056 class FFL/corvette

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Senior Member
2nd Type 056 luanch. I wonder how long the second batch of two will take to launch. Late this year?

I also wonder how long they will taek to commission these vessels. One year?

I believe the PLAN is going to produce these very rapidly and in numbers.

HD can build 2 at the same time... So end of year probably will have another 3.







VIP Professional
Does the RAM(FL-3000) of 056 has reload capability?

If the missiles are light enough, I'm sure it's possible to reload manually by hand. But at this time, I think it's unlikely that the Chinese Navy would equip the corvette with on-board reloads.
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Seems that 8 HQ-10 missiles for self-defense is what it will be:


Second type 056 at HP behind the first one launched:



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Banned Idiot
Will Pakistan buy it? Even the biggest ship they have is no more than 4000 tons. The new F22P class is only about 3500 fully loaded. A slightly bigger version of 056 would be great for pakistan.


Will Pakistan buy it? Even the biggest ship they have is no more than 4000 tons. The new F22P class is only about 3500 fully loaded. A slightly bigger version of 056 would be great for pakistan.

Offer for export won't come so soon, especially a new design that has yet finish builder's trials, so if what we see are batch I (those 4 just launched or under construction), the definitive design of the 056 corvette will be in batch II, probably next year.

Besides, given the kind of foe Pakistan is facing, 056 would still be outgunned. Might as well get the 054A instead.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
Will Pakistan buy it? Even the biggest ship they have is no more than 4000 tons. The new F22P class is only about 3500 fully loaded. A slightly bigger version of 056 would be great for pakistan.

highly unlikely, the need for PN right now is a bigger ship than F22P but slightly less than the Typem 054A

although a amazing ship unfort its doesnt fit into PN


MwRYum, its not that PN cant get their hands on 056, the point is what Asif mentioned that its not in PN requirements. If PN needs 056 they will get from Chinese freinds no matter what & this things proved eralier also the latest example is J10B.


VIP Professional
if 056 will replace early 053 frigates on one-for-one basis, are we talking about maximum of 11 ships? if it will also have other variants (asw?) and replace 037 class (which, honestly, are in need of MUCH earlier replacement as they're obsolete ships now) then we might be looking at tens of ships by 2020.?
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