great article on sentiment. but horrible on politics.
"At the same time, some of Eileen’s most vocal critics are fellow Chinese Americans. They argue that by competing for China, Gu condones the ongoing
of the minority Uighurs in western China, the violent 2019 to 2020 Hong Kong pro-democracy
, and the mysterious
of Peng Shuai, the three-time Olympian and tennis star who accused a former CCP official of sexual assault in 2021.
And I get it. Even though I root for Team China at the Olympics and am absolutely tickled when we’re ahead in the medals tally, I would never in a million years renounce my decision to become an American citizen. I can’t even fathom it."
So she is saying she love China but not the CCP, which is basically the Pompeo approach. She "would never in a million years renounce my decision to become an American citizen. I can’t even fathom it." and yet she has so many issues with the Asian hate in the US. "Even when we are hardworking, doing everything white and right, the slanty-eye jokes and passive aggressive stereotypes persist." doesn't sound the US is that free to me. And she doesn't seem to be aware that her country has caused huge number of death and suffering by conducting the illegal anti-terror wars in the middle east. China is no saint. But as least Chinese Americans can stop pretending the US is.
I don't think she has thought things through in terms of politics.