052/052B Class Destroyers


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Great to see images of the 1st 052D on sea trials...................but i'am somewhat confused!

Why?.............because it appears the 052D has been completed a great deal quicker than the 052C, and i'am not talking about the time to launching, but the outfitting of the vessels.

I mean 052C 4,5 & 6 are still not in service yet, though no.4 must be literally weeks away to be being commissioned. But the 052C's have taken an eternally long time to be outfitted and accepted into service.

What are want to know is why the 052D appears to of leapfrogged the 052C series in outfitting times, even though the 052D is apparently a more complex ship.

My conclusion is........that maybe the PLAN are not so hasty in introducing the 052C into the fleet as they know its capabilities, but the 052D is to be their main surface combatant of now, and they are keen to get them into sea trials a.s.a.p. to test them out!

Any thoughts anyone?

My speculation is that they have decided, may be as last minute after thought, to instal some of the new equipemnt from 052D on the new batch of 052C and need time to smooth out things. After all, 170 and 171 were bult more than 10 years ago, some of the original set of equipment may be superseded by new ones.


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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Great to see images of the 1st 052D on sea trials...................but i'am somewhat confused!

Why?.............because it appears the 052D has been completed a great deal quicker than the 052C, and i'am not talking about the time to launching, but the outfitting of the vessels.

I mean 052C 4,5 & 6 are still not in service yet, though no.4 must be literally weeks away to be being commissioned. But the 052C's have taken an eternally long time to be outfitted and accepted into service.

What are want to know is why the 052D appears to of leapfrogged the 052C series in outfitting times, even though the 052D is apparently a more complex ship.

My conclusion is........that maybe the PLAN are not so hasty in introducing the 052C into the fleet as they know its capabilities, but the 052D is to be their main surface combatant of now, and they are keen to get them into sea trials a.s.a.p. to test them out!

Any thoughts anyone?

... Or maybe it will take an equally long time for PLAN to accept 052D into service as well.
I forget, have 052C 4, 5, 6 all gone to sea yet? If so, then I'd say 052D has not been completed quicker than 052C at all, because we should measure the entire time between launch and commissioning, not launch and sea trials.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer



Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I think the calibre and professionalism shown by the Liaoning crew shows how well trained are the PLAN sailors

End of story

What end of story are you talking about? First of all... nobody doubt the professionalism and calibre of PLAN crews. If they really doubt, then no one will be making any noise, right? But we have been hearing how nervous the US and Japanese are... of course some said that they are crying out loud so as to increase defence budget, but I seriously doubt that.

Secondly... have you actually seen the Liaoning crew first hand, went to sea together with them? If not, how do you know what calibre they actually are? A few photos here and there doesn't mean squawk... Although I do think that China's crew are good and true to their capability but that is through my understanding of Chinese history and how PLA fight even with inferior weaponries in the past, and now they have modern equipment and money for proper training, I deduced that they would be as good as what they claim. But as to throwing statement as you do, I am sorry... I seriously don't feel you.


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Great to see images of the 1st 052D on sea trials...................but i'am somewhat confused!

Why?.............because it appears the 052D has been completed a great deal quicker than the 052C, and i'am not talking about the time to launching, but the outfitting of the vessels.

I mean 052C 4,5 & 6 are still not in service yet, though no.4 must be literally weeks away to be being commissioned. But the 052C's have taken an eternally long time to be outfitted and accepted into service.

What are want to know is why the 052D appears to of leapfrogged the 052C series in outfitting times, even though the 052D is apparently a more complex ship.

My conclusion is........that maybe the PLAN are not so hasty in introducing the 052C into the fleet as they know its capabilities, but the 052D is to be their main surface combatant of now, and they are keen to get them into sea trials a.s.a.p. to test them out!

Any thoughts anyone?

I would say because D1 is the first in its subclass, they probably want to have it in service ASAP to help shakedown the new systems, primarily the new main gun and VLS. While these systems have been tested at facilities and test ships, there is still plenty of useful info from operational use. So whatever lessons learned from D1 can be applied to D2-D5.

C3-C6 have all the experience from C1-C2 to draw upon.


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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

... Or maybe it will take an equally long time for PLAN to accept 052D into service as well.
I forget, have 052C 4, 5, 6 all gone to sea yet? If so, then I'd say 052D has not been completed quicker than 052C at all, because we should measure the entire time between launch and commissioning, not launch and sea trials.

they have all gone sea trials and 4 have been spending long period of time at Zhoushan naval base, but have just not joined yet. Until 052D joins service, there is no way we can assess the time from sea trial to commissioning until we have seen it all play out.