Air war: F18s vs. PLAAF


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MIGleader said:
a group of entering f-18s will not have awacs, that would completely ruin any chances of the attack going in undetected. now, if the fighting is over taiwan strait, the j-11s 100 km radar will have the same effectiveness as the f-18s 150km range apg-73. now, if this is in the future, the j-11s eill probably be feilding th kjl-3 with a 160 km range. thne hte j-11s manuverabiliy will let it kick hornet a$$!! a j-11 could do a pugachev cobra(if chinese pilots have trained to do it), pulling under a hornet, and shooting the bottom of the hornet.

Actually a Flanker can only do the Cobra without a weaponsload (I'll try to find it for you, I read it somewhere online)
Oh, and a group of J-11 vs F-18? :rofl:
I'll put my money on the F-18's anyday, espically if they are Super Hornets

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Well this thread started off as the F-18 Vs the PLAAF. ..So lets see..

If the E-2 is safe, that means it's too far away to be useful. The F-18's are going to be pretty much on their own

Sorry Roger not true. The E-2C can remain aloft for 6 hours. In any confrontation the USAF will asist the USN in controlling the battlefield. That's when the USAF E-3 Sentry will come into play. Trust me more than one will be used to optimize the situation.

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Any sort of attack or defense will be lead by E/A-6B Prowlers conducting ECM missions and just creating general havoc and confusion. Electronic transmissions will be jumbled. Computers will go haywire. Radars won't work. Your toaster won't work...ETC...

Most likely the missions will be conducted under cover of darkness. How will the PLAAF pilots fair in night combat perhaps over water? Just how well trained are the PLAAF pilots?

Satellite recon??? Are you going to wait for weeks while the satellites luckily finds itself in the right place to discover a SAM site?

Actually from my understanding the info from the sattlite is almost instantainous. True enough a moving target is hard to find. But it can be done. Any fixed radar sites or SAM sites are doomed a soon as they are turned on.

thne hte j-11s manuverabiliy will let it kick hornet a$$!! a j-11 could do a pugachev cobra(if chinese pilots have trained to do it), pulling under a hornet, and shooting the bottom of the hornet.

I saw that on a Tv show about the Russian AF. I'm not sure what good it would do you in areial combat. Looks cool though.

if China's radar assets can DETECT your radar assets while remaining outside of your TRACKING range, you will lose.

If if and what's were candy and nuts we'd all have a Merry Christmas.
Well can the PLA radar track outside of US tracking range through all the ECM the US will throw at the PLA forces?..

Like I said many times..War sucks....


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Seacraft said:
I'm not sure if I am following your explanation here. If your AWACS/E Bird is passively listening, then how is your AWACS directing your fighters to my fighters?? If you can sniff the E2 (or whatever) Are you expecting your interceptors will get to and find the AWACS and shoot it down? Outside of your own AWACS coverage?

It's not simply a matter of who can track the other target first and shoot first because detection range is longer than tracking range.

So the Chinese side will use AWACS at a range where it can detect the US side's AWACS but it's not vulnerable to missile guidance. Then interceptors will swarm on the US AWACS and quickly close the gap. The gap is the range at which the US side can guide its missiles but the Chinese side cannot. In close quarters, the US side is outnumbered and loses.

This is generally true for any situation where the US has a slight range advantage. You need speed and numbers to bridge the gap. In close quarters, US loses. It's kind of like charging calvary into a formation of archers. ;)

bd popeye said:
Sorry Roger not true. The E-2C can remain aloft for 6 hours. In any confrontation the USAF will asist the USN in controlling the battlefield. That's when the USAF E-3 Sentry will come into play. Trust me more than one will be used to optimize the situation.

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Any sort of attack or defense will be lead by E/A-6B Prowlers conducting ECM missions and just creating general havoc and confusion. Electronic transmissions will be jumbled. Computers will go haywire. Radars won't work. Your toaster won't work...ETC...

Most likely the missions will be conducted under cover of darkness. How will the PLAAF pilots fair in night combat perhaps over water? Just how well trained are the PLAAF pilots?

The original scenario imagined by Seacraft is a small strike force of F-18's barging into Chinese airspace and taking out the air defenses. :roll:

A frontal assault involving multiple CVBG's and USAF based out of US bases is a totally different story.

Prowlers.... can they disable a SAM's electronic systems beyond the range at which the SAM can hit it? After all, if radars cannot penetrate the earth, how can the Prowler's jamming beams?

bd popeye said:
Actually from my understanding the info from the sattlite is almost instantainous. True enough a moving target is hard to find. But it can be done. Any fixed radar sites or SAM sites are doomed a soon as they are turned on.

I thought recon satellites need to be in low orbit to get high definition, and that means small field of vision. And it can't easily control its orbit either, the orbit is predictable.

Can satellites see radar signatures on earth? If it did, that would make its range many times greater than even the best AWACS on earth. This seems rather dubious to me.

bd popeye said:
If if and what's were candy and nuts we'd all have a Merry Christmas.
Well can the PLA radar track outside of US tracking range through all the ECM the US will throw at the PLA forces?..

Like I said many times..War sucks....

No, US radars can track at a greater range than Chinese radars, but there are ways to bridge the gap (where the US has the shooting advantage). If the gap is small, the side with numbers, missile counter-measures, speed and maneuverability will be able to get close and US's reliance on long-range fighting will be its Achilles' heel.
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New Member
There should be an "item limit" of four per post so as to no get bogged down on replies :coffee:

Roger604 said:
It's not simply a matter of who can track the other target first and shoot first because detection range is longer than tracking range.
That is absolutely correct. But why do you thinkg this engagement will be symetrical?
So the Chinese side will use AWACS at a range where it can detect the US side's AWACS but it's not vulnerable to missile guidance. Then interceptors will swarm on the US AWACS and quickly close the gap. The gap is the range at which the US side can guide its missiles but the Chinese side cannot. In close quarters, the US side is outnumbered and loses.

So are your inceptors after my AWACS or my SEAD package? I hope they are after my AWACS because based on what you are saying here, your interceptors will be outside of your reliable AWACS coverage (as you can't see my more than a few hornets escorting the AWACS). Your interceptors coming after my AWACS gives me the pretty picture and my hornets kick your intercetors in the nuts :nutkick:

This is generally true for any situation where the US has a slight range advantage. You need speed and numbers to bridge the gap. In close quarters, US loses. It's kind of like charging calvary into a formation of archers. ;)
You and a few others here, seem to look at this as set peices across a table from each other. When one makes a move, looks up the specs in a book, and the book predetermines the outcome. You have little respect or understanding of creative thinking. Why do answer you with questions - to get you to think a bit...

The original scenario imagined by Seacraft is a small strike force of F-18's barging into Chinese airspace and taking out the air defenses. :roll:

A frontal assault involving multiple CVBG's and USAF based out of US bases is a totally different story.
The original scenario imagined by Seacraft took the amount of aircraft to get it done - my small strike force and other supporting assets is beyond 2 squadrons...

Prowlers.... can they disable a SAM's electronic systems beyond the range at which the SAM can hit it? After all, if radars cannot penetrate the earth, how can the Prowler's jamming beams?
They reduce the effectiveness of your systems allowing for better penetration by the suppressors

I thought recon satellites need to be in low orbit to get high definition, and that means small field of vision. And it can't easily control its orbit either, the orbit is predictable.

Can satellites see radar signatures on earth? If it did, that would make its range many times greater than even the best AWACS on earth. This seems rather dubious to me.

No, US radars can track at a greater range than Chinese radars, but there are ways to bridge the gap (where the US has the shooting advantage). If the gap is small, the side with numbers, missile counter-measures, speed and maneuverability will be able to get close and US's reliance on long-range fighting will be its Achilles' heel.

Uhhh - OK :coffee:

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
No, US radars can track at a greater range than Chinese radars, but there are ways to bridge the gap (where the US has the shooting advantage). If the gap is small, the side with numbers, missile counter-measures, speed and maneuverability will be able to get close and US's reliance on long-range fighting will be its Achilles' heel.

The US policy is to use overwhelming force. Just how many aircraft of what types that would be I do not know.

It does not really matter what we post or imagine. Any confrontation between the US and PRC would have a effect worldwide. None of us know the full ablity of either siade to conduct such a war. Let us just hope it never happens.


Banned Idiot
prowlers will be shot down easily by intercetors. chinese radar(not neccisarily missle radar) will see the prowler and f-18s comming. interceptors go in first to kill the prowler, and then the smas take down the f-18s.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
MIGleader said:
prowlers will be shot down easily by intercetors. chinese radar(not neccisarily missle radar) will see the prowler and f-18s comming. interceptors go in first to kill the prowler, and then the smas take down the f-18s.

Shot down easily? Gee how do you know that? That means that the Prowlers ECM package is not working. Again how do you know that?

Turn on any radar and a JDAM will kill it.

Actually there's really no point to this discussion for me any longer because opinions are like assholes..everybody's got one.

Let me summerize this. The USN launches say 24 F-18 Super Hornets at night(probally)over water(probally) and the PLAAF will mission kill most of them? Even though the F-18's will be suppourted by E-3 AWACS, Tankers and E-2C's. GPS, PACCOM,DoD, CINPACFLT, ABC, CBS, NBC Walmart, Target, Sears ETC...don't forget CNN & Macy's.....Geez..We ain't gotta chance..


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bd popeye said:
Shot down easily? Gee how do you know that? That means that the Prowlers ECM package is not working. Again how do you know that?

Turn on any radar and a JDAM will kill it.

Actually there's really no point to this discussion for me any longer because opinions are like assholes..everybody's got one.

Let me summerize this. The USN launches say 24 F-18 Super Hornets at night(probally)over water(probally) and the PLAAF will mission kill most of them? Even though the F-18's will be suppourted by E-3 AWACS, Tankers and E-2C's. GPS, PACCOM,DoD, CINPACFLT, ABC, CBS, NBC Walmart, Target, Sears ETC...don't forget CNN & Macy's.....Geez..We ain't gotta chance..
lol, we will make sure the Y-8s greet you guys with plenty of goods for the one dollar store.

But either way, 24 F-18E/Fs will not overwhelm China's defense. I do believe that China's night time operations have gotten much better in the recent years.


Senior Member
popeye, you and tphuang are right. You can't avoid the numbers game, as much as some pro-American posters would like to believe.

No doubt America has a huge military, but how much material they can field in the theater against the Chinese homeland is really an open question.

War would suck for both sides. :(

The Chinese side understands this, but if the American side is deluded into thinking it will be a one-sided Iraqi Freedom affair, it will be a miscalculation that is costly to everybody.


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Roger604 said:
popeye, you and tphuang are right. You can't avoid the numbers game, as much as some pro-American posters would like to believe.

No doubt America has a huge military, but how much material they can field in the theater against the Chinese homeland is really an open question.

War would suck for both sides. :(

The Chinese side understands this, but if the American side is deluded into thinking it will be a one-sided Iraqi Freedom affair, it will be a miscalculation that is costly to everybody.
well, there is the idea of quality + quantity, if America sends 6 B-2s and 18 F-22s, China would have serious problems, but F-18s are just not that scary relatively speaking.