A bit of research evealed that综合补给舰 is a ”complex supply ship” or AOR (should warm asif iqbal’s heart).
综合 means joint, not complex
A bit of research evealed that综合补给舰 is a ”complex supply ship” or AOR (should warm asif iqbal’s heart).
I have no great desire to go into the intricacies of Chinese military terminology, but it would seem to me that ”joint” is a strange term for a naval ship – surely it is not designed to supply Army and Air Force units? Is the Air Force’s 空军综合飞行试验团 a ”joint” test regiment?
I thought the Chinese term for "joint" was 联.
But I am afraid that I was influenced by the single Soviet Pr. 1833 replenishment ship BEREZINA, which was designated Корабль комплексного снабжения.
综合 means combined, mixed, composite... the ship will carry different types of supplies for various different purposes
I can see that item 9 is to be built by广船, that is Guangzhou Shipbuilding International (GSI), as item 7 carrier Type 001A is to be built at Dalian.
A bit of research evealed that综合补给舰 is a ”complex supply ship” or AOR (should warm asif iqbal’s heart).
more proper translation would be "integrated"
Or comprehensive.
Basically supplies everything in one go.
Totoro, FYI, the aft VLS launchers for the Arliegh Burke Flight IIA destroyers (the ones with the helo hanger) are located precisely as follows in relation to the hangers.Whole rear end is really modelled after Burke class. Complete with VLS bay between the hangars.