Lower barriers to entry is the key term. The tech that dominates the world are very high barrier to entry and require immense knowledge, most of which you cannot figure out unless taught unless you waste your whole life learning something that they would have told you in a PhD level course. I know anybody can weld shit together in their garage and make it better throughout the years by trial and error. That's not the level of tech that determines global power, not in this modern day.Being able to do experimental design is indeed, very similar to a substantial amount of industry R&D with lower barriers to entry, particularly since industry capex projects are similarly years-long in duration.
I focused on it? I didn't make the Slap-yourself chart you made with the categories you chose. I said STEM, then you made that chart to show American STEM dominated by temp visas and Asians, proving what you were arguing against.The US labor force is ~160M and even then, you can only focus on computing roles (themselves, a minority of STEM employment); while ignoring the S/E/M parts of it.
Yes, I use extremely narrow slices, the slices at the top that innovate. Your diggleberry-looking pizza-pie-dragged-down-a-mud-road definition putting all people who clean floors and stock shelves at STEM facilities as STEM personel is the exact type of data-cope that Americans use to hide their own incompetence and deficiencies.1. The US STEM force is not "majority" Asian unless you use extremely narrow slices of the work force.
Yeah, it does. The US native force is what you're talking about and that is the population represented as the total when one says the US is 7% Asians. Temp visas are an extremely small sliver of the overall US population but a massive overrepresentation of the US STEM force. Therefore, the total Asian vs US native population has to be taken as the number of Asians vs the number of native US, non-temp VISA, NOT the total of the two.2. No, it doesn't. The % Asian isn't negatively correlated whatsoever with the % foreign-born.
Oh that shit again. Americans don't work hard at school because they don't need to. They can do drugs and wander the streets because they're confident the government/economy will take care of them LOLUSC/LPR Asians don't pursue PhDs because they simply don't need to.
Not that abundant. Looks like you ran out of excuses when writing, left it open to come back to, then drew a blank. Don't worry; that tends to happen a lot when people try to twist shit and end up debating me.They have abundant
Oh my gosh this went past your head so hard, a jumping toad came closer to catching a plane (other than a Boeing) than you did of getting the point. Low class, often illegal immigrants refer to people who often get paid by cash per day. They're not worried about any tax issues cus their money goes into their hands and out of their hands; you'd have to be a tapeworm in their bellies to find the tax fraud. The IRS isn't even interested; they can't afford mssed tax paybacks anyway; they might even end up being owed money because of how poor they are. If they have own their own company and file taxes, that means that they were never that poor to begin with. Poor immigrant, dumbass. Not slick criminal ones. Comprende?Yes, IRCA only makes it civilly illegal to directly hire (but not indirectly contract) undocumented labor. It is entirely legal for undocumented immigrants to own their own LLCs and file taxes with an ITIN (and they generally do so since filing an ITIN creates evidence of US residence for any potential future amnesty and because tax fraud is a deportable crime).
1. No, they're not all. There's people like Filipinos, etc... I mean mostly Chinese, Koreans, Indians, oddly enough, not as much Japanese.It doesn't matter. If Asians were all the STEM wunderkind's you claim, the graph should intercept at p70 since those are where intro engineering salaries land. That is...not the case
2. What is this made-up theoretical p70 from a dude who can't calculate percentages? I told you, STEM does not mean the highest pay even though it is the most important. That matters no matter how many times you make up p70.
Don't know where those numbers are from. Did you pull it out of the same hole you got p70 from?They weren't. This entire conversation is the belief that US STEM requires a selected cohort of 7000 people that are unreplaceable anywhere else in a birth cohort of 4 million.
Except when they defect and cause information leaks and brain drain, which is much much more likely to happen in an immigrant than a "suburban white" boy. Quoting cus that's what you said represents America.Having foreign-born talent in the United States isn't bad (nor evidence of native-born deficits), particularly on these super small scales (given that graduate enrollments writ large are supermajority US born)
Oh yeah, this sour grapes shit again. That's why immigrants become engineers and Americans become drug addicts. Right, it's because immigrants need to have their shit together to stay in the US and Americans can roll around in the streets doing meth knowing ICE doesn't's really just that US citizens do not need PhDs to stay in the United States and will not spend years of their lives on an NPV negative degree.
I didn't say 3,000 but take out the number, and know that it's not total dependence but a heavy reliance. And you'd be there.Yes, the entire STEM workforce is dependent on 3,000 PhD earners per year (largely, whom aren't "students" as much as they are immigrants). If that's the position you want to take, that's fine.
You know what you should do to show that? Make the next chart in your Slap-Yourself Chart Series to further prove it again LOLIt's just plainly ridiculous.
Ah, yes, the importance of your last Slap-Yourself chart comes to light again. 20-25% Chinese in the total, then take away the 40-60% from the temp visa so we're at 20-25% out of the 40-60% left representing US citizens, which is basically half, maybe a sliver less. Superminority=/<49.9%, is an assumption that is par for a person who thinks that a 168% increase is less than doubling.It's also facially contradictory to your point that US science is super Asian ("Chinese") when they are at best, a superminority.
30% is a fuckton. 1.6% of the US population is of Chinese blood. That blew up to an imaginary 30% at the PhD STEM level, but that's mostly due to your miscalculation, missing the actual number which is closer to 45%.Even if you take the position that only PhDs matter for innovation, at best, it's a cohort that's at most 30% Chinese.
1. If 30-45% of your speartip workers quit tomorrow, your business is screwed.
2. 1.6% of the general population that is Chinese blows up to 30-45% at PhD level STEM; that is a 20-30 fold increase in likelihood to STEM gravitation over the population average. This shows an extremely strong Chinese affinity to STEM over the general population.
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