2022 Olympic Winter Games Beijing


Registered Member

Very interesting new product. Can we find it in the local pharmacy? Or do we have to buy it online?

Is this what President Trump's buy American campaign is all about?



Registered Member
As expected, koreans are known for having no sportsmanship and being butthurt

Eileen Gu has been an incredibly huge win for China. Not only the fact that she just won an event she wasn't really expected to, but the confidence it's given ordinary chinese people, considering the symbolic move of Eileen choosing China over America, and the fact she speaks perfect mandarin. She somehow ticks all the boxes

Truly a once in a century athlete


Registered Member
great article on sentiment. but horrible on politics.

"At the same time, some of Eileen’s most vocal critics are fellow Chinese Americans. They argue that by competing for China, Gu condones the ongoing
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of the minority Uighurs in western China, the violent 2019 to 2020 Hong Kong pro-democracy
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, and the mysterious
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of Peng Shuai, the three-time Olympian and tennis star who accused a former CCP official of sexual assault in 2021.

And I get it. Even though I root for Team China at the Olympics and am absolutely tickled when we’re ahead in the medals tally, I would never in a million years renounce my decision to become an American citizen. I can’t even fathom it."

So she is saying she love China but not the CCP, which is basically the Pompeo approach. She "would never in a million years renounce my decision to become an American citizen. I can’t even fathom it." and yet she has so many issues with the Asian hate in the US. "Even when we are hardworking, doing everything white and right, the slanty-eye jokes and passive aggressive stereotypes persist." doesn't sound the US is that free to me. And she doesn't seem to be aware that her country has caused huge number of death and suffering by conducting the illegal anti-terror wars in the middle east. China is no saint. But as least Chinese Americans can stop pretending the US is.

I don't think she has thought things through in terms of politics.
Bear in mind if you are a writer in the US and don't want to be cancelled, you will need to toe the party line


Registered Member
As expected, koreans are known for having no sportsmanship and being butthurt

Eileen Gu has been an incredibly huge win for China. Not only the fact that she just won an event she wasn't really expected to, but the confidence it's given ordinary chinese people, considering the symbolic move of Eileen choosing China over America, and the fact she speaks perfect mandarin. She somehow ticks all the boxes

Truly a once in a century athlete
S.Koreans have built their entire culture on the basis that the West is superior.

Imagine the shock to them when she decided to leave their favourite US and return to the backwater(for them) China and then managing to win

They are just salty that their world beliefs are crumpling down and thus try to find whatever reason to cope with it


Registered Member
Bear in mind if you are a writer in the US and don't want to be cancelled, you will need to toe the party line
Yup look what they did to Joe Rogan. Even Spotify got castrated and that Hanjian Andrew Yang had to apologize for being wrong-headed in supporting his "friend" ...

Think back to 2010 when Hillary was lecturing China on internet freedums...

America is 100000% projection. What concerns me is all the talk about genocide....


Registered Member
S.Koreans have built their entire culture on the basis that the West is superior.

Imagine the shock to them when she decided to leave their favourite US and return to the backwater(for them) China and then managing to win

They are just salty that their world beliefs are crumpling down and thus try to find whatever reason to cope with it
Deep down I think a large proportion of S Koreans (as with Japanese) genuinely, viscerally hate America, it's just that there's nothing they can do about it without making themselves 'unfashionable' and throwing away any chance they had of making it upwards in their societies, given their 'boss'. So they willingly kiss ass.
However, once the US loses it's grip on them (probably within most of our lifetimes) they will probably turn out to be the most anti-American / anti-western groups in Asia. They just need a catalyst.
Case in point the "rooting for China" piece posted here, and also the Koreans mega-butthurt re: hanbok and speed skating DQ's that was fanned on by their media (taking guesses as to whether there was 'encouragement' from a certain other butthurt country out there (no not India)