055 DDG Large Destroyer Thread

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That entirely depends on how advanced 055 is.

052D introduced a new VLS, an arguably new radar and a new main gun, probably among a host of other internal electronics and processing changes as well, yet the PLAN are confident enough to serially produce them off the bat.
Depending on how advanced 055 is (and no one expects a PLAN zumwalt), they could very well serially produce 055s.

The only major challenge I foresee would be propulsion, and that's only if the ship uses IEPS.
Yet the UK serially produced Type 45, and that was using a new propulsion system for the Royal Navy too.

You already have a new 052D being built, pushing the technological edge on the 055 program would make the most of this program if embarked. So it wouldn't just be IEPS. There's still the CCC you've talked about needing development, a more advanced sonar (which can serve the 054B program too if there is one), and more automation.

052D can be produced serially with confidence because the vessel itself has already been proven with 052C for a decade. Structural components such as hull and propulsion have not changed. With an 055, the basic premise is a much larger hull, needing a new propulsion system. Those are not tasks to take lightly even if the design is more conventional that Zumwalt. The other systems if not re-used from 052D can at least be developed using the test ships. But you need to eventually build and test hulls which is why it makes sense 055 initially be produced in limited numbers. By the time it reaches a state of mass production, there'll be enough tweaks for it to be 055A or 055B, whatever they want to call it since 054 went to 054A but 052 never went to 052A but 052B instead.

If you want to consider Zumwalt as being serially produced at three, what is your definition of serial production vs limited production? Cutoff at two? Personally, I consider serial production as something exceeding one round of order and more than three. 052C was limited production till the recent additional four more, which I would now consider a short serial production.

Yes, CGs inevitably offer greater endurance and range over DDGs, but their main advantage is additional firepower and command/control and having provision for an admiral to plant his flag. It is the latter aspects of capability the PLAN would be interested in.

I'm confused by this point of yours. I've never argued that there isn't a need for an eventual 055. I believe the main driving force for that is a need for an even better platform than the 052D on distant solo missions. Earlier, you stated CVBGs as the main driving need. But in a CVBG, the admiral would be planting his flag on the carrier.

Also, even if the PLAN is deploying a CVBG off the coast of africa, they technically don't need a cruiser -- that is to say, with refuelling and resupply, FFGs and DDGs can last as long as a CG.

Umm....that's been my point all along. That's why I asked if having an 055 in a CVBG is any better off than having a bunch of 052Ds in the CVBG.

There is also no need for the PLAN to send a 12,000 ton CG to Aden as part of a two ship flotilla. Such a taskforce would only be used to combat pirates, and you don't need such a ship to intercept and check out longboats. A pair of 054As can do the job just as good and more cost effectively.

I never was alluding to anti-piracy missions. I was referring to growing Chinese interests far and away in places like Africa. Chinese citizens there, business investments, etc etc.

Only difference is, the PLAN will actually seek to project power dramatically more as the 21st century progresses, but again, that doesn't entail a need for CGs as DDGs and even FFGs can last on deployments equally as long.

So I'm really confused, is your position that 055 is needed or not needed?


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You already have a new 052D being built, pushing the technological edge on the 055 program would make the most of this program if embarked. So it wouldn't just be IEPS. There's still the CCC you've talked about needing development, a more advanced sonar (which can serve the 054B program too if there is one), and more automation.

052D can be produced serially with confidence because the vessel itself has already been proven with 052C for a decade. Structural components such as hull and propulsion have not changed. With an 055, the basic premise is a much larger hull, needing a new propulsion system. Those are not tasks to take lightly even if the design is more conventional that Zumwalt. The other systems if not re-used from 052D can at least be developed using the test ships. But you need to eventually build and test hulls which is why it makes sense 055 initially be produced in limited numbers. By the time it reaches a state of mass production, there'll be enough tweaks for it to be 055A or 055B, whatever they want to call it since 054 went to 054A but 052 never went to 052A but 052B instead.

With regards to 052D's serial production confidence versus 055, we should remember that while 052D uses a "common hull," many of its subsystems are still new. Yes it shares propulsion with second batch of 052C (QC-280) but virtually everything else on the outside is different.
We can also be fairly confident in seeing a new generation of command control and CIC aboard 052D compared to 052C as well. Yet the addition of all new subsystems from weapons to internals has not dissuaded the PLAN from jumping into serial production.

055 by all accounts may use the same QC-280 gas turbines, four of them, which may or may not be hooked up to QC-280. Most of the subsystems from radar to VLS to main gun will be mature from 052D. The only "new" aspect of 055 will be its hull, its new generation of internal electronics and command/control, and possibly/hopefully IEPS.

You're right, these aren't tasks to take lightly, but they are also not tasks which other nations are unable to mass produce. The UK's Type 45 featured an entirely new hull, entirely new everything from radar to SAM to command/control, yet they jumped straight into serial production.

If you want to consider Zumwalt as being serially produced at three, what is your definition of serial production vs limited production? Cutoff at two? Personally, I consider serial production as something exceeding one round of order and more than three. 052C was limited production till the recent additional four more, which I would now consider a short serial production.

Perhaps serial production wasn't the right word. My meaning was that Zumwalt production is being stopped due to monetary factors, not "produce three first, test out the systems and then continue production".

But thinking about it, zumwalt probably isn't the best example (refer to previous type 45 example instead lol)

I'm confused by this point of yours. I've never argued that there isn't a need for an eventual 055. I believe the main driving force for that is a need for an even better platform than the 052D on distant solo missions. Earlier, you stated CVBGs as the main driving need. But in a CVBG, the admiral would be planting his flag on the carrier.

I respectfully disagree that the main driving force for a cruiser is distant solo missions. What kind of missions will a solo 055 be able to accomplish or be expected to accomplish which an 052D cannot? Anti piracy? Showing the flag? Or raining down cruise missiles at some random third world country? Because the first two can be done with 052/C/D or even 054/A. The last will not be executed with only a lone 055.

As for CVBGs being the main driving need, what I actually said was "CVBG or any other large taskforce". I'm not trying to be technical here, and I recognize I may have been unclear, so I'll clarify.

I believe the main driving need for a cruiser sized ship is the need for more comprehensive defensive and offensive and command and control capabilities, that is to say, it can be used either in a CVBG or SAG or ARGs.

(as for flag planting, there are various reasons why an admiral may or may not make a carrier his flagship versus a cruiser)

Umm....that's been my point all along. That's why I asked if having an 055 in a CVBG is any better off than having a bunch of 052Ds in the CVBG.

I believe you were saying 2 052Ds could equal the offensive and defensive capabilities of an 055, and you later said the advantage 055 offered was endurance/range.
The part you quoted, is me positing an example where 052D and 054A could have as much practical endurance as an 055 in a CVBG, but would lack the combat capabilities which such a ship offers.

I never was alluding to anti-piracy missions. I was referring to growing Chinese interests far and away in places like Africa. Chinese citizens there, business investments, etc etc.

I see, could you elaborate as to how an 055 would protect chinese interests in such far regions? I imagine it can show the flag, but that's about all a lone 055 can do. No lone 055 can single handedly cruise missile the snot out of even a small third world country.

So I'm really confused, is your position that 055 is needed or not needed?

055 is definitely needed, but not because PLAN needs a ship to solo deploy in far seas (which seems to be your position?)

I'll try to summarize my position:
055 is necessary for its enhanced offensive and defensive capabilities, and the reason PLAN needs such a vessel (compared to other smaller navies) is due to the highly capable foes it may face.
Such a high threat environment may exst in ECS or SCS, as far as the indian ocean.
While 055 will have greater endurance compared to 052D or 054A, the "solo" missions 055 can provide in the indian ocean and off africa can also be performed by 052C/D 054/A, as all three types of ships would be accompanied by an AOR anyway.

My bringing up ROKN and JMSDF ships was to illustrate how they also have large, highly capable destroyer/cruisers, yet are only deploying them in near seas because their immediate interests only span the region.
The PLAN will be slightly different as its interests will soon span all the way to africa. What will not be different is that the reason PLAN, ROKN, and JMSDF have such large and capable ships, is their primary desire for high offensive and defensive capability in their relevant theaters of action.


VIP Professional
The $7 billion Zumwait is "Navy procurement gone wild", and if the Chinese (or any other) Navy allowed their project costs to balloon to such extent, heads need to roll.

If the 055 is simply a larger 052D, then it's a natural progression following other navy's trends. However, if the Chinese Navy is looking to build a bigger & better anti-surface warfare destroyer with guns that can bombard >100 km inland and carry cruise missiles, it's not necessary to go to the extent of the Zumwait, as the Italians have shown with their FREMM frigate configuration.

At this time the 055 is speculation and until we actually see the burger patty, I call "where's the beef".


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The $7 billion Zumwait is "Navy procurement gone wild", and if the Chinese (or any other) Navy allowed their project costs to balloon to such extent, heads need to roll.

If the 055 is simply a larger 052D, then it's a natural progression following other navy's trends. However, if the Chinese Navy is looking to build a bigger & better anti-surface warfare destroyer with guns that can bombard >100 km inland and carry cruise missiles, it's not necessary to go to the extent of the Zumwait, as the Italians have shown with their FREMM frigate configuration.

I'm still of the belief the USN should have requested a more conservative ship.
Conventional flared hull as big as zumwalt is now, but cut the AGS and PVLS, design the deckhouse a little more conventionally, and ignore all aspect stealth.
Stick in as many Mk-41 VLS as they can, with a forward Mk-45 gun, and DBR or AMDR, powered with zumwalt's same IEPS.
There they got a CGX probably at significantly lower cost than zumwalt, with more firepower too, and most importantly, can perform a realistic and necessary mission.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
The $7 billion Zumwait is "Navy procurement gone wild", and if the Chinese (or any other) Navy allowed their project costs to balloon to such extent, heads need to roll.
Sorry, but that's really not an accurate statement

Originally the DDX, then the DD21, and finally the DDG-1000 the program was going to be a class of 32 ships, with the large R&D spread out over that entire build. The R&D that has gone on with the Zumwalts is simply amazing stuff, and will be a game changer for the Zumwalts, as well as other vessels who will make use of that technology in the future.

But now, it has to be spread over three ships...not 32. So saying it is "procurement gone wild," as if though each ship will cost $7 billion is just not dealing with the realities of the situation as it developed.

Now, in 2013, the actual cost of the USS Zumwalt, DDG-1000, is going to come in at about $3.5 billion dollars. The second, the USS Monsoor, DDG-1002, is now expected tp cost $2.5 billion, and the third, USS Lyndon Johnson, DDG-1002, is now expected to come in at just over $2 billion. That's a total of $8 billion for all three ships, each of which is a 14,500 ton, high-tech cruiser sized fighting vessel with absolute cutting edge technology.

That's will be an average of $2.66 billion per vessel, which is high, but when you compare it to the $1.2 billion unitary cost for the 9,400 ton Arleigh Burke IIA, it is not terribly out of kilter, especially, as I say, since the build was cut back to just three vessels.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
My bringing up ROKN and JMSDF ships was to illustrate how they also have large, highly capable destroyer/cruisers, yet are only deploying them in near seas because their immediate interests only span the region.
The PLAN will be slightly different as its interests will soon span all the way to africa. What will not be different is that the reason PLAN, ROKN, and JMSDF have such large and capable ships, is their primary desire for high offensive and defensive capability in their relevant theaters of action.
This is a really good point.

I think it is a good thing to compare what is going on in the WESTPAC with respect to these larger, more capable destroyes/cruisers that the US, Korea, Japan, and now the PLAN have either already fielded, or are going to field.

I do not included the US Arleigh Burke, JMSDF Kongo, Australian Hobart, Type 52D, etc. vessels because they ar emore in line (though for sure on the tope end in the world) with what I would call normal destroyers. These others are really cruisers.


Interesting to compare their various weapons systems, sizes, and configurations side by side. At some point we will know more about the principle sensor package and sonar package on the Type 055, but tight now that is really unknown in terms of specifics.


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Will be interesting to see what kind of dimensions 055 has when it eventually turns up.

If it is indeed 12,000 tons, it may end up being a rather large ship.
052C was recently said on state media to only displace 6,400 tons full -- and it has a length of a burke with the beam of a tico. 052D with identical dimensions probably doesn't displace much more than that.
Scaling it up to 12,000 tons, I can see 055 being a ship not as large as zumwalt, but being larger than tico and sejong quite handily.


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Great discussion Bltizo and Joshuatree, this is why SD is one of the best places on the net for naval matters.

I maintain my own feeling that the PLAN really does not need a Type 055 yet. That does not mean they will not need or build them eventually.

However, I firmly believe for their existing order of battle and circumstances, that continuing with serial production of Type 052Ds and Type 054A/Bs will fufill their needs very adequately and allow them to stabilize their training and their operational policies and procedure for single ship deployments, for SAGs, and for developing their CSG strategy.

Just the same, the "chatter," about a Type 055 being built after the four current Type 052Ds are completed, with another four Type 052Ds being built in Dalian is quite prominent.

We will soon see if it is also true.

When are the 4 052D's to be completed?


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There are also two 12,000 ton coast guard cutters at JNCX that will probably follow 052D construction, or be built concurrently to it.

I suppose we may see the first signs of 055 next year at earliest.
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