052/052B Class Destroyers


Junior Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

USAF0315 what exactly are you doing posting these already posted Type 056 pictures in Type 052 thread? Someone move them

someone asked this...

"..........and talking of future Destroyer builds...............what is Dalian upto?

Read rumours it was going to build future Destroyers, but apart from the carrier, this shipyard doesn't appear to be contributing much to the PLAN!"


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

someone asked this...

"..........and talking of future Destroyer builds...............what is Dalian upto?

Read rumours it was going to build future Destroyers, but apart from the carrier, this shipyard doesn't appear to be contributing much to the PLAN!"

From what I have heard, PLAN likes Jiangnan & Hudong built ships' quality, workmanship, system integration & after services. Huangpu is the second preference.


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

It is quite certain: 0ne of the 052D's will be Kunming




市双拥办介绍,近年来,在市委、市政府的领导下,昆明市双拥工作取得了丰硕成果,连续六年夺得“全国双拥模范城”桂冠,位居全国前列。(昆明日报 记者钱红兵)


Auto Translation:

usher in the Chinese People's Liberation Army 86 anniversary, Aug. 1, in the city of Kunming August 1 goodwill mission leaders Fang Xingguo, Qi Yonghong, Xi under the leadership went to Shanghai, visit condolences naval officers and brought the Kunming people's attention and concern. The build military activity in the Jiangnan Shipyard Group, conference room, during which municipal CW, garrison and naval detachment commissar Fang Xingguo exchanged a gift. Vice Mayor Li Xi delivered a warm speech. The two sides said they would borrow condolences activities, the activities of the military build firmly maintained. Municipal Office, Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, the city supports and other departments attended the condolence activities. City double-support office, in recent years, the municipal government under the leadership of Kunming support work has yielded fruitful results, for six consecutive years won the "National support model city" title, the highest in the country. (Kunming Daily Reporter Qian Hongbing) Source: Kunming Harbor


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer


Ya, that's very mature of you

With American and Japanese ELINT assets swarming all over Chinese waters, it's not hard to infer that they have a fairly good idea what the Chinese radars are capable of and they can most likely jam them in time of need.
On the other hand, you can almost count the number of ELINT aircrafts China has with two hands. I doubt China has a good handle on the other side's radars


Junior Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

someone asked this...

"..........and talking of future Destroyer builds...............what is Dalian upto?

Read rumours it was going to build future Destroyers, but apart from the carrier, this shipyard doesn't appear to be contributing much to the PLAN!"

The one bigger and bigger than another . They are totally different shipyards.:p


Junior Member
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Ya, that's very mature of you

With American and Japanese ELINT assets swarming all over Chinese waters, it's not hard to infer that they have a fairly good idea what the Chinese radars are capable of and they can most likely jam them in time of need.
On the other hand, you can almost count the number of ELINT aircrafts China has with two hands. I doubt China has a good handle on the other side's radars

Yes, I am quite sure that the JMSDF and the USN have a full and complete library of the electronic signatures, frequencies, modes, etc of the 052D's EWar suite, a class that has yet to be in service, and the 052C? Why, there are only 2 in service for the longest time and I am quite certain that they go to full war mode whenever a P-3C passes by, because it's not like AEGIS warships don't go all out on their full spectrum of capabilities of a morning on a random lark or anything. I mean, what else have they got to do to while away the long day?

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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Type75-construction (1).jpg

I don't know how latest this PIC is, however based on this PIC we can see the image of 052D 4 at upper right corner in hall 2.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Yes, I am quite sure that the JMSDF and the USN have a full and complete library of the electronic signatures, frequencies, modes, etc of the 052D's EWar suite, a class that has yet to be in service, and the 052C? Why, there are only 2 in service for the longest time and I am quite certain that they go to full war mode whenever a P-3C passes by, because it's not like AEGIS warships don't go all out on their full spectrum of capabilities of a morning on a random lark or anything. I mean, what else have they got to do to while away the long day?


uh, the radar and ESM on the 52D was tested on a test ship. How can they tell if a P3C is around if they don't turn on a radar if the plane is more than 100km away?


re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

Ya, that's very mature of you

With American and Japanese ELINT assets swarming all over Chinese waters, it's not hard to infer that they have a fairly good idea what the Chinese radars are capable of and they can most likely jam them in time of need.
On the other hand, you can almost count the number of ELINT aircrafts China has with two hands. I doubt China has a good handle on the other side's radars

I think you may need to forward your concern to the admirals and decision makers of China. Looks like they just wasted $250 billion worth of surface assets for nothing and their massive naval modernization in the past 2 decades moot.

If what you say is true (which it isn't), that would render every single ship in PLAN's entire inventory functionally useless and nothing more than a paperweight against JMSDF and USN.


Lieutenant General
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re: PLAN Type 052 Class Destroyer

an excellent photo of 052D with the various subsystems pointed out.

That 130mm gun is massive.

Can't find a pic without the arrows and labels yet though.


WRT US/Japanese ELINT... The natural maritime restrictions of China's coast and the west pacific means there will be more opportunities for the US/Japan to conduct ELINT on Chinese ships than vice versa, but that's assuming the PLAN don't test their electronics with some level of foresight to minimize leakage of useful intelligence. It certainly doesn't mean the future or current generation of radars should be immediately assumed as jammable.
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