052/052B Class Destroyers


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

...Yes, and as discussed here today, the Chinese are not in a naval race to compete in numbers with the US, but to be the dominate force in the Asian seas..............or so the Chinese themselves say!

That would still mean the navy has to be large enough and sophisticated enough to take on the Japanese Navy, South Korean Navy, ROC Navy, the SEA navies, and perhaps the Indian Navy simultaneously. While the scenario is most unlikely, possessing the capability would qualify as the dominant force in the Asian seas. Of course, this is still excluding the USN's presence.

I think once most of the 056s planned are built, they sufficiently address the SEA navies challenge. But that still leaves some heavyweights like the Japanese Navy to contend with.


Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

That would still mean the navy has to be large enough and sophisticated enough to take on the Japanese Navy, South Korean Navy, ROC Navy, the SEA navies, and perhaps the Indian Navy simultaneously. While the scenario is most unlikely, possessing the capability would qualify as the dominant force in the Asian seas. Of course, this is still excluding the USN's presence.

I think once most of the 056s planned are built, they sufficiently address the SEA navies challenge. But that still leaves some heavyweights like the Japanese Navy to contend with.

It's not just Navy, it's an Air Sea Battle, if J20 is in service it can take down a lot of those P1 Japanese sub hunters and thus make the large quantity of Chinese subs deadly. The force multiplier of J20 if in service.

Japaneses are also weary of China JH7A Maritime strike platforms against its surface fleet.

Soon, China will have air superiority against Japan, Korea, and the likes with J20, J31, and SU35 and possibly JH7B.
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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

052D on trial:





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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I wonder if all sensors has been installed? Have they decided to get rid of the 'TV antenna' or is it just not installed yet?


Junior Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

It just amazes me how fast and how great China has become.

To put it this way. The indians started building their P-15A class DDG in 2003 and now 10 years, it is still not even close to begin sea trail. China on the other hand build the 052D in 2012, and now it already started sea trail.


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I wonder if all sensors has been installed? Have they decided to get rid of the 'TV antenna' or is it just not installed yet?

If she's put to sea then all things should've been installed, alas at most minus the RHIB boat or other stuff that's not fixed or needed in such case. The Type 517HA radar is still there.


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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

If she's put to sea then all things should've been installed, alas at most minus the RHIB boat or other stuff that's not fixed or needed in such case. The Type 517HA radar is still there.

... No the yagi antennae is definitely not installed.

I wonder if the shipyard decided to just put the ship out for initial sea trials because of installation issues.
But I can't imagine why that, out of all things, would be delayed, unless the ship actually won't be installed with Type 517, meaning A, the mast will remain empty, or B, a newer radar will replace it. Or maybe there's some very convoluted reason installation is delayed.


Lieutenant General
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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

It just amazes me how fast and how great China has become.

To put it this way. The indians started building their P-15A class DDG in 2003 and now 10 years, it is still not even close to begin sea trail. China on the other hand build the 052D in 2012, and now it already started sea trail.

To be fair, that comparison is rather unfair as India's naval shipbuilding is far from internationally competitive...

But the time from cutting steel to sea trials for recent chinese ships is indeed impressive. If only JNCX can get them in service faster too.