At This Point, my goodness, Hudong Has at least 8 newly built or building Frigates in the yard.
I bet, the US pushed China too hard-If you look at China like an enemy, China will be your enemy(more than enough for you to chew).
1st, I would not call the 056s "Frigates". They are really corvettes, although very capable ones at that.
2nd, I do not see this buildup as specifically a "US is the enemy," type thing at all. There is no doubt that there will be some divergence in iterests that could cause flair ups, but the principle reason for the large shipbuilding program and buildup is really to simply bring the PLAN up to date and get them out from under the decades old technology the Ludas and older Frigates and Corvettes that the PLAN has in such large numbers. And they are doing a very good job of that, replacing them rapidly with new, modern designs that can protect PRC interests.
As to whether this is going to lead to an adversarial relationship, or an "enemy," relationship is not so sure a thing in the least.
...and I for one pray it does not. Not because I fear that the PLAN as it stands (or even is projected to stand over the next 15-20 years) would defeat the US Navy, because, quite frankly, IMHO they are very far away from having the capability to do that...and the US Navy is not sitting still either. But because of the death and injury and loss of resource that would occur on both sides in any case should such a situation develop into conflict.
Let us pray and work to better understand one another, and work with one another through whatever disagreements we may have and find mutually acceptable, peaceful solutions to them. Then, let us use our joint naval power to keep the sea lanes open and available for all nations and people of good will and peace...and use that power to keep terrorists, pirates, or rogue nations from interfering with that commerce that is to both of our mutual benefit and interest.