American UFO disclosures


Registered Member
It's okay, I know what I saw. You guys never saw it, that's why you guys don't believe it. Eye witness reports from many servicemen and women which were trained to be oobjective, they didn't even say it was aliens, just crafts flyng beyond our wildest dreams.

Sure okay and you should be content with what you've seen. We haven't seen it. We don't know you. So let's just leave what you saw out of the conversation. I know people who saw Jesus and spoke to "him". I think drug abusers see plenty of different things also. This doesn't prove or disprove their claims but it's kind of outside the realm of decent, productive conversation because open the flood gates and all sorts of nonsense come in. It's not throwing the baby out with the bathwater because we're debating that. So far there is no good evidence for it. This doesn't mean these crafts don't exist. It doesn't even begin to decipher who/where they are from.


Junior Member
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It's okay, I know what I saw. You guys never saw it, that's why you guys don't believe it. Eye witness reports from many servicemen and women which were trained to be oobjective, they didn't even say it was aliens, just crafts flyng beyond our wildest dreams.
Yes, well I have it on trusted private information that it was actually a magic snowball thrown by Santa Claus! You guys never saw it, that's why you guys don't believe it. It's okay, I know what I saw.

See how useless and unproductive this line of discussion is?


Registered Member
If the US military is providing the disclosure, why is it doing so now and so firm on limiting the disclosure on interactions post 2013? What about all the hundreds that must've gone on before that? Since xyz is real then surely xyz interactions before 2013 were also real. What about all that? Why no peep?

The US military and government will not act in this direction unless it has "something to gain" even as an overall net result. I think this is obvious and inferences axiomatic means they are doing all this with some intention. How nefarious or honest those are are still unknown. Is the US government showing material out of goodness and honesty? That's certainly not true if it is only showing a slice of the full truth. This is assuming one believes in the full set. If it is only privy to this slice, then the full set is not true. You can't have both. It cannot be honest and deceiving at the same time.

Use some logic and reasoning. It's rather easy to see through all this. The only remaining conclusion that's realistic (relatively lol) is that the US is slowly attempting to work towards full disclosure and the full disclosure of truth is somehow very traumatic for humans and societies in whatever way. More likely, the whole thing is some complex attempt at deception with goals unclear.

Han Patriot

Junior Member
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If the US military is providing the disclosure, why is it doing so now and so firm on limiting the disclosure on interactions post 2013? What about all the hundreds that must've gone on before that? Since xyz is real then surely xyz interactions before 2013 were also real. What about all that? Why no peep?

The US military and government will not act in this direction unless it has "something to gain" even as an overall net result. I think this is obvious and inferences axiomatic means they are doing all this with some intention. How nefarious or honest those are are still unknown. Is the US government showing material out of goodness and honesty? That's certainly not true if it is only showing a slice of the full truth. This is assuming one believes in the full set. If it is only privy to this slice, then the full set is not true. You can't have both. It cannot be honest and deceiving at the same time.

Use some logic and reasoning. It's rather easy to see through all this. The only remaining conclusion that's realistic (relatively lol) is that the US is slowly attempting to work towards full disclosure and the full disclosure of truth is somehow very traumatic for humans and societies in whatever way. More likely, the whole thing is some complex attempt at deception with goals unclear.

I am ready to be taken as a fool, a druggie, a crazy, whatever man.....when US government didn't acknowledge UFOs, you guys called anyone seeing shit crazy, now when the US government acknowledge it, you still say we are crazy and that it does not exist. Sensor footages had been analyzed by the AATIP team by experts in their respective fields, yet armchair scientist here can just dismiss shit cause they can't understand relative speed. They look at the video and say, hey it isn't that fast, but numb numbs don't realize the plane shooting the object is flying at Mach 1.5. They don't understand that the aircrafts doing sudden turns are experiencing 20Gs and no craft on earth can just dive into the sea and disappear without crashing, that's called trans-medium btw. And btw, above 20G, humans turn into mash potatoes, can you understand science now?

Han Patriot

Junior Member
Registered Member
Yes, well I have it on trusted private information that it was actually a magic snowball thrown by Santa Claus! You guys never saw it, that's why you guys don't believe it. It's okay, I know what I saw.

See how useless and unproductive this line of discussion is?
Decades ago, when people first saw flying saucers, the same shit was also mentioned, decades later when government finally acknowledges flying saucers, the same people are still saying the same shit.


Registered Member

I am ready to be taken as a fool, a druggie, a crazy, whatever man.....when US government didn't acknowledge UFOs, you guys called anyone seeing shit crazy, now when the US government acknowledge it, you still say we are crazy and that it does not exist. Sensor footages had been analyzed by the AATIP team by experts in their respective fields, yet armchair scientist here can just dismiss shit cause they can't understand relative speed. They look at the video and say, hey it isn't that fast, but numb numbs don't realize the plane shooting the object is flying at Mach 1.5. They don't understand that the aircrafts doing sudden turns are experiencing 20Gs and no craft on earth can just dive into the sea and disappear without crashing, that's called trans-medium btw. And btw, above 20G, humans turn into mash potatoes, can you understand science now?

Are you ... even reading replies? Not a single place have I even suggested that you are a fool or druggie. Can you please stop being so dramatic?

You are "Sinosoldier" right? and the other han patriot or the old false flagger guy aren't you? I'll stop wasting time on this line of conversation. It seems you are insistent on ignoring to carefully read my posts and prefer to create some fantasy of what others are saying on this thread so you can engage strawmen.


Registered Member
BTW no one is doubting the existence of ET and more advanced, human or non-human space/time traversing xyz. That's not this conversation. Stop creating false equivalence between some random US gov endorsed vids showing something flying as a bird or drone would and then equating doubt for that evidence as the member doubting the existence of ET and visits. NOT the same.

Still haven't seen videos of UFOs doing mach infinity and standing stationary. Still waiting for those clips.


Registered Member
Lmao you trust military servicemen?

Haha thats the last people I would believe. You know that by law they are forced to follow their superiors' orders right?

You know that if they go "off-the-script" they can be court martialled and thrown into jail?..

I feel my IQ declining as this convo continues..
But he's an engineer there's plenty of super smart and highly educated people that believe in the attacks of 911 as an inside job. Plenty of Doctors and nurses who don't believe in wearing masks against Covid-19, scientists that are believers in creationism.


Registered Member
But he's an engineer there's plenty of super smart and highly educated people that believe in the attacks of 911 as an inside job. Plenty of Doctors and nurses who don't believe in wearing masks against Covid-19, scientists that are believers in creationism.
What? you dont believe that super advanced aliens UFO were probing US military capabilities?

don't you believe that after making an interstellar travel to Earth as soon as they saw the US Navy and Airforce they had to prob them to see the super advanced US capabilities?

I have it in a good authority that after their galactic fleet saw the US military they designated Earth as a super high risk for conquest.

*Sob* *Sob*
"These Earthlings military is too strong for our galactic fleet"

*Sob* *Sob*
"Chart new course for Andromeda. Engage the antimatter engines for creating a wormhole"

And thats how the galactic empire called it quits after seeing the US military.
US good guy saved littl' China again!!


Senior Member
Registered Member
Did you get this info from watching that To the Stars youtube?

No, I got it from listening to Cmdr. Fravor on independent podcasts, in detail, and I could not detect any bullshit in his account.

Listen to him on the podcast linked below (the host is a researcher at MIT). You can skip the earlier portion where he talks about his career, including Top Gun and other general aerospace topics (although it's a really good conversation.) The conversation on the "Tic Tac" starts at 1:12 hours, and goes on for over 2 hours. So it's fairly detailed (especially if you're well versed in military-speak and are already familiar with fighter aircraft and terminology etc.)
