052/052B Class Destroyers


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

It just amazes me how fast and how great China has become.

To put it this way. The indians started building their P-15A class DDG in 2003 and now 10 years, it is still not even close to begin sea trail. China on the other hand build the 052D in 2012, and now it already started sea trail.

India ? ... please don't go there, no comparison really


Junior Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Great to see images of the 1st 052D on sea trials...................but i'am somewhat confused!

Why?.............because it appears the 052D has been completed a great deal quicker than the 052C, and i'am not talking about the time to launching, but the outfitting of the vessels.

I mean 052C 4,5 & 6 are still not in service yet, though no.4 must be literally weeks away to be being commissioned. But the 052C's have taken an eternally long time to be outfitted and accepted into service.

What are want to know is why the 052D appears to of leapfrogged the 052C series in outfitting times, even though the 052D is apparently a more complex ship.

My conclusion is........that maybe the PLAN are not so hasty in introducing the 052C into the fleet as they know its capabilities, but the 052D is to be their main surface combatant of now, and they are keen to get them into sea trials a.s.a.p. to test them out!

Any thoughts anyone?


Junior Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

The idea that China can built but can't operate efficiently is nothing but a sop to western anxiety over the fast paced of china's military advances.

I never believe it one bit. It not like 20 years that Chinese military recruit from peasant and working class background. With the economic windfall and expansion of tertiary education, the pool of intelligent recruit expand exponentially . Coupled with poor jobs prospect and prestige and security of joining the PLA or PLAN. increasingly China is succeeding in improving the quality of their recruits comfortable with computer and modern telecommunication.

Having more intelligent recruits mean easier to teach them to teach them the fine point of military operation. Training will be faster and easier

Don't forget the "Gamer Community" to recruit from. China has a lot of the world class Gamers in their midst and the pool of talented young Gamers is very, very big in China. The modern warfare has many similarities to computer Gaming and there is nothing to say against fast reactions and deft fingers.


Junior Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Don't forget the "Gamer Community" to recruit from. China has a lot of the world class Gamers in their midst and the pool of talented young Gamers is very, very big in China. The modern warfare has many similarities to computer Gaming and there is nothing to say against fast reactions and deft fingers.

... you're not serious, are you?


Junior Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Don't forget the "Gamer Community" to recruit from. China has a lot of the world class Gamers in their midst and the pool of talented young Gamers is very, very big in China. The modern warfare has many similarities to computer Gaming and there is nothing to say against fast reactions and deft fingers.

Eh?................true China has a lot of gamers.............but in the real world in the military its not fast fingers that count.........because its the computers on the ships that make the decisions!


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Don't forget the "Gamer Community" to recruit from. China has a lot of the world class Gamers in their midst and the pool of talented young Gamers is very, very big in China. The modern warfare has many similarities to computer Gaming and there is nothing to say against fast reactions and deft fingers.

That is the funniest thing I have ever heard. If what you say make a bit of sense then Singapore would have easily 250000 sailors and naval destroyers crew, so we can actually start a buying spree for hundreds of destroyers rather than stuck with a couple of frigates.

And US, having massive number of gamers should also do the same.


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

The idea that China can built but can't operate efficiently is nothing but a sop to western anxiety over the fast paced of china's military advances.

I never believe it one bit. It not like 20 years that Chinese military recruit from peasant and working class background. With the economic windfall and expansion of tertiary education, the pool of intelligent recruit expand exponentially . Coupled with poor jobs prospect and prestige and security of joining the PLA or PLAN. increasingly China is succeeding in improving the quality of their recruits comfortable with computer and modern telecommunication.

Having more intelligent recruits mean easier to teach them to teach them the fine point of military operation. Training will be faster and easier

Nothing in this world is permanent. empire come and go.It is like boxing championship, If you are on the top you are nowhere to go but down . but the challenger will keep arising one after another to replace you when the time come.

Past experience was never good predictor of the future. At the onset of Pacific war. Japan has the largest fleet of Carrier 10 if I am not wrong and has the most experience pilot and admiral. yet as the luck has it ,she missed the 4 US carrier because they were training out on the sea. The rest is history.

The same argument can be said of Wehrmact with their excellent Prussian officer corp and better quality weapons But the Russian weather and Russian grit and stubbornness stop it in their track

Never underestimate your foe .Home before Christmas anyone?
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Army was in full retreat

I am not saying that China is bend on expansion . She is not . But the moral of the story is, war is unpredictable

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The PLA began recruiting college graduates in 2001, with more than 130,000 college graduates serving as soldiers at the end of 2009. From 2009 to 2012, approximately 100,000 college students joined the military each year (China Daily, August 19). This represents perhaps a quarter to a third of all recruits, by this author’s rough estimate. The current emphasis is on increasing quality personnel by focusing on recruitment of college students and graduates. The State Council and CMC recently moved the start

Well... never did I say that the Chinese didn't have enough trained crews for her ships. I said that they don't just need to pump out the hardware, but must also ensure that their software could follow up and by software I mean crews. Of course I would expect that all the warship they have now or is building, enough crews will be allocated to each of these ships.

However only in recent years that China had invested more heavily in their Navy, so they need more time to train their people. It is not that just throw in billions of dollars and in a few weeks or months a fully trained crew will come out, it don't work that way, you need time to train no matter how talented the Chinese are.

Secondly, nobody doubt that the Chinese' recruits are growing in quality in recent years (or decades) and they had more college graduates joining different services of their military, but it doesn't cut down the time needed to get these graduates trained fully.

US on the other hand already had a pool of these peoples around, they are in the game much longer than the Chinese, and my point is simple, nobody should underestimate US, just the same that nobody should underestimate the growing China.

The same thing can be said of your mentioning of "never underestimate your foe"... and I will say that to China too... no matter how good they have become... "never underestimate your foe" be it the US, the west in general, the Indians, the Japanese or whoever... and I would even throw in Philippines for good measure.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

I think the calibre and professionalism shown by the Liaoning crew shows how well trained are the PLAN sailors

End of story