American UFO disclosures


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Moderator - World Affairs
Question 1:

What is prohibiting the advanced civilization from communicating with us, conquering us, or exploiting us for slave labor or resources.

Question 2:

When Europeans discovered the New World, they quickly conquered the primitive savages. They didn't play hide and go seek.

Question 3:

This advanced civilization appears to be hiding itself except to Anglos and Israelis who conveniently are the only ones to admit their existence...the inferior Chinese or Indians who must not be worthy or deserving to be visited? Why only Anglos and Jews?

Can one of your alien looney's explains question 1 -3 without weasel or BS terms.
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Registered Member
Question 1:

What is prohibiting the advanced civilization from communicating with us, conquering us, or exploiting us for slave labor or resources.

Question 2:

When Europeans discovered the New World, they quickly conquered the primitive savages. They didn't play hide and go seek.

Question 3:

This advanced civilization appears to be hiding itself except to Anglos and Israelis who conveniently are the only ones to admit their existence...the inferior Chinese or Indians who must not be worthy or deserving to be visited? Why only Anglos and Jews?

Can one of your alien looney's explains question 1 -3 without weasel or BS terms.
Perhaps the reason Anglos and Israelis are superior is because every Anglo and Israeli is born with a telelink to advanced civilization. Receiving engineering help from them to build the Pyramids and crop circles.



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Question 1:

What is prohibiting the advanced civilization from communicating with us, conquering us, or exploiting us for slave labor or resources.
Nothing, in terms of tech.

Question 2:

When Europeans discovered the New World, they quickly conquered the primitive savages. They didn't play hide and go seek.
False equivalence fallacy.

Question 3:

This advanced civilization appears to be hiding itself except to Anglos and Israelis who conveniently are the only ones to admit their existence...the inferior Chinese or Indians who must not be worthy or deserving to be visited? Why only Anglos and Jews?
Bad assumption. There are accounts by other militaries as well, from all over the world.

But there is still a good question hidden underneath a bad one here: Why does the US seem to be getting more attention? Well, I think we can deduce an answer to that when you look at the kind of attention the US is getting. There have been accounts by military and Sec-Def personnel (including the two that were on CNN recently) that these UFOs buzzed US nuclear missile sites. I've heard personnel working at these sites reveal that these UFOs compromised their C4I networks. This kind of "attention" is a clear warning.

The next question is: Why are the UFOs warning the US military? Is it because they have something to fear from the US? I highly doubt that. There are many orders of magnitude between the level of American technology and what these UFOs are operating.

Can one of your alien looney's explains question 1 -3 without weasel or BS terms.
Dude, your questions aren't quantum physics. Drop the attitude. You're not as smart as you think you are.

There are only 2 possibilities here. Either all the officially released UFO footage and recent interviews are an elaborate hoax by the Pentagon, or they actually exist. There is no other possibility at this point. And because of listening to Fravor's account, I'm leaning towards the latter (even though I used to be convinced of the former.) And yes, I am aware that the US has in the past falsely used the UFO stuff as a cover for black projects (and I was never convinced of those earlier reports.) But this is on a whole other level now.
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No, I got it from listening to Cmdr. Fravor on independent podcasts, in detail, and I could not detect any bullshit in his account.

Listen to him on the podcast linked below (the host is a researcher at MIT). You can skip the earlier portion where he talks about his career, including Top Gun and other general aerospace topics (although it's a really good conversation.) The conversation on the "Tic Tac" starts at 1:12 hours, and goes on for over 2 hours. So it's fairly detailed (especially if you're well versed in military-speak and are already familiar with fighter aircraft and terminology etc.)

I'm agree Cmdr Fravor definitely saw something that day, but whether it was out of this world is debatable.

Regarding the seamount I'm sort of confused as to the timing of events but if it was directly below the tic-tac how could he distinguish it from pulsed jets of propellant from its motion? And again I don't know the exact aircraft positions but between 20k and 12k ft is only 2000 or so meters. A vehicle going Mach 7 could rise above the two fighters in a second and be out of visual in a handful more. The instantanrous acceleration is interesting though, if he had a TV lock there must have been at least a few frames where the pod lost lock, so I guess the US govt. knows exactly how fast this thing was accelerating.

Interestingly he doesn't seem to mention the craft heading to his CAP point.


Junior Member
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Before i answer i would just like to say that I'm not a firm believer of Aliens having visited Earth. But these questions can be logically answered.
Question 1:

What is prohibiting the advanced civilization from communicating with us, conquering us, or exploiting us for slave labor or resources.
Have you seen how Humans observe animals in a jungle? Its through modern means of hidden cameras, drones and other equipment so that animals cant spot us. Similarly Aliens are just observing Humans how we behave with each other and how we respond to Alien Stimuli (UFOs in this case).
Attacking for resources is the way of primitives. What do we even know about Alien civilisations? Nothing. Their tech may well be so advanced that our resources are useless to them.
Lol at slave labour. Labour in Earth itself is becoming irrelevant day by day thanks to automation. Aliens don't need humans for anything.
Question 2:

When Europeans discovered the New World, they quickly conquered the primitive savages. They didn't play hide and go seek.
You're assuming that Aliens are like Humans ie destructive by nature.
Question 3:

This advanced civilization appears to be hiding itself except to Anglos and Israelis who conveniently are the only ones to admit their existence...the inferior Chinese or Indians who must not be worthy or deserving to be visited? Why only Anglos and Jews?

Can one of your alien looney's explains question 1 -3 without weasel or BS terms.
US objectively speaking is one of the most technologically advanced nations and has the most powerful military on the planet. It makes sense observing them over poor Asian/African nations.
Also what makes you think Chinese Military hasn't spotted UFOs? Just because they don talk about it doesn't mean it hasn't happened.


Registered Member
Why are some parts of this thread still conflating elaborate, politically motivated potential hoaxes with existence of aliens, fermi paradox and so on. They are all separate and they can exist simultaneously. US government trying a hoax with this does not exclude alien existence and visitation. We don't know if this is a hoax or some elaborate mission for disinformation/misinformation. We don't know what they're trying to achieve with the release of this information. Wait until their congressional workings around July "force" more out of relevant departments.

For now, it's probably better to leave it as but watch the space. It would definitely be interesting to know what China and Russia think of this stuff from the US. Maybe their intelligence services have a better idea what's going on. They also probably know a lot more than common folks on the topic of advanced intelligence ET if there is anything to really know. Independent of the US. Russia and China sure are pretty tight lipped about anything they know. Almost all governments are surprisingly quiet (because many probably aren't included in shared information or simply nothing to it). Israeli, Chinese, Russian govs I wouldn't trust and the US gov, much less so when it comes to ET but only two have been talking and both of them around the 2017 onwards period.


Registered Member
Before i answer i would just like to say that I'm not a firm believer of Aliens having visited Earth. But these questions can be logically answered.

Have you seen how Humans observe animals in a jungle? Its through modern means of hidden cameras, drones and other equipment so that animals cant spot us. Similarly Aliens are just observing Humans how we behave with each other and how we respond to Alien Stimuli (UFOs in this case).
Attacking for resources is the way of primitives. What do we even know about Alien civilisations? Nothing. Their tech may well be so advanced that our resources are useless to them.
Lol at slave labour. Labour in Earth itself is becoming irrelevant day by day thanks to automation. Aliens don't need humans for anything.

You're assuming that Aliens are like Humans ie destructive by nature.

US objectively speaking is one of the most technologically advanced nations and has the most powerful military on the planet. It makes sense observing them over poor Asian/African nations.
Also what makes you think Chinese Military hasn't spotted UFOs? Just because they don talk about it doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

But it could also be yet unknown/unobserved natural phenomenon. "Things" popping in and out of our part of 3 dimensional space and not necessarily by intelligent control or will. The more our instruments observe the material universe, the more we potentially become surprised by and discover.

It could be some physics we have not even conceived yet. It could be something our brains are unable to ever comprehend. It could be a vestige of the true nature of our observed material world - a glitch in a simulation. We are still puzzled by and haven't properly solved the double slit experiment. We're not even close to understanding the true nature of existence. It isn't immediately ET. In fact, that's actually I think more unlikely to be ET or time travelers/ whatever popular theory.


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Regarding the seamount I'm sort of confused as to the timing of events but if it was directly below the tic-tac how could he distinguish it from pulsed jets of propellant from its motion? And again I don't know the exact aircraft positions but between 20k and 12k ft is only 2000 or so meters. A vehicle going Mach 7 could rise above the two fighters in a second and be out of visual in a handful more. The instantanrous acceleration is interesting though, if he had a TV lock there must have been at least a few frames where the pod lost lock, so I guess the US govt. knows exactly how fast this thing was accelerating.

No pulse jet can explain the motion that he is describing. It's technically impossible. Also, the recently released video of the UFO buzzing a US destroyer was captured from the underside. There was no pulse jet.

I'm agree Cmdr Fravor definitely saw something that day, but whether it was out of this world is debatable.

All I'm saying is that this object (if it isn't a hoax) would necessarily be beyond our understanding of physics. This mass was ignoring the constraints of inertia and defying gravity. We don't know of any energy/mass that can do that.... maybe 'Dark Energy' but we have no idea what that is either... All we have been able to hypothesize is that Dark Energy is repulsively to gravitational energy/mass... but it is not something we have directly observed, it is simply one way to explain the rate of the expansion of the universe.

To me, that was the most immediately interesting thing about all of this... the physics aspect.

Interestingly he doesn't seem to mention the craft heading to his CAP point.

I think he does mention the CAP point somewhere in this 2 hour conversation (I have to listen to it again too.) Fravor has given multiple long-form interviews and I've head him talk about the CAP point (it was also mentioned in the CNN piece recently.) But his testimony is always consistent (some interviews obviously have more details than others, but none of his interviews contain any contradictory information.)

EDIT: I just heard it again, he does mention the CAP point at 1:28:30


Registered Member
Whatever exotic propulsion a hypothetical super intelligent and advanced ET has as a spacecraft, it almost definitely isn't using chemical combustion, reaction engines. The problem is none of that has been shown anywhere despite this becoming quite a popular belief.

Maybe the Americans have long had retrieved crashed or "donated" ET spacecraft. Maybe some people have already reverse engineered their propulsion technology. It's just not been shown yet. I'm not saying it's not true and not there, assuming it is because a lot of noise is made about it is just not the sensible way to approach this. Let's wait until genuinely concrete and undeniable evidence is there and then we can gasp in awe and re-evaluate everything.
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But it could also be yet unknown/unobserved natural phenomenon.

Natural phenomenons don't hack into your networks, discover your CAP points, and then specifically appear at that location. The odds of that happening randomly are basically zero. That explanation is ruled out.