071 LPD thread


New Member
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

sorry i meant tandem side by side and row of 3 not 6 for a total of 6 jeep/humvee vehicles


re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

Without a practical load on the LCAC and judge by the ramp alone (structures on both sides seems to be close in size with the US LCAC), the Chinese one is about 1.5 HMMWV shorter by width. To go by the logical assumption that the 3320 LCAC and 071 class LPD is part of the whole package to begin with, then it'd safe to say that unless PLA Navy is planning for bigger LPD or even LPH, they're stuck with this LCAC.

It's a logical approach, should 3320 boat is indeed a proof-of-concept and lead-in unit for them, and China is still years away to produce their own gas turbine engine that can propel a LCAC in the same category as the US one.

Still, it's an achievement nonetheless, for only a handful of nations today that can build LCAC of this weight class.


re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

The one thing I wonder is that big box/compartment thing in the middle of the hovercraft. The USMC LCAC does not have it and I really wonder why it is even there or if it could be removed on a different mission, because it seems a waste of space to have it there.

I think I figured out what it is; two compartments for carrying troops.


Lieutenant General
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re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

the new amphibious ship in HD shipyard is slowly shaping up.

At the same time, we are seeing 998 with helicopters on the gulf of Aden expedition. There looks to be 2 Z-8s and 1 Z-9 on the helipad. They are saying that 998 is carrying 2 Z-8s + 1 Z-9 and 170 is carrying 1 Z-9 on this trip. From the pictures before, I think 998 should be able to carry at least one more helicopter (at least 2 Z-8s + 2 Z-9s) in the hangar. But this is the first time we've had a picture of 998 carrying more than 2 helicopters.


  • NewAmphibious-July10.jpg
    45.9 KB · Views: 148
  • Z-8+Z-9on998-July10.jpg
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Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

the new amphibious ship in HD shipyard is slowly shaping up.

At the same time, we are seeing 998 with helicopters on the gulf of Aden expedition. There looks to be 2 Z-8s and 1 Z-9 on the helipad. They are saying that 998 is carrying 2 Z-8s + 1 Z-9 and 170 is carrying 1 Z-9 on this trip. From the pictures before, I think 998 should be able to carry at least one more helicopter (at least 2 Z-8s + 2 Z-9s) in the hangar. But this is the first time we've had a picture of 998 carrying more than 2 helicopters.

If they made the hangar deep enough to carry 4 helicopters they would have made it large enough to carry 4 Z-8's. There is no reason for the 071 to be designed with the Z-9 in mind. The current load is IMO unlikely to represent a standard wartime deployment. Also, carrying 3 helos on this mission does not prove the hangar is large enough to accommodate more than 2 helos.


Lieutenant General
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re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

If they made the hangar deep enough to carry 4 helicopters they would have made it large enough to carry 4 Z-8's. There is no reason for the 071 to be designed with the Z-9 in mind. The current load is IMO unlikely to represent a standard wartime deployment. Also, carrying 3 helos on this mission does not prove the hangar is large enough to accommodate more than 2 helos.

That's based on the diagram of 071 that I posted in this thread a few posts ago. It is possible that diagram is not accurate, but I would think otherwise.


re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

For those who estimate the well dock can hold up to 4 "3320 class" LCAC, perhaps you got it right, or at least very close...
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Important part is at the 2nd half of the newsreel, at least by visual estimates...the space left after the LCAC and the fast boats can put 3 badminton courts and 1 basketball court, though they not likely full-size by length but by width should be accurate.


Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

2010年7月21日出版的《简氏防务周刊》刊载该刊驻华盛顿通讯记者特德-帕森斯(Ted Parsons)的文章,题为“中国部署首艘船坞登陆舰致力于反海盗”。文章提到,“昆仑山”号的船坞船台甲板或可容纳24-32辆ZBD-05两栖突击车,该舰员搭载的直-8还进行了特殊改装,以适应全天候反海盗任务,另有非官方的数据表明,“昆仑山”号可以搭载至少3艘“玉义”级气垫登陆艇,每艘该艇可至少运载一辆42吨重的96式主战坦克;简氏还提到,中国将建造6艘071型船坞登陆舰(LPD)和6艘081型直升机船坞登陆舰(LHD),第一艘081型登陆舰已在建造。文章详细内容如下:



  简氏接着说,值得注意的是,“昆仑山”号船坞登陆舰此次还搭载有一艘“玉义”级(Yuyi)级气垫登陆艇,在外形尺寸上类似于美国87吨级的气垫登陆艇(LCAC)。首次发现部分地建造该级气垫登陆艇的时间是在2007年,近期,还发现在上海有一艘“玉义”级气垫登陆艇在进行测试,明显是为进行部署做准备。在7月份的第一周,有中国媒体报道说, 舷号为3320的中国气垫登陆艇在印度尼西亚的纳吐纳群岛(Natuna)附近演练。


Janes claim that China plan to build 5 more 071 class amphibious ship, and 081 VTOL amphibious assault ship is currently under construction.