Personally I think that this whole discussion about how many vls the type 055 will have plus the idea of whether or not it must or must not have quad pack capability is reaching absurd levels. Part of it was due to all the supposed hype and the other part is due to a certain denial of reality and smugness.
Personally I was disappointed at first when the Type 055 was to have only 112 cells. But then the after much thinking, the subsequent reply was "so what "?
The Type 055 is definitely among the most modern and capable of destroyers out there, capable of duking it out with the best of the best. The Arleigh Burke,the Tico, the Kirov and the Sejong, you name it. The only complaint that can be said about it is that it has tested its weapons in a real life scenario against a near pear. But honestly if that ever happens, we did have much more to worry about then whether the type 055 preforms as expected.
Even more importantly is how many of these behemoths that China plans to build. With a starting batch of 4, we can safely assume that at least 20. Which is far more than any planned major surface combatant weight over 10 000 tons. Even the Sejong class is projected to only have 6 in the year 2030.
Now it maybe that the VLS might not have been designed with quad packing in mind, but these things are more often an after though than any pre conceived notion. Plus with the modular nature of the Chinese (and indeed all VLS systems in general) VLS. It is not too hard to imagine it to be done with relative ease.