056 class FFL/corvette

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I am so excited to hear that the 056s are officially meant to have an anti-sub role as this was somewhat in doubt before.

Based on the crew needed per 056 at 1/3 that of a 053, the fact that there are around 20 053s and Jiangwei Is in service (don't know if the Jiangwei IIs will also be replaced), and that the 056 is officially meant to be mass produced to replace the 053 family of ships, it looks like at least around 50 up to maybe 70 056s are planned!


Senior Member
I am so excited to hear that the 056s are officially meant to have an anti-sub role as this was somewhat in doubt before.

Based on the crew needed per 056 at 1/3 that of a 053, the fact that there are around 20 053s and Jiangwei Is in service (don't know if the Jiangwei IIs will also be replaced), and that the 056 is officially meant to be mass produced to replace the 053 family of ships, it looks like at least around 50 up to maybe 70 056s are planned!

I do not expect so much to be in service. With multi-role and better capabilities. It will reduced the number of platform needed compare to the oldies. Just like the crew being reduced by 1/3 while still performing the same amount of task.


Banned Idiot
I am so excited to hear that the 056s are officially meant to have an anti-sub role as this was somewhat in doubt before.
Certainly not the first batch. Though the latest photos have a stern shot with a square hole which looks promising as a TAS port.


I am so excited to hear that the 056s are officially meant to have an anti-sub role as this was somewhat in doubt before.

Based on the crew needed per 056 at 1/3 that of a 053, the fact that there are around 20 053s and Jiangwei Is in service (don't know if the Jiangwei IIs will also be replaced), and that the 056 is officially meant to be mass produced to replace the 053 family of ships, it looks like at least around 50 up to maybe 70 056s are planned!

056 OPV is going to replace 037 (arround 70 Vessels) & 053 (Jianghu's I - V, arround 25 Vessels) but not 053 (Jiangwei's I/II, arround 14 vessels which I beleive remains in the services by the end of this decade).

So we are taking arround 95 vessels needs to be replaced with 056, however it will not gona happen on 1 to 1 basis but in close possible senario is arround 70 (056 OPVs) in near future.

Any suggestions are welcome!!
056 OPV is going to replace 037 (arround 70 Vessels) & 053 (Jianghu's I - V, arround 25 Vessels) but not 053 (Jiangwei's I/II, arround 14 vessels which I beleive remains in the services by the end of this decade).

So we are taking arround 95 vessels needs to be replaced with 056, however it will not gona happen on 1 to 1 basis but in close possible senario is arround 70 (056 OPVs) in near future.

Any suggestions are welcome!!

I can see 2 to 3 056s working with one 054A or Jiangwei II, maybe also with a 052C/D, as a sub-hunting group. There should also be a few 056s to spare. Given that there should be at least 20+ 054As and Jiangwei IIs around, that makes 40 to 60 056s.


Banned Idiot
I can see 2 to 3 056s working with one 054A or Jiangwei II, maybe also with a 052C/D, as a sub-hunting group. There should also be a few 056s to spare. Given that there should be at least 20+ 054As and Jiangwei IIs around, that makes 40 to 60 056s.
What would the 056's be doing in that group?


将主要担负巡逻警戒护航、单独或协同其它兵力执行反潜作战、对海作战等使命任务。新型护卫舰正式交付部队,标志 着我海军基地防御兵力开始了升级换代,进入了批量生产、有序更新的新时代。

Tasked with patrolling, as escrots, conducting ASuW by itself or in conjunction with other assets, and for anti-ship role.

I think you might have confused ASuW with ASW. ASuW = anti-surface warfare, ASW = anti-submarine warfare. So in your English translation, you basically repeated the same thing twice about its anti-surface capabilities. To avoid confusion for other members, the correct translation should be "Tasked with patrolling as escorts, conducting ASW by itself or in conjunction with other assets, and for anti-ship role." But nonetheless, thanks for posting this article.


China just named 582: Bengbu (蚌埠), a city of Anhui Province. It is likely that 582 is going to East Sea Fleet of PLAN.


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The Admiral is thinking: I never did command a ship this good?




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