I doubt the PLAN would arrange their fleets like that, it would be far better to mix the best and second line ships. AAW is not the only task a fleet needs destroyers for, for ASW and ASuW, an 052B, 052, or Sov will serve just as well as an 052C or D if not better.
Similarly, you get deminishing returns from adding additional 052C/D after the first few. Of course it would be best to have nothing but 052Ds like the USN only use Burkes, but with a sensible budget, it is better to mix and match your ships to have three strong fleets over two slightly more powerful fleets but a third noticeably weaker one. With its land based strength and 022 and 056s and other small ships, its not like China would be left open even if the PLAN's entire blue water fleet was deployed. Even if you need to maintain a strong surface fleet as a home guard, it would be better to have a credible force that can take any comers on equal footing rather than have a load of second rate ships that offer little over 056 and 022s.