting for but a fishy smelling trickle and not exactly satisfying. The tic tac stuff is a little more convincing but no clear footage of the actual craft except a blob in IR and no video of the craft standing stationary or "zooming" off at the described high speeds. Not saying they don't have that footage!

The other rotating orb of light could have been anything but the pilots lend credence to the story. If they wanted to fake it, it would be all too easy as many people have demonstrated online. For the tic tac, who knows if its a new weapon, EW weapon, misidentification or intentional hoax.


Senior Member
Registered Member
You didn't answer the part: "What is prohibiting the advanced civilization from communicating with us"

This reminds me of the existence of "God" an omnipotent being. "He" apparently doesn't communicate with uncivilized humans, only the "Chosen Few" or "Enlightened" people.

Europeans (Advanced Civilization) visited North America (Primitive Civilization) and didn't play "Hiding" game.
The Europeans made their presence known immediately, communicated with the primitives natives, and even conquered them.

But atleast the Europeans made their presence known and communicated with Native Americans. There is no convincing argument on what is prohibiting them from communicating with us.

Yep, like the Indians.....
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Indians thought "Chinese UFO Drones" was trespassing Sino-Indian border a 1,000 times, it was actually Venus the planet in the sky.

Or the easiest explanation is that ONLY U.S. has a "U.S. Space Force" and they are competing for funding within a limited budget pie.

Somebody at U.S. Space Force really wants aliens to be a "thing" to get more funding.

Because of the new U.S. Space Force, politicians stir up to get more military funding? Just like with the alleged "China threat", now it's the "Alien Threat" theory.

False equivalence. (You see, how easy it is use fancy terms dismiss things without actually answering them. Like you are actually smarter?)

So far, it's "Hide-and-seek" Games with the most Powerful Space Force military in the world.

Sounds like U.S. Space Force needs more military funding. The "China Baddie" isn't enough, gotta use "UFO Baddie" to get more funding.

This is just panicked drivel... I expected a confused and rushed response like this written out of sheer ego-hurt.

Go bait someone else dude, I don't have the time to deal with your emotional insecurities.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
This is just panicked drivel... I expected a confused and rushed response like this written out of sheer ego-hurt.

Go bait someone else dude, I don't have the time to deal with your emotional insecurities.

I'm trying to have a serious discussion with reasonable members here.

Right, you can't even answer a basic question: "What is prohibiting an advanced civilization from communicating with us."

and i'm the butthurt one.

Try to form a logical coherent answer to that, instead of some weasely BS words that wiggle your way out of it.

Somehow, the richest and most powerful U.S. Space Force in the world is the only one playing "hide-and-go-seek", yeah, totally not military funding related.


Registered Member
And yet they wasted a trillion dollars on building the F-35.... ? lolz

Also, what are the chances that this thing "crashed" on Earth after defying known physics to travel X light years?

I was humouring that crowd. But to address your line of logic, I did say they could have reverse engineered it. It doesn't they have. It doesn't mean it works well. It doesn't mean it can easily be mass produced. Lots of things.

Even if we assume all this fantasy and they have worked it out and can mass produce it, that still does not mean they won't "waste" trillions on the F-35. LockMart gotta eat too hahaha. That could be the known and exposed force. It could be a different group that know different levels of info and clearance to info. It could be many things.

Also a trillion dollars ain't much for the US. Much of that development cost (less than a trillion btw for F-35) was financed by other nations part of the program. The US can print themselves out of any bill. The power of the dollar easily exceed their 11 carrier battle groups.


Registered Member
Right, you can't even answer a basic question: "What is prohibiting an advanced civilization from communicating with us."

and i'm the butthurt one.

Try to form a logical coherent answer to that, instead of some weasely BS words that wiggle your way out of it.

Somehow, the richest and most powerful U.S. Space Force in the world is the only one playing "hide-and-go-seek", yeah, totally not military funding related.

They could have literally a million and a half reasons not to communicate. That's a piece of nothing.

Again going along with that line of thinking. I won't believe until it's undeniably true and if that moment were to ever come, I would not be surprised one bit.


Registered Member
Natural phenomenons don't hack into your networks, discover your CAP points, and then specifically appear at that location. The odds of that happening randomly are basically zero. That explanation is ruled out.

Okay yeah I'm not familiar with the alleged (by US gov with potential agendas in releasing very selective information) activity during the 2000s 2010s carrier fleet interactions. Was just broadly speaking on the very commonly described abilities for UFOs to blink in and out of a piece of space. There are of course many cases (with varying degrees of credibility) that are extremely compelling. Where described objects are too obviously intelligently controlled and engineered to be a certain way - not natural phenomenon or yet unknown possibilities.