Senior Member
Seacraft said:So do I really think a flight of F18s could walk into PRC airspace? Yes and No, and here is why (again, based on my non-professional research over the past 10-15 years). Ground based radar still cannot see THROUGH the earth. OTH radars can but that is a different animal and it still cannot guide a round for the 300, right?
What in God's name are you talking about? F-18's radars can't see through the earth either. So it won't know where the S-300 is until it pops up over the horizon. When it does pop-up, the F-18 is tracked and destroyed.
Seacraft said:But No country has enough long range - high quality SAMs to be everywhere, all the time. So yes, under some circumstances, I feel "I" can take F-18s, into PRC airspace, under certain conditions, and start popping off some of your S-300 sites.
What??? You have no idea where these SAM sites are. Are psychics going to be flying these F-18's. When the F-18's can see the S-300's, the S-300's can see the F-18's too. Besides, it's a lot easier to isolate and track a target in the clear blue sky than to track a target among ground clutter.
Clear advantage for the SAM.
Seacraft said:A small force of F18s could kick the crap out of a comparably sized force of J11s when the conditions warrant and vice versa. If the 18s have AWACS Support and the J-11s don't, it could be a turkey shoot.
What US AWACS are you talking about? Does the EP-3 fly at supersonic speeds for an attack mission? I assure you, the only side that will have an AWACS will be China and there will be many AWACS of many varieties.
Seacraft said:So now, the range you can guide at, after seeing me, is comparable to where I can target you with HARM or perhaps decoy then Harm or Jam and Harm. Lots of options, lots of possibilites, no one soultion truly clear cut over another.
Now you're getting somewhere, at least you admit there's a difference between detection range and tracking range. Those F-18's will be detected by AWACS long before they wander into Chinese airspace (since the AWACS radars are still more powerful than the F-18's) and will be intercepted by J-8's before S-300's play any role whatsoever. And yes, China has enough AWACS to cover the entire eastern coastline.
Seacraft said:As for the Y8 J - if I'm the US Navy, and we are in battle, do you think a Y8J is going to get withtin dectecion range of my ships? Negative, it will be fish food long before it got close enough. Now on a peactime footing, sure, it could venture 800Km+ offshore.
Have you forgotten (since you wrote the above) that there is a difference between tracking and detection? USN ship's radars aren't OTH either, so it has to rely on E-3's. Y-8's can DETECT the location of your E-3's while loitering outside of TRACKING range and scramble squadrons of JH-7's armed with anti-ship missiles escorted by J-11's.
A swarm of those things descending on a lone CVBG is going to make it very bad day for the USN.