071 LPD thread


re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

I'm betting on 4. Based on the well deck photos we've already seen, it looks like 4 is the magic number.

LCAC's don't need ramps to come ashore. That's the whole point of an LCAC.

1. Even those pictures gives very little to go by. And given the size of that thing, holding 4 might be too ambitious. Really hope this taskforce would stop at Hong Kong on their return leg, so if there's an open house I can see for myself, pace out the well deck if they let me.

2.I know, shores that has an not too deep gradient and without a tall wall a LCAC can come ashore, but that's a tall order for any typical sea port.


re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

Im still not convinced that they arr deploying the LCAC to somalia. What would be the point? Unless they are also taking some type99s inthe hold and plan on conducting some joint excerise with pakistan on the way back, taking the LCAC will only be a waste of space. It would be far more useful to bring more small FACs.

It is official now, but I am puzzled too.

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re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

Maybe they'll use 3320 to intercept skiffs - LCAC's are pretty fast, and this one seems to be armed with a machine gun. It'll be pretty hard to board a skiff though :p


re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

Maybe they'll use 3320 to intercept skiffs - LCAC's are pretty fast, and this one seems to be armed with a machine gun. It'll be pretty hard to board a skiff though :p

Maybe they have arranged with a friendly port/nation to make some sort of beach landing for replenishment. Other than that, I don't see what other use the LCAC can serve on this deployment. Not unless PLAN is intending on making an amphibious special forces assault on some pirate stronghold. :D


re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft


Should this turns out to be the 071 class interior this'd be interesting...enough space for 7 ZBD2000 and 2 small LCACs park end to end, if only we know the length of them, we can do some math.


re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

It is official now, but I am puzzled too.

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That is the official website of the China Ministry of Defence, and in brief it said that the Chinese LCAC slipped out from the LPD at the werstern exit of the Melacca Straits. The Navy's first LCAC did a few practices and one of which was acting as convoy escort for a mechant ship that happened to pass by.

It also said this is the first time that the medium size LCAC conducting a practice in the ocean since its first launch in December last year.

解放军报马六甲海峡西口7月5日电 记者尹航、通讯员余黄伟报道:日前,中国海军第六批护航编队进行了舰艇协同演练。其间,海军第一艘气垫艇滑出“昆仑山”号船坞登陆舰舰艉跳板驶向深蓝大洋,进行了进出母舰、海上航渡等多个课目的训练,并与一艘途经训练海域的商船进行了模拟护航演练。这是海军中型舰载气垫艇自去年12月份下水后首次在远海进行训练。


New Member
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

Let's hope they can mass produce it to comparable numbers like the US LCAC has been.

Even if there are more LCAC's to 071's, they should still have sufficient range to be useful in any taiwan/amphibious assault scenario. And I should think this LCAC "should" be capable of carrying one MBT, though probably isn't as capable as the USN LCAC.

btw, here's a pic that was posted on CDF a good while back, which may give indication of the kind of cargo the LCAC can carry (originally posted by =GT) Not sure how legit it is though.

it looks like the bottom left corner pic seems out of scale and stretched compared to the other examples of the "jeep" type vehicle... also the recent zubr production deal seems to me that the zubr will be the large amphibious LCAC beach lander for the region around china's coast and the LPH/LPD with smaller LCAC for extending blue water missions

p.s.. anyone have well deck width dimensions ??


Junior Member
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

Just an idea; but ...
why not use basic LPD structure to build an affordable LPH; space is readily available and the PLA navy could use such a ship better than just an extra LPD.
Commaonality of hull and propulsionsystem would also speed up training and ease logistics and eventual repairs.
Dock has space for Hangar and supestructure coud be minimized and offset to a single side to provide more and better acces to deckspace.
Such a ship could be a base to about 9 helos in a mix of types (even awacs-type).


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re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

Should this turns out to be the 071 class interior this'd be interesting...enough space for 7 ZBD2000 and 2 small LCACs park end to end, if only we know the length of them, we can do some math.
hummm - look at the marks in the ramp


  • 071 C - Dock Hovercraft2.jpg
    071 C - Dock Hovercraft2.jpg
    85.8 KB · Views: 101
  • 071 C - Dock.jpg
    071 C - Dock.jpg
    82.3 KB · Views: 527


Junior Member
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

What about it? It would be helpful if you elaborate when posting.Do you find the very bright sunlight a little suspect? If you examing the dock and ropes to the left and the upper deck etc. you will see some consistency.The bit on the right can be light filtering through something out of picture and there appears to be some reflection of the right-hand fence there too though i guess it still can be all psed.More interesting is the helicopters on the top deck as they look like wreckage to me. YOu can get a better view from this very site here
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. I know some tails can fold but this looks a little bashed up to me.Anyway i think the guys on here concluded this to be psed. If so, that's good enough for me.