New Member
Popeye, I'm afraid the subtlety was lost, both tactical in if it were to happen for real and figuratively in the post…. But I think Walmart might be the fly in your logic. God Save Fenway Park…
I hope it does not happen for real. I hope PRC and ROC can find a peaceful co-existence and a democratic reunification. I’ve been in divided countries before, lived in FRG in the 80s, spent some time in East Germany - wasn't pretty and it was the supposed "oasis" of Eastern Europe at the time. A people divided is wrong…
Sadly the military of the PRC won’t be hurling weapon specification quotes at the other side in a conflict.
I hope it does not happen for real. I hope PRC and ROC can find a peaceful co-existence and a democratic reunification. I’ve been in divided countries before, lived in FRG in the 80s, spent some time in East Germany - wasn't pretty and it was the supposed "oasis" of Eastern Europe at the time. A people divided is wrong…
Sadly the military of the PRC won’t be hurling weapon specification quotes at the other side in a conflict.