Not quite, the lightning struck the Beijing-Shanghai line's overhead electrical grid, stopping pretty much all the trains running in that section, whereas this lightning struck a single train, thus only the train that got hit was stopped but not the one behind it.
If you want a fair comparison between Japanese technology and Chinese technology, then you will have to look for cases of the Shinkansen train getting hit by lightning vs. the CRH train getting hit by lightning and analyze the effect to the entire system in both cases. Any other type of comparison would be quite pointless. Tepco might or might not be an isolated problem, but that's rather irrelevant to this event.
When 2 trains collide, we have to look beyond the problems with individual trains, and look into the problems with the entire train network as an integrated system. It is inevitable that trains will breakdown just like any other mechanical electrical system. What's more important is the emergency measures that are put in place to prevent a technology breakdown from turning into a tragedy. Clearly, whatever emergency system they have on this CRH line right now is inadequate.