055 DDG Large Destroyer Thread

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Senior Member
I have no great desire to go into the intricacies of Chinese military terminology, but it would seem to me that ”joint” is a strange term for a naval ship – surely it is not designed to supply Army and Air Force units? Is the Air Force’s 空军综合飞行试验团 a ”joint” test regiment?

I thought the Chinese term for "joint" was 联.

But I am afraid that I was influenced by the single Soviet Pr. 1833 replenishment ship BEREZINA, which was designated Корабль комплексного снабжения.
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Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
They probably mean it supply both oil, food and ammunitions.

综合 can mean everything (as in capable of everything)


Junior Member
I have no great desire to go into the intricacies of Chinese military terminology, but it would seem to me that ”joint” is a strange term for a naval ship – surely it is not designed to supply Army and Air Force units? Is the Air Force’s 空军综合飞行试验团 a ”joint” test regiment?

I thought the Chinese term for "joint" was 联.

But I am afraid that I was influenced by the single Soviet Pr. 1833 replenishment ship BEREZINA, which was designated Корабль комплексного снабжения.

综合 means combined, mixed, composite... the ship will carry different types of supplies for various different purposes

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General

I can see that item 9 is to be built by广船, that is Guangzhou Shipbuilding International (GSI), as item 7 carrier Type 001A is to be built at Dalian.

A bit of research evealed that综合补给舰 is a ”complex supply ship” or AOR (should warm asif iqbal’s heart).

Its good to see that a larger replenishment tanker is on the cards, it's a obvious choice I always thought PLAN would have to make a larger unit, bigger in this case does mean better!


Banned Idiot
Or comprehensive.

Basically supplies everything in one go.

Multirole would be a better word for it. Comprehensive would be 全能 in Chinese 综合 is prefix adjective similar to the English name multi-. In a direct translation, 综合补给舰 means AOR, which combines the functions of AFS, AE and AO.


VIP Professional

Another fan work post. Some images of a model I built. It's quite rough but the concept should be visible.

Width is 21 meters, length 156 meters. Inside those dimenions i managed to cram all the features 055 should have.

Twin helicopter hangar. Whole rear end is really modelled after Burke class. Complete with VLS bay between the hangars.
Since chinese VLS is larger, there's really room only for 40-48 cells in the back (in shown version its 48)

But as we saw with 052c, theres a lot of room in the front. So if 055 gets 3-4 meters wider beam, it should be enough to put in another row in the front, for 48 cells.

Since the new class will probably need 4 turbines, i acted accordingly. I really used Burke as a starting point. But with the first intake/exhaust stack i chose to go the Zumwalt way and enclosed the whole stack inside a large structure that also houses various radars and other sensors. If there's too much top weight, one could shed a bit weight off by going totally like zumwalt and use 3 face radar arrangement, not the 4 face as shown here.

The structure needs to be this large because it not only houses smaller radars but also L band radar arrays which are pretty huge. It also means there's no need for a second, volume search radar in the back.

To keep the top weight in check, the second smokestack is kept low and pretty conventional.

One also might notice the arrangement of the ciws. Instead of going with centrally positioned bow ciws, which takes up some valuable real estate on the bow, I chose to go with offset ciws placement. That is mirrored by the rear ciws.

While there is a little bit less overlap than in current 052d or burke, the different isnt big. Still the ship has pretty wide arcs where both bow and stern ciws can target at the same time. Those areas are just a bit offset from the longitudinal axis.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Whole rear end is really modelled after Burke class. Complete with VLS bay between the hangars.
Totoro, FYI, the aft VLS launchers for the Arliegh Burke Flight IIA destroyers (the ones with the helo hanger) are located precisely as follows in relation to the hangers.


Over half of the VLS cells are located between the two hangers, with the first three rows forward being the only ones in the aft VLS matrix not having helo hanger on either side of them. Thought you might like this pic.
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