056 class FFL/corvette

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At This Point, my goodness, Hudong Has at least 8 newly built or building Frigates in the yard.


I bet, the US pushed China too hard-If you look at China like an enemy, China will be your enemy(more than enough for you to chew).
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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
At This Point, my goodness, Hudong Has at least 8 newly built or building Frigates in the yard.

I bet, the US pushed China too hard-If you look at China like an enemy, China will be your enemy(more than enough for you to chew).

lol no doubt we have seen much progress from Chinese shipyards, very good indeed but if you want to really put it into prespective then 2 of the worlds most advanced naval shipyards in modern times have to be Bath Iron Works and Ingalls Shipbuilding

together in the last 22 years they have launched 61 Arleigh Burke DDGs and they are 9,000+ ton ships with the worlds most advanced system and subsystems, i average that close to 3 units per year and in 1994 they launched 5 in a single year, 3 by at Ingalls and 2 at Bath

HP and HD are doing just fine in line with Chinese naval procurement which is unprecedented by Chinese standards, however now its time for JN shipyard to show what it can do with the Type 052D production run, they managed 2 units per year average with Type 052C but that was only on 4 units


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At This Point, my goodness, Hudong Has at least 8 newly built or building Frigates in the yard.

I bet, the US pushed China too hard-If you look at China like an enemy, China will be your enemy(more than enough for you to chew).

Can you stop posting this kind of nonsense? Are you trying to start flaming war here?
What would the 056's be doing in that group?

What you had said before... casting TAS, pinging, and what I had said before... operating UAVs! The 056s can also carry additional choppers or serve as backup landing pads for orphaned choppers whose original mother ship went down. Honestly though, I'm not sure if the PLAN has any UAVs both good for anti-sub warfare and can operate off of a 056.


056 OPV is going to replace 037 (arround 70 Vessels) & 053 (Jianghu's I - V, arround 25 Vessels) but not 053 (Jiangwei's I/II, arround 14 vessels which I beleive remains in the services by the end of this decade).

So we are taking arround 95 vessels needs to be replaced with 056, however it will not gona happen on 1 to 1 basis but in close possible senario is arround 70 (056 OPVs) in near future.

Any suggestions are welcome!!

I can see 2 to 3 056s working with one 054A or Jiangwei II, maybe also with a 052C/D, as a sub-hunting group. There should also be a few 056s to spare. Given that there should be at least 20+ 054As and Jiangwei IIs around, that makes 40 to 60 056s.

I think 40 to 60 units would be more reasonable as some of the older 037s can even be argued that the replacement ratio should be one 056 for every three 037 when comparing firepower. Let's not forget there's already 80+ modern 022s in service. All the man power saved (headcount wise) can be re-directed to staffing the larger ships coming online and being planned such as future carriers and cruisers.

As for anti-sub hunting, I don't see why they can't park a helo on the pad for that mission. If they do add TAS, then that will further enhance the ship's ability even with the existing torpedos.

Does this mean the type 056 is an FFG and not an OPV/corvette?

Good catch, looks like they will classify them as frigates, albeit very light frigates. The 053s are classified as frigates. They are similar in dimensions, slightly more tonnage, but then again, modern electronics, machinery, and reduced crewman would reduce weight on the 056.


VIP Professional
why would it be operating UAVs? like we said, it's helipad is the same as one 053h2 class. That helipad was purposefully made big enough to operate proper helicopters.

It is all about the mission profile. If the 056 goes out 500-1000 km away from chinese shores, it probably won't be operating helicopters. But I don't think that is a mission 056 will often, if ever do. I think it was designed to go a few hundred km away from chinese shores. It isn't meant to support a helicopter past refuelling and rearming. I imagine helicopters, in those missions where they are required, would fly to the 056 from the shore, would then temporarely base itself on the ship for x days, operate from it as needed, then return to the shore, at which point, if needed, another helicopter might replace it. Yes, that might mean that at certain times, due to extreme weather and sea states, helicopters would have to leave prematurely. But it is still an added capability.


The AP is clueless

Here's a good laugh from an Associated Press article on the launching of the 056. The author called it a "frigate" instead of a corvette, and said it was equipped with a helicopter. A 1400-ton frigate? Seriously? It's clear the author didn't do his or her homework, and it's yet another disappointing publication from the AP.

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